SOCI 4080 week 5 Social Responsibility Essay

SOCI 4080 week 5 Social Responsibility Essay

Week 5: Final Presentation

Your Final Presentation is an opportunity to synthesize what you have learned about your social change issue and share that information, along with proposed solutions, with your colleagues.


The Assignment
Through a PowerPoint presentation (a minimum of 10 slides, not including title page or references) or essay (3–5 pages, not including cover page or references), address key aspects of your social issue. Your Final Presentation must include the following elements:SOCI 4080 week 5 Social Responsibility Essay

• Introduction
• Summary of the problem
• Potential solutions
• Key actions that you as an individual can take
• Objectives/desired outcomes of each action
• Expected objectives for the immediate future and 5–10 years from now
• Conclusion

The following should be evident in the Final Presentation:
• Research (using sources to formulate the presentation)
• Explanation (articulating the issue or problem to be addressed)
• Analysis (looking at the connections between the facts and assumptions when discussing your issue)
• Stance (taking a definitive perspective and calling for specific goals)
• Understanding (acknowledging any counter perspectives or problems related to proposed solutions)
• Implementation (listing concrete steps—both personal and involving others—that might taken to solve the problem)
For both the PowerPoint presentation and essay format, be sure to support your statements with APA Style in-text citations.
To prepare to share your Final Project:
Upload your Final Presentation by Day 7 to the Final Project Presentation Forum by clicking on the Post to Final Presentation Forum link. Also, save your PowerPoint Presentation as a PDF file and submit it or your essay to the Project – Week 5 Turnitin by Day 7.SOCI 4080 week 5 Social Responsibility Essay
In order to receive full credit, all Assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Contact the Instructor area in the left navigation bar. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus. SOCI 4080 – Social Responsibility Essay SOCI 4080 week 5 Social Responsibility Essay