Human Papillomavirus Infection(HPV Infection) Essay
Assignment-2 slides of power point only
1. U tube video link on power point
2. 2 Slides power point. only.
3. Pictures and be creative
4. Please use pathophysiology
5. Add pictures of diseases.
6. Samples of power point attached
- Keep it simple and make sure that the content that your are covering demonstrates to me that you understand the impact of the pathophysiological process that you are trying to educate your ‘patient about”. As a Nurse Practitioner you will on a daily basis be explaining complex diseases for your patients and it is imperative that you educate the patient with the underlying cause, outcomes and impact on their lives using the foundation pathophysiology as your guide.
BEFORE SUBMITTING the make absolutely certain that your that your work contains:
- Some information of interest about the disorder could historical facts
- A description of the manifestations of the disorder with an explanation as to the cause of these manifestations (MAKE SURE THAT YOUR EXPLANATION OF THE CAUSE OF THE MANIFESTATIONS IS PRESENTED USING PATHO TO EXPLAIN WHY!!!).
- A description of the abnormal diagnostic testing with a discussion of the causes of the abnormal test results (MAKE SURE THAT THE CAUSES OF THE ABNORMAL DIAGNOSTIC TESTING IS PRESENTED USING PATHO TO EXPLAIN WHY!!!)
A discussion of the treatment plan and/alternative therapies with potential expectations of the treatment plan etc.
- A discussion of the specific information patients who have the selected disorder need to know (make sure this is evidence-based information where applicable)
Human Papillomavirus Infection(HPV Infection) Essay