Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

Develop a health promotion plan, 2-3 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern within your community. Then, enlist the participation of a selected individual or group in an educational session about that health concern and associated health improvement strategies.


For this assessment, you will plan for and enlist the participation of an individual or group in a clinical learning activity based on a health promotion plan addressing a particular health concern affecting members of your community.Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

Professional Context
The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze health risks and health care needs among distinct populations.
Analyze a community health concern that is the focus of a health promotion plan.
Competency 2: Propose health promotion strategies to improve the health of populations.
Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.
Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Note: Assessment 1 must be completed first before you are able to submit Assessment 4.

The first step in any effective project or clinical patient encounter is planning. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to plan a clinical learning experience focused on health promotion associated with a specific community health concern. Such a plan defines the critical elements of who, what, when, where, and why that establish the foundation for an effective clinical learning experience for the participants. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding of how to plan and negotiate individual or group participation. This assessment MUST be satisfactorily completed to complete Assessment 4 (live face-to-face presentation of the plan). These assessments (Assessment 1 and 4) meet the three-hour clinical learning experience required in this course.

To prepare for the assessment, consider various health concerns that you would like to be the focus of your plan, the populations potentially affected by that concern, and individuals or groups in your community who may be willing to take part in a presentation about that concern and suggested strategies for health improvement.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

Consider inviting a community member or group to participate. Possible health concerns include, but are not limited to:Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

Medication reconciliation to prevent readmission.
Individual or family disaster preparedness.
Medication safety.
Home safety.
Depression management.
Fall prevention.
Pain management.
Heart disease prevention (high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure).
Tobacco use (vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, or smoking) cessation.
In addition, you are encouraged to:

Complete the Vila Health: Effective Interpersonal Communications simulation.
Review the health promotion plan assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Review the MacLeod article, “Making SMART Goals Smarter.”
Complete this assessment in two parts.

Part 1: Health Promotion Plan
Choose a specific health concern as the focus of your health promotion plan. Then, investigate your chosen concern and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence.
Identify populations potentially affected by this health concern. Determine what their related concerns may be and explain why addressing this health concern is important for health promotion.
Part 2: Individual or Group Activity Participant Recruitment
Identify an individual or group among the affected population who may be willing to participate in an educational session about your chosen health concern and associated health improvement strategies. Then, research and document their potential learning needs and health promotion goals. Participants may include individuals, groups, or other community members.
Contact the selected individual or group and secure their agreement to participate in the educational session.
Meet with the individual or group to describe the session and collaborate in setting expectations for session outcomes, establishing agreed-upon goals, and suggesting possible revisions to the plan.
Confirm, with the individual or group, a date and time for the educational session and document the name and contact information (e-mail or phone) of the individual or group representative.
Document Format and Length
Your health promotion plan should be 2–3 pages in length. In a separate section of the plan, identify any participants and be sure to include their contact information.Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

Supporting Evidence
Support your health promotion plan with peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources. Cite at least three credible sources.

Graded Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Analyze the health concern that is the focus of your health promotion plan.
Consider underlying assumptions and points of uncertainty in your analysis.
Explain why a health concern is important for health promotion within a specific population.
Examine current population health data.
Consider the factors that contribute to health, health disparities, and access to services.
Establish agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
Before submitting your assessment for grading, proofread it to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it difficult for them to focus on the substance of your plan.


Health promotion is an increasing concern for nations given the increasing health issues and diseases. The purpose of health promotion by international agencies and governments is to influence and develop the health behavior of individuals and communities through knowledge, attitudes, skills and behavior. It aims to improve the health status of individuals, families, communities and nations, enhancing quality of life and reducing premature deaths. But despite the continuing efforts, there are still huge differences in health status in individuals. The project carried out herewith highlights the socio economic influences on health, models of health promotion, factors influencing health promotion and a detailed plan project for health promotion campaign. It will also explain barriers for accessing health care and ways to remove it.Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay

1.1 Effects of socio economic influences on health
The differences in the socio economic status of individuals that occurs across nations, communities and states have significant impact on health performance. The main reasons are explained as follows –

Long term unemployment – Income and social status are positively related with good health. An individual who is able to earn livelihood for self and family is able to afford better health as compared with an individual who is unemployed for longer time. It is because unemployment leads to a situation of no income which is directly linked with affording health care benefits for self and family (Gayle, 2014).

Education – The higher the education status, the higher will be employment and health status. Low education levels are linked with poor health and low confidence due to lack of employment opportunities. A single parent, who does not have any certification of secondary education and has left school in mid way, holds the responsibility of two children cannot be expected to afford good health.

Middle class segment – The increasing cost of health care and other necessities have forced parents to work for long hours to afford the benefits for their children. But at the same time, when parents are busy with their jobs, children have to maintain their food and entertainment needs. This lifestyle is often unhealthy and can cause long term health issues (Campbell, 2011).

Often in practice, we as nurses deal with a variety of diseases and treatments and often have to react to the illness that the patient presents with upon our interaction. While this is an essential piece of our practice, we also have a duty to our patients to be proactive in preventing specific health-related consequences based on their risk factors and to promote their health and well being. Health promotion as it relates to nursing is about us empowering our patients to increase their control over their lives and well beings and includes: focusing on their health not just illness, empowering our patients, recognizing that health involves many dimensions and is also effected by factors outside of their control  Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay
The main concern that JB as well as this author identified as needing to be addressed to ensure JB’s health and well being for her and her children was the prevention of diabetes mellitus. JB’s genogram revealed that she had numerous family members on her mother’s side that suffered from the consequences of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Her maternal grandmother and four out of five of her grandmother’s children, including JB’s mother, acquired type 2 diabetes mellitus. JB was terrified during the interview because she also had a history of gestation diabetes with her last son and was not eating as nutritionous as she wanted to and did not exercise regularly despite having available resources. This author can understand her fear for developing diabetes as the literature indicates that it is the sixth leading cause of death and is cited as a global epidemic (Castro et al. Health Promotion Plan Assignment Essay