Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay

Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay

Attend a committee meeting in your health care organization. If you are not currently employed in a health care setting, you may elect to attend a committee meeting at another company, a community center, a local school, local chamber of commerce or other professional organization.Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay


Observe the interactions between committee members and the process used by the committee to arrive at decisions.

In 500-750 words, describe the function of the committee and the roles of those in attendance. Describe your observations of the interactions between members of the committee and determine whether the process used to arrive at decisions is a form of shared governance.

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For more than a decade, healthcare organizations look forward to achieving organizational growth in different aspects whilst still achieving productivity. This is based on the fact that, most healthcare organizations are today managed by committees which can either be appointed or elected. Hospital committees have promoted the achievement of organizational goals and continue to serve as effective channels for management. This paper is a reflection of the observations made in a hospital committee meeting that I attended. The committees’ functions, roles of those who were in attendance and an explanation on how members interacted will be discussed. A brief analysis of the processes used to for final decision making in the form of shared governance will also be provided.Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay
Function of the Committee
The hospital committee that I attended performed different functions as follows. It advised the hospital management board on issues regarding clinical care and ensured that all the legal and regulatory requirements were adequately met for the hospital to operate smoothly. Its other role was to ensure the entire healthcare system of the healthcare organization ran efficiently by adequately addressing issues amongst staff members and any complaints raised by patients (Crow, Albright & Koebele, 2019). In other instances, the hospital committee is the one that determines the hospital’s annual budget and advises the management accordingly. Lastly, it designed safety guidelines that were used by hospital staff and patients to uphold safety within the hospital environment to maintain a favorable work environment.
Roles of Those In Attendance
The committee consisted of a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, a treasurer, a secretary and members. The members comprised of three departmental heads of the various units within the hospital. The chair’s role was to direct the committee, to chair all the meetings, prepare meeting agendas, to review and approve minutes and establish sub-committees (Crow, Albright & Koebele, 2019). The vice-chairperson deputized the chair when in absensure. The treasurer oversaw the management of finances, reconciled bank statements and managed cash flow. The secretary supported the chair by ensuring that the committee functioned smoothly by writing minutes and maintaining administration records.
Observations on the Interactions betwe Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay en Committee Members
All the members were punctual for the meeting which started with a word of prayer from a volunteer. The primary agenda of the day’s meeting was to discuss the hospitals performance with regards to infection control and if the previously implemented quality improvement measures were effective in obtaining set performance standards. The committee was looking for ways of improving health outcomes and minimize on operational costs which are incurred from hospital acquired infections (Crow, Albright & Koebele, 2019). The hospital’s quality improvement a departmental head was in attendance as one of the members alongside the public health manager who had officially been invited by the chair. The committee members practiced turn taking and each member who had input was given a time limit of 10 minutes by the chair as the secretary noted them down. This was evident enough to indicate that all decisions made were in the form of shared governance and in the best interest of all hospital stakeholders (Amsler, 2016).

Amsler, L. B. (2016). Collaborative governance: integrating management, politics, and law. Public Administration Review, 76(5), 700-711.
Crow, D. A., Albright, E. A., & Koebele, E. A. (2019). Stakeholder Participation and Strategy in Rulemaking: A Comparative Analysis. State Politics & Policy Quarterly, 1532440018821655.Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay

The global nursing shortage has prompted health care systems to seek new strategies to attract and retain nurses. The growing evidence points to the shared governance model of management are as a possible strategy to improve productivity, nurse job satisfaction and nurse retention. There are different models of shared governance, but a clear relationship exists between nurse practice environment and higher retention rates. Research found long hours, and unsupportive practice…show more content…

Shared governance grew in popularity because of nurses’ dissatisfaction with hospitals administration but waned in interest in the 90’s. Shared governance has suffered from a variety of names and interpretations and although these definitions differ in their depth, common words like autonomy and empowerment and collaboration always arise. Shared governance is a professional model for nurse management which leads to nurse autonomy, empowerment, job satisfaction and improved patient outcomes. Research show nurses want a professional, autonomous environment for practice that recognizes the value of its nurses, and allow greater control over the practice environment. Proximity to job and monetary gain was listed as less important. Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay Administrators utilize this form of management to enhance recruitment of professional nurses, maintain a stable professional, workforce that deliver safe effective cost conscious care. Some nurses will argue shared governance is just a organizational model of management, and “various factors lead to turnover, including excessive physical and psychological demands, unsupportive environments and long shift work” (Trinkoff, Johantgen, Liang, Gurses, Storr, Hopkinson, Han, 2010 p. 309). Discussion The councilor model is used by Magnet Hospitals and it is the most popular. Hospitals do not have to be Magnet to have this shared governance structure. The main tenets of this structure is charters that have an

In a simple definition, shared governance is one of the most innovative and idealistic of organization structures, was developed in the mid-1980s as an alternative to the traditional bureaucratic organization structure (Huston & Marquis, 2004). Shared governance is based on the principals of equity, accountability, ownership, and partnership. This process of management allows each healthcare worker to have a voice in the decision-making and encourage input that will help grow the business and healthcare missions of the organization. In all, it makes each healthcare employee feel as if they are involved with a personal part in the success of the organization. The more employees who are satisfied with their jobs take their job description more serious, which then will lead to better patient outcomes. Therefore, the organization, employees, patients, and communities all benefit from shared governance.Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay

The four principles of shared governance are equity, accountability, ownership, and partnership. Equity is a method used for incorporating staff roles and relationships into structures and processes to accomplish positive patient outcomes. Equity is a foundation that focuses on services, staff, and patients and is essential to providing safe and effective care. Accountability is a willingness to invest in a decision-making process. It is often used interchangeable with responsibility. It supports partnerships and is protected as staff produce positive outcomes. Ownership is the recognition and acceptance of the importance of everyone’s work. It requires all the staff members to commit to contribute to work. Partnership links patients and healthcare providers along to each point in the system. It is a necessity to building relationships and involving members in the decisions. This principle is critical to the healthcare system’s effectiveness. Patients are no longer satisfied with directive care, they also want, equity, accountability, ownership and partnership.

There are many benefits and challenges to shared governance. A strategy either enhances access to information, access to resources, support for the work, opportunity to develop, or a combination of these (Hutchison & Moore, 2007). A fundamental belief behind shared governance is that staff nurses at every level in the organization should govern their practice and be included in decisions that affect their practice. (Caramanica, 2004). A nurse is the primary employee who does the work and connect the organization to the recipient of its service. On the other hand, nurse managers are ideally positioned to create positive work conditions that nurture a sense of empowerment. (Hutchison & Moore, 2007). Leadership is a quality that can be a forefront to staff to increase the organization. Nurse Managers in health care organizations that employ this type of governance demonstrate a concern for both the tasks to be accomplished and the cultivation of quality partnerships among staff; they believe both are necessary for the delivery of excellent patient care and services. (Caramanica, 2004). In shared governance, a manager is accountable for patient care delivery in their area of responsibility. In that patient care area, the nurse manager is responsible for setting the direction, looking at past results, and evaluating outcomes. While it is the manager’s role to collect the necessary resources required by nursing staff, the staff nurses must use their authority and responsibility to determine what care to provide and how to provide that care to patients.Shared Governance in A Healthcare Organization Essay

Collaborative Decision Making Through Shared Governance