BIOL 2320 week 7 Nutritional Science Assignment Essay

BIOL 2320 week 7 Nutritional Science Assignment Essay

Instructor/Professor: Dr. Stephanie Fischer Daugherty
Office: BEP 104 Office phone: 903-566-7013
Office Hours: MW 8-9, T Th by appointment (email me!)
Email: [email protected]
Scheduled meeting times: Mondays & Wednesdays 2:40-4:00
Course Description:


This course will introduce non-Biology-major, health professions focused students to the
principles of Microbiology. Pre-requisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in
Intro to Chemistry is recommended, but not required.
Course Objectives:
1. Students will learn how genes control protein expression in living cells, and how
information flows from genes to mRNA to proteins.
2. Students will learn how enzymes function in the cell, and how enzymes control
metabolism and other traits in microbes
3. Students will learn the cellular characteristics of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and
will study viral infections, bacterial infections, fungal infections, and parasitic
4. Students will learn how antibiotics work to target specifically prokaryotes, and also
how enzymes in bacteria can confer resistance to antibiotics
5. Students will learn basics of the immune system, including the functions of fever,BIOL 2320 week 7 Nutritional Science Assignment Essay
antibodies, memory cells, and cytotoxic cells. Students will understand how
vaccines work to immunize individuals, and how herd immunity works to protect an
entire population.
6. Students will develop critical thinking skills, writing skills and discussion skills as they
do group discussions in class, and prepare essay answers using a scaffolded
learning system directed by the professor.
Course Textbook:
Recommended: Microbiology Fundamentals, A Clinical Approach by Marjorie Kelly
Cowan, 2nd edition.
Other editions will also work. Do NOT purchase additional “online learning” packages
from publisher.
There is an eTextbook version available from the publisher, you can try it out here:
It is about $100 for 180 day rental.
Other Resources: online resources and links to research papers will be distributed via
Canvas, Jupiter, or dropbox.
Students are expected to attend all lectures and discussions. Points are awarded for
attendance and participation in mandatory lectures and group discussions.
Points may or may not be awarded for a make up quiz for an unexcused absence at the
professor’s discretion, with consideration that quizzes are open for one week and
therefore illness on the due date is not truly an issue about an absence. Medical
absences or hardship absences extending over more than 2 quizzes (even if not
consecutive) mean no further make ups past the due date will be offered, unless the
problem has been documented through the university Student Accessibility Resources
office. Policy for entire semester is, if student misses an assignment and wants the
opportunity to make it up, student must create a semester planner with all due dates
entered for the semester, and show it to the professor (it may be electronic or on paper).
Once professor verifies planner, assignment will be reopened. This offer is only valid for
one assignment.
If a student misses a class or exam due to a documented emergency, a make up
assignment or exam will be determined by consultation with the professor. A make up
exam, if scheduled, will occur within one week of the student’s return to class. If a
student misses a class or exam without contacting the professor ahead of the start time
of the exam, no make up assignment or exam need be offered.
Examinations & Coursework:
Four exams will be given, focusing on lecture material, each worth 17% of the
final grade
Quizzes will be given online, for a total of 16% of the final grade
Quizzes will be given online over reading assigned from outside sources,
including peer reviewed science articles, comprising 8% of the final grade
Group Discussions and Mandatory Lectures will be done collectively on specified
class days for 8% of the final grade.BIOL 2320 week 7 Nutritional Science Assignment Essay
If a student misses a class or exam due to a documented emergency, a make up
assignment or exam will be determined by consultation with the professor. It a student
misses a class or exam without contacting the professor, no make up assignment or
exam need be offered.
Rules for exams: exams are given online, but in class (you must attend class to take the
exam), on either a laptop or an ipad tablet. The device on which you take the exam is
the only device that may be in the student’s possession (please put phones or other
devices in your bag). Smartwatches & headphones are not allowed during exams. Hats
and hoods will be removed during exams. If these rules are not followed, student will be
given a zero for the exam.
Canvas, Dropbox, and other online tools:
Digital information exchanges for this course will take place on the university Canvas
system and on additional online tools. The first day of class will introduce you to these
tools and how to access them BIOL 2320 – Nutritional Science Assignment Essay BIOL 2320 week 7 Nutritional Science Assignment Essay