Professional Development Exercises Essay

Professional Development Exercises Essay

Professional Development Exercises :

Describe why there is such a struggle when addressing end-of-life issues
What are the differences between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide?
Discuss the controversy that can occur when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality.
Describe the distinctions among wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful conception. Discuss the moral dilemmas of these concepts
Discuss the arguments for and against partial birth abortions
Discuss why there is controversy over genetic markers and stem cell research
Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission Professional Development Exercises Essay


Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments).

Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question.

Nurses today face many knowledge gaps in providing safe and efficient patient care. With higher patient acuities, more complex chronic care populations, and new technology surfacing every day, one way to help nurses adapt seamlessly to new practices is to provide thoughtfully planned out education. This education needs to be supported with data and examples of how change can improve practice, patient outcomes, and patient safety.Professional Development Exercises Essay

Book cover of Staff Educator’s Guide to Professional Development Hopefully we have convinced you that using the ADDIE model as a guide for developing educational activities is a must. After examining the results (likely from multiple sources) in the Analysis phase, learning activities are designed and developed. The American Nurses Credentialing Center states that identifying learning needs through data collection is crucial to the preplanning of any learning activity (ANCC, 2014). The following steps demonstrate how the ANCC organizes this pre-implementation work:
Review available data sources (qualitative and quantitative) that can assist in preparing the needs assessment.
Conduct a needs assessment to identify the gap or verify a known gap in knowledge, skill, or attitude (behavior).
Design and develop the learning activity based upon the results of the needs assessment.
Performing these steps consistently will not only lay a solid foundation for a successful learning activity, but also prepare you to share the rationale for the activity with learners and other stakeholders.Professional Development Exercises Essay

When a knowledge gap has been identified, staff educators must be sure to incorporate the rationale behind the need for education into the learning activity itself. Adult learners link knowledge with past experiences and are problem centered. As a result, in order for learners to “buy into” or integrate new knowledge into current practice, they must find value in the identified knowledge gap. By showing the data used to help identify the gap as part of the learning activity, the educator is providing the learners with rationale for why content was designed and developed to close the gap. The educator desires that the learner values the education in order to apply the new knowledge, skill, and attitude into daily practice. Ways to provide the rationale for education include:Professional Development Exercises Essay

Use the data to market the upcoming activity. Disseminate the pre-education data findings, and the goal for post-education findings.
Include pieces of data in the content itself.
Demonstrate how the data is connected with patient outcomes.
Sometimes, the rationale for requiring learners to complete a learning activity is as simple as including a one-sentence statement with the activity’s announcement. For example, completing yearly Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Disaster Preparedness Review to meet The Joint Commission (TJC) requirements doesn’t necessitate a lengthy rationale because this is a requirement to maintain compliance with a regulatory body. The rationale could be as simple as “Complete for OSHA/TJC yearly required education/review.” Other times (especially if the activity is time-consuming or in other ways burdensome), you might need to describe the need to complete this activity as it relates to patient care. For example, if there is an issue on the unit with increased pressure ulcer rates, you could describe downward trends in a performance improvement monitor (like pressure ulcer prevention compliance) and how this affects patient outcomes.Professional Development Exercises Essay


Let’s say you just asked learners to complete a newly developed learning activity for preventing pressure ulcers. In response, one of the experienced nurses in your area shows her resistance by making a comment like, “I have done at least a hundred education modules in my career on pressure ulcers, and I think I know how to do this by now.” Although there are a couple options for dealing with this scenario (including an assessment of the staff member’s attitude and the need to consider whether other work environment factors could be bothering this person), when it comes to explaining a rationale you could try the following statements:Professional Development Exercises Essay

If quality indicators had identified practice gaps—“If I could show you our pressure ulcer rates over the last few audits, you’ll see we have had an increase in trends. We are trying several interventions, and we want to be certain that all of our staff members are aware of the current policies and procedures on these interventions. Will you help us with these efforts?”
If staff interviews had identified that several nurses were unfamiliar with the guidelines—“We checked in with staff members in our most recent staff meeting, and there seemed to be a high level of concern regarding everyone’s comfort level with what is and isn’t found in the prevention guidelines. Although it seemed like the greatest concern was among those who haven’t been working in the unit a very long time, we weren’t sure where to make a cut-off of who should and shouldn’t complete the activity. If you feel pretty comfortable with the guidelines, would you be willing to help us out by serving as a unit resource for inexperienced staff members?”
One external source that highlights the importance of many learning activities is within the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies. As many new nurse learners will be familiar with (and the experienced learners can begin to understand from where the millennials are gathering their ideas in academia), QSEN and another more recent initiative, the Campaign for Action, highlight the need for transforming healthcare delivery.Professional Development Exercises Essay

To illustrate how this helps with understanding the why of a learning activity, let’s say there is a need to provide a repeated learning activity for a documentation issue. Cronenwett et al. (2007) in Nursing Outlook is the basis for the work QSEN developed regarding the knowledge, skill, and attitudes the learner requires to document successfully. If you were to review the QSEN competency on informatics, for example, you would find informatics to be defined as using “information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making” (Cronenwett et al., 2007). The nursing professional would need to employ the following skills:Professional Development Exercises Essay

Navigate the electronic medical record (EMR).
Document and plan patient care in an EMR.
Employ communication technologies to coordinate care for patients.
Understand the EMR serves as the legal document of care provided.
For staff educators, reinforcing the knowledge nurse learners should already have is always an important piece of assisting them in integrating additional knowledge. For example, a learning activity is developed for a central venous catheter dressing change procedural guideline. By reinforcing each step of the dressing change procedure in the development of the learning activity, nurse learners can identify steps that they may have not been following during patient care and focus on incorporating these missed steps into their practice. Professional Development Exercises Essay