The Evolution of Nursing Essay

The Evolution of Nursing Essay

The Evolution of Nursing: Future Perspectives and Challenges


Nurses work together in many environments. Understanding the roles and responsibilities of each type of graduate nurse will foster cooperative relationships.The Evolution of Nursing Essay



Analyze a specialty that has evolved in a different direction from that of nursing advanced practice (e.g., administration, nursing education, health policy, and/or forensic nursing).
Appraise key differences in the evolution of this specialty as compared with other nursing advanced practice specialties?
Evaluate the future vision and goals of your chosen MSN role and relate to emerging healthcare trends and needs.
Investigate unique challenges in your state related to your chosen role that other nursing advanced practice colleagues should know about your role to promote cooperative relationships amongst the healthcare team.
Your paper must be presented in a single Word document. The paper must be between 3 to 4 pages in length, not including the title and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA formatting as directed in the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition, including title page, running head, and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper.The Evolution of Nursing Essay

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In today’s society, the medical field is constantly thriving with technological improvements and the growth of educated individuals that contribute to the well-being of others. Nurses make up the largest majority of the industry, and with that, nursing is the fastest growing occupation. Nursing is a job that allows people to not only take care of the sick but also to experience, learn, and further their interests of the human body. It is safe to say that nursing of the sick existed way back into ancient times. There are many major differences, however, from nursing of today and of the past. Ancient times revealed that nursing was not a “job” but an act of charity and so called kindness. The Evolution of Nursing Essay
Physicians and surgeons were critical of nurses that were more interested in the spiritual needs of a patient rather than the physical (Brestovansky). This might be because as people were dying, the Christian nurses would want to pray for their healing instead of perform surgery. It was the twentieth century when two-thousand hospitals were put up in the United States. After the wars ended, there were few nursing jobs because of the large number of nurses. As a result, nursing became an “honorable profession,” which required college degrees. Technological advances were well thought out and processed as nursing began to thrive. People began to study an environment in which the sick healed. Scientists and doctors developed a routine that would help them study the human body more precisely. Both, doctors and scientists experimented with what they called the “germ theory.” The theory explained the causes of diseases, and people would then be focused on prevention methods.The Evolution of Nursing Essay

Nursing is one of the oldest professions. It isn’t a static occupation, as it has changed frequently over time. Its development and evolution has changed differently depending on the historical influences. As of today the nursing profession is changing and becoming larger and greater. Nursing has gone from being a career that did not require an education, to being one that is very respected and demands a high education.
The first nurses were usually women of the community who were often paid to take care of the sick. The most popular nurses were wet nurses who were women who was ready to have a child, a woman who had a child that didn’t survive birth, or who could feed more that one child. All nurses at this time would work at someones house because there was no such thing as a hospital until 1751, but even then people didn’t think of them as a good and safe place to go.The Evolution of Nursing Essay
During the Civil War they really worked towards building more hospitals and it drove the nursing profession to grow and have a large demand for nurses, but they were more like volunteers, such as wives or mistresses who were following their soldier men. Being a war nursing at that time was seen as a job for the lower class and no “respectable” woman could be seen in a military hospital. During the Civil War Phoebe Levy Pember, a young widow, went north to the confederate capital of Richmond. She eventually ran the world’s largest hospital, where on an average day she would supervise the treatment of 15,000 patients who were cared for by nearly 300 slave women. The war then led to a greater respect for nurses which was noticed by Congress. The Evolution of Nursing Essay