Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay

Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay

K.N. is a 24-year-old woman who presents to the family practice
clinic complaining of sudden urgency to urinate, back pain,
frequent urination, and pain with urination. Symptoms began
approximately 48 hours ago.
She awoke from sleep with urgency and suprapubic discomfort 2


nights ago.
Her urine now has a strong odor and a cloudy appearance.
She has an allergy to Bactrim.
1. What are some appropriate questions to ask the patient?
2. What are three differential diagnoses for the patient?
3. What physical examination would you perform?
4. What diagnostics would you include?
5. Create an evidenced-based plan of care. Include
pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
Urine dipstick results:
Color, dark yellow, specific gravity 1.035, ph 5.5,
protein (-), Ketones (-), Bilirubin (-), Trace blood,
Leukoesterase (+), Nitrites (+), Urobilinogen (-)Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay
Minimum: 250+- words
Content must be substantive, qualitative and answer the discussion board questions.
Do not add sentences/paragraph which has no relevancy to your discussion board
questions as listed above. Do not re-ask the questions and reference list doesn’t count
for word count.
All discussion (as listed above items, 1-5) items must be clearly identifiable – no tangling
back and forth. Must meet all rubrics and must meet APA requirements!
A cover page includes Name, title, date, name of the professor. This applies to all
assignments submitted, must meet APA requirements.
Must have minimum of 4 sources from these categories:
This is graduate school. I expect graduate-level work and professionalism, as we are all
professional nurses. The minimalist approach will not be tolerated and I will not accept
a sub-par assignment. You will receive a zero without an option to resubmit.
Do not add sentences/paragraph which has no relevancy to your case studies – be
specific – need to be qualitative – these papers are very specific so you need to
explain specific guidelines
(Does not re-ask the questions and reference list doesn’t count for page/word count
Do not do OVER-QUOTING)Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay
DOT (.)com sites are not accepted in this course.
Up-to-date, e-Medicine, Medscape, ePocrates, Web-MD, hospital-based publications
(Mayo, John’s Hopkins, etc.), the encyclopedia and the dictionary are not to be used
as references. I add to this section every term as someone always surprises me with
APA 6th edition is the expectation and I do check references. Do not plagiarize. I also
use a web-based plagiarism tool if I suspect work that is not original. If I have a high
suspicion, I will use Turn It In account, which is then part of the national plagiarism
database of thousands of documents. For this course, I expect a similarity level of 0%-
10% or less.
You may be asked to submit your research journal/documents which you have used for
A graduate student should be able to write cohesive sentences using standard
English. Grammar, punctuation and APA rules should be followed. No dangling
participles or split infinitives, ladies and gentlemen! Sloppy work will not be tolerated
and will be returned with a grade of 0.
Be sure to spell-check and proofread your work before turning in the final product. Just
because the rubric doesn’t require me to assess a score, I will use my professional
(You already have this book)Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay
My notes to you:
All students are required to write according to the assigned topics and they must reply
to peer’s INITIAL POST and reply topic must be different.
As you can see that he wants answer to specific rubrics.
Please make sure that we meet all requirements as well as where to get the
sources/references as described above. They want sources (4 of them) from specific
places; we need to make sure that, we do have to meet those criteria!

Questions to ask the Patient
One of the questions to ask the patient is whether she has diabetes. Frequent urination with sudden onset especially early in the morning is one of the symptoms of diabetes. It would also be necessary to ascertain whether the patient had recently been on antibiotics since antibiotics have the tendency of disrupting the normal flora of body resulting to symptoms of urinary tract infections (Flores-Mireles, et al., 2015). Basing on the patient’s age, it would be necessary to ask her if she is sexually active. This will include information on sexual practices, the number of sex partners and whether she uses protection during sex. With this information, it would be easier to ascertain the chances of a sexually transmitted infection.
Similarly, the patient should be asked if she had recently had a sexually transmitted illness and if she took a full course of medications. The patient should also be asked if she had recently been catheterized or had a neurogenic bladder. Associated symptoms of nausea, dyspareunia, hematuria and a foul smelling vaginal discharge should be asked (Flores-Mireles, et al., 2015). The backpain and pain in urination should be expanded on to include the relieving and aggravating factors, nature, approximate period and other associated symptoms.
Potential Differential Diagnoses,
As suggested by Aydin, et al., (2015), the most potential three differential diagnoses for this patient are: acute pyelonephritis, urethritis and non-bacterial cystitis.Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay
Physical Exam
In the physical examination, I would look for signs of dehydration as evidenced by dry mucous membranes. An abdominal-pelvic exam would also be necessary to elicit suprapubic tenderness. A physical exam would also help to ascertain the presence or absence of vaginal discharge (Flores-Mireles, et al., 2015).
The diagnostics that would be included are: urinalysis to ascertain the likelihood of a urinary tract infection, urine culture to know the exact bacteria that causes the infection. It would also be helpful to do a pelvic x-ray which would help to detect any abnormalities in the urinary tract and issues in emptying the bladder (Tonolini, 2018).
Plan of care
• This will involve pharmacological and non-pharmacologic treatments.
• For pharmacologic treatment, the drugs which will be used include: quinolones like ciprofloxacin, cephalexin or nitrofurantoin for the duration of five days (Mody & Juthani-Mehta, 2014).
• Non-pharmacological treatments will support healing such as
• Taking a lot of water to dilute urine and flush out the bacteria,
• Avoiding drinks that are likely to irritate the bladder such as alcohol and coffee.
• Using a warm heating pad on the abdomen to reduce discomfort and pressure from the bladder.Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay

Mody, L., & Juthani-Mehta, M. (2014). Urinary tract infections in older women: a clinical
review. Jama, 311(8), 844-854.
Aydin, A., Ahmed, K., Zaman, I., Khan, M. S., & Dasgupta, P. (2015). Recurrent urinary tract
infections in women. International urogynecology journal, 26(6), 795-804.
Flores-Mireles, A. L., Walker, J. N., Caparon, M., & Hultgren, S. J. (2015). Urinary tract
infections: epidemiology, mechanisms of infection and treatment options. Nature reviews microbiology, 13(5), 269.
Tonolini, M. (2018). Introduction. In Imaging and Intervention in Urinary Tract Infections and
Urosepsis (pp. 3-6). Springer, Cham. Renal Disease And Men’s Health Issues Essay


Renal Disease and Mens Health Issues