NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay

NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay

Health promotion is the process of improving health status of a person and prevention of disease by enabling the person to take control of their health. It is not just the absence of disease (Maben, & Clark, 1995). Health promotion is commonly used term in health care world, and in current society the promotion of health has greater significance, especially with the rise in consumerism. Health promotion is a vital concept for nursing, symbolizing notions that nursing is related today. Nurses are being urged to take a health promotion role, and are deemed by others as an ideal role for them. It is therefore crucial that nurses cognize the meaning of health promotion and also what is expected from them by undertaking this role (Raphael, 1998).NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay


The significance of health promotion and disease prevention as a principal element of current national health care policy is emphasized in Healthy People 2020. Health promotion consists of all actions that encourage maximum spiritual, mental and physical functions despite of whether an individual is ill or well. Most of these plans are aimed at bringing positive lifestyle changes (Van Leuven, & Prion, 2007). A major core competency for all NPs is health promotion. Through regular screening, immunizations and counselling, NPs can guide their patients towards the goal of health promotion and disease prevention. As a future NP, my goal is to provide patient-centered, holistic care focusing on health promotion and sickness prevention. I also believe that an understanding of practice models like Pender’s Health Promotion Model will enable me to empower patients to obtain self-efficacy and behavior specific changes.

Health Promotion
Nurses play an important role in promoting health within the patient, family, and community (Kemppainen, Tassavainen, & Turunen, 2012). The focus of patient care has been transferred from treating the illness to disease prevention (Mchugh, Robinson, & Chesters, 2010). The implementation of consultation, education, and follow up exams can increase the overall quality of life for an individual (Kemppainen et al., 2012). I will discuss the various roles of a nurse in health promotion along with the multiple work environments in which they can be implemented within. I will also reveal the maintenance plan of my own personal health regimen.
The ability to be an educator, advocate, empowering agent, coordinator of care,…show more content…NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay
The new implementations should be individualized around the patient’s personal values and goals. A nurse should empower the patient when times are challenging and continue to consult with the patient throughout the plan of care. Health promotion can be accomplished in various environments. Schools can be utilized for education purposes. Films, brochures, lectures, and class discussions can be routes of teaching about nutrition, hygiene, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and abuse. Health departments can distribute pamphlets concerning the importance of vaccinations and preventive strategies against sexually transmitted diseases. Hospitals and medical clinics can conduct health fairs that offer free blood pressure evaluations and cholesterol screenings. They can also educate the public about the serious signs and symptoms of a heart attack, stroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. My personal health promotion consists of exercising, eating healthy, and asking for help when feeling stressed. My place of employment offers a discounted gym membership that I take advantage of with my other coworkers.

Health promotion and disease prevention programs focus on keeping people healthy. Health promotion programs aim to engage and empower individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors, and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities. Defined by the World Health Organization, health promotion is:NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay

“The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.”
Disease prevention differs from health promotion because it focuses on specific efforts aimed at reducing the development and severity of chronic diseases and other morbidities.

Wellness is related to health promotion and disease prevention. Wellness is described as the attitudes and active decisions made by an individual that contribute to positive health behaviors and outcomes.

Health promotion and disease prevention programs often address social determinants of health, which influence modifiable risk behaviors. Social determinants of health are the economic, social, cultural, and political conditions in which people are born, grow, and live that affect health status. Modifiable risk behaviors include, for example, tobacco use, poor eating habits, and lack of physical activity, which contribute to the development of chronic disease.

Typical activities for health promotion, disease prevention, and wellness programs include:

Communication: Raising awareness about healthy behaviors for the general public. Examples of communication strategies include public service announcements, health fairs, mass media campaigns, and newsletters.NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay
Education: Empowering behavior change and actions through increased knowledge. Examples of health education strategies include courses, trainings, and support groups.
Policy, Systems, and Environment: Making systematic changes – through improved laws, rules, and regulations (policy), functional organizational components (systems), and economic, social, or physical environment – to encourage, make available, and enable healthy choices.
Health promotion and disease prevention program models are provided in Module 2.

Resources to Learn More
Chronic Disease in Rural America Topic Guide
Provides information on the impact of chronic disease, strategies for helping chronic disease patients, and funding sources for chronic disease programs.
Organization(s): Rural Health Information Hub

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Provides information, statistics, tools, and resources related to health promotion and disease prevention program planning.
Organization(s): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better Health and Wellness
Provides information on the National Prevention Strategy – a comprehensive plan with evidence-based recommendations for building healthy and safe environments, expanding access to quality care, empowering people to make healthier choices, and eliminating health disparities.NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay
Organization(s): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Date: 6/2011

The Power of Prevention: Chronic Disease…the Public Health Challenge of the 21st Century
Covers chronic diseases, their causes, and their costs. Recommends strategies and actions for improving well-being, reducing health disparities, promoting policy, translation of research, and workforce development. NURS 6561-Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Essay