Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

Gerontological Health

Question Description

Gerontological Health – Nursing in United Stated

Place name on top left or right corner of paper
No single word responses
At least 50+ words in each response to questions.
Give questions some thought and answer honestly and sincerely
Give examples to explain what you mean
What do you feel is a typically older adult? (1 point)
Imagine yourself at 80 years of age. What do you think you will be like? (1 point)
What do you feel you will like best about becoming an older adult? (1 point)Gerontological Health Assignment Essay
Examine your current life style. Are you engaging in behaviors that will support and encourage healthy aging? (1 point)
What are your fears regarding you own aging process? (1 point)Gerontological Health Assignment Essay
Think about some older adults you know or may have known that aged successfully. What are some characteristics that have contributed to healthy aging? (1 point)
What physical, behavioral, social and spiritual changes would you see in yourself as you age? (2 points)
What does Geriatrics mean for you as a nurse? (2 point


You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.
Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument. Gerontological Health

Geriatric Nursing Geriatric nursing is a heartfelt profession which allows you to connect with the patients. Gerontology is an nurse who works in the field of geriatrics that focuses on caring for older adults. This career is highly recommended because older people are most likely to require health services. Most hospitals have patients at the age over 65, and only 1% of the nurses are certified in geriatrics. Geriatric nurses are educated to understand and treat physical and mental health needs of older adults. They help and assist with the mental and physical changes occurring in their time. Geriatric nurses help older adults for them to be independent and active as long as possible. Geriatric nurses are to provide disease…show more content…
A caregiver gives direct hands on older adults in primary care. The nurse should be educated about disease processes. They should have knowledge of risk factors, signs, and symptoms, usual medical, rehabilitation, and end-of-life care. Show an understanding of progress in aging in planning and providing health care for patients. Another important role is teaching, they focus their teaching on risk factors and health promotion. Nurses have a responsibility to educate the older adult population about ways to decrease the risk of certain disorders. Geriatric nursing act as managers during their everyday practice. Gerontological Health Assignment Essay Engage in counseling, communication, collaboration and teaching in a manner and reflects caring, advocacy, ethics, and professional standards. The nurses balance out their concerns with the patient, family, nursing and the rest of the team of nurses. Nurses have to be skilled in leadership, time management, building relationship, communication, and managing change. Advocacy help nurses explain medical or nursing procedures to families on a unit level, and helping to choose the right nursing home for their loved one (Pierre, “Gerontological Nursing”). Less than 1% of nurses in the United States are certified in geriatric nursing. More than 50% of the patients that are cared for are older adults. The post-WWII “Baby Boomer” generation is just now entering retirement age. According to the United States Census, by the year

Wk 1: Gerontological Nursing

Young-Shin Lee, PhD, RN
School of Nursing
San Diego State University


Learning Objectives

Examine the history of gerontological nursing.
Discuss the nurse’s role in caring for older adults.
Identify educational preparation and certification requirement for gerontological nurse generalist and specialist. Related course objectives: 1.1~1.4


**Gerontological Nursing

Gerontology: study of aging; a branch of science that deals with the aging population and problems of aging people; multidisciplinary  Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

Geriatrics: focuses on medicine, deals with diseases, disabilities of old people

Gerontological Nursing: core of aging people and emphasizes the promotion of the hiquest quality of life and wellness including social, emotioan andmental aspectrs

Growth of Gerontological Nursing

18C: Florence Nightingale period

1904: First article in AJN – “Care of Aged”

1950: First gerontological nursing text –
“Geriatric Nursing” (K. Newton)


Growth of Gerontological Nursing (Cont)

1970: ANA standards of gerontological nursing practice

1973: Certification in gerontological nursing

1976: ANA renames to “Gerontological Nursing”

1976: Published Standards of gerontological nursing

1984: National Gerontological Nursing Association

1989: ANA offered Gerontological Clinical Specialist.


Core Elements of
Gerontological Nursing Practice

Evidence-based practice:

Standards for nursing practice:

Based on research
Systematic analysis

Used to guide and evaluate nursing practice
ANA standards and scope


Scientific data regarding theories
Biological and social sciences
Guides care for gerontological nursing

ANCC* Guidelines for the Scope of Practice of the Gerontological Nurse  Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

Specialize in care and the health needs of older adults 

Plan, manage, and implement healthcare
Evaluate effectiveness
Identify and use the strengths of older adults
Assist in maximizing independence
Actively involve older adults and family in decision making

* ANCC: American Nurses Credentialing Center
Source: ANA(2001). Scope and standards of gerontological nursing practice. Washington, DC.: American Nurses

ANA Standards of Gerontological Nursing

Professional Gerontological Nursing Performance

Quality of care
Performance appraisal
Resource utilization

Source: ANA(2001). Scope and standards of gerontological nursing practice.
Washington, DC.

Certification at the Basic Level (Generalist)

Associate or baccalaureate degree in nursing

Current RN

Practiced the equivalent of 2 years full time as an RN

Minimum of 2,000 hours of clinical practice in the specialty area within the past 3 years

Completed 30 hours of CE in gerontological nursing within the last 3 years (2008~)

Indicate certification with the initials RN-BC (Board


Certification at the Advanced Practice Level
(Nurse Specialist)

Clinical nurse specialists (CNS) and nurse practitioners (NP) with Master’s degree
Certified as gerontological specialists  Gerontological Health Assignment Essay

Indicate certification with the credentials of APRNBC (board certified)


Nurse’s Role in Caring for Older Adults:


Direct care providers
Case managers
Nurse leaders
Patient advocates


Nurse’s Role in Caring for Older Adults:
Advanced practice gerontological nurses

Primary care providers focus on

Health promotion
Disease prevention
Long-term management of chronic conditions

Complex clinical problem-solving
Improvement in quality of care
Reduction in cost of care
Acute care: reduction in complications, length of stay, and need for readmission  Gerontological Health Assignment Essay