How to write a reaction paper nursing assignment

How to write a reaction paper nursing assignment

Also known as a response paper, a reaction paper expresses your thoughts and opinions
about a book, article or abstract. It is divided into two sections. The first section contains a summary of the work you are reacting to and the second part has your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. When writing a reaction paper, it is essential to consider the instructions from the instructor.


Begin your paper with the introduction. The introduction has the name of the book, title of the book and other additional information such as publication house and publication date. This part contains a summary of the main points contained in the book. You can quote two or three sentences from the original work to stress
it. The introduction is important as it depicts your understanding of the book.
Do not neglect any important points. How to write a reaction paper nursing assignment

The second part is the body of your work. It has your points of view and analysis of the book. Each main point should be the topic sentence followed by supporting points and ideas. You can also cite other sources. When doing your analysis consider how the original work is related to your experiences, feelings, and ideas. How the content is related to the modern world or topics and courses you discussed in class. You can give your point of view based on the three. Give examples to support your argument, for instance, I find this book interesting because it shares some experiences that I have passed through. Honesty indeed plays a vital role in relationships. I remember this particular occasion I lied to my friend and this jeopardized our relationship.

The conclusion should be brief and clear. Analyze the main points in your work. Also, include whether you would recommend other people to read the book or not and give an explanation as to why. The final part should have the citations of the materials used in your work. After you are done, edit to ensure it is grammatically correct.

When writing your reaction paper, there are several factors that you should consider. First, your work should be coherent. Use transitions to transition from one paragraph or point to another. Secondly, organize your work well start with the analysis of the book followed by your opinions and the conclusion. Also, proofread your
work to ensure your sentences are complete and there are no punctuation errors.
Finally, be accurate and use examples and theories to back up your ideas.

How to write a reaction paper nursing assignment