Reproductive Health Bill Essay.

Reproductive Health Bill Essay.


The Reproductive Health Bill was first proposed in 1998 by Edcel Lagman of Albay. The said bill aims to improve and promote all methods of family planning, both natural and modern, to help our country’s dilemma regarding the continued growth of our population. The RH Bill gives information to family planning. It will improve maternal, infant and child health and nutrition. It promotes breast feeding. Then abortion will remain illegal and it is punishable by law but post-abortion complications will be given medical aid. It also contains prevention of reproductive tract infections like HIV/AIDS, STD, etc; treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers, and prevention and treatment of infertility.Reproductive Health Bill Essay.


It has elimination of violence against women and also education of sexuality and reproductive health. It includes male involvement and participation in the reproductive health and lastly education of reproductive health for the youth. For several reasons this bill has been an issue in our country for years. It has its pros and cons. Some say it is advantageous because it will really help in the country’s problem, the never ending growth of population that eventually leads to the country’s unchanging state of poverty.

Some say it is a no no because of its very ill effects, immorality and sinful act. While, others have no idea what it is nor have any concern about what is happening around them which is really unfortunate. So the researchers thought of conducting a research concerning the thoughts and opinions of the youth about this bill. The youth’s perceptions are important, so are their awareness. Their awareness is a primary concern because they are the future generation. They should be aware of the things going around their environment in order for them to help and participate in developing the country’s economy into a better one. Their views and points may help the society after all.Reproductive Health Bill Essay.