Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
The research involves the study of whether music therapy is an effective in improving social skills in autistic children. The research has introduction section, method section, result section and discussion section. I used different data collecting instruments like questionnaires, interviewing, observation, sampling, randomized control study, secondary data sources, parent child music therapy and proforma registration. On all results obtained it showed that music therapy is effective in improving social skills of autistic children.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Background of the study
Autistic refers to complex development disability that shows up in children during the first three years of life affecting a child ability to interact and communicate with others. This condition has been observed in many children in the world with many treatment mechanism employed on autistic children to improve their interaction and communication skills improvisational music therapy has been recommended by many research as effective in improving the social skills of autistic children.
The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of this theory (Baker, Tamplin & Kennelly, 2006). Because music is engaging and motivating it can be used as a natural reinforce for desired responses. Music therapy is an established technique that uses music interactions to aid individuals with emotional and cognitive challenges improve their ability to function.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Through interaction with autistic children, music therapist builds skills, develops communication skills and lower anxiety in children. Music aids people with autism improve social skills, communication skills, sensory issues, perceptual/motor skills, behavior, cognition and self-reliance. Music therapist uses music that rhymes with particular person’s condition hence building trust and creating relationship with individuals involved.
These have been suggested by previous researches on effects of music therapy on social skills of autistic children. In this study, I wanted to confirm the effectiveness of these by imploring use of improvisational music therapy model, parent-child music therapy, individual music therapy sessions, and use of randomized control study by single subject comparison design and paying attention to methodological factors and variables that may have contributed to inconsistencies in the previous research (MacDonald, Kreutz & Mitchell, 2012).Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
The study involved working on school settings on a child individual education plan on autistic children, study on Medicaid waivers services behavioral analysis and data analysis on past researches that have been conducted. Music increased attention, decreased self- stimulation, increased socialization, improved cognitive functioning, improved behavior, decreased agitation, improved verbal skills, enhanced sensory motor skills, enhanced auditory processing and led to successful and safe self expression. These findings provided me with experimental support for claims that music therapy is effective in improving social skills of autistic children.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
“You can easily discover the behavior of a child easily in an hour of play than taking several years in conversation”. Autism tends to affect male children more than females and it has no cure hence many suppression ways like the one music therapy and play therapy are used. Music therapy has been widely used to enable children to learn many ways of relating with others, communicate with others, and to develop problem-solving skills. It is therefore highly recommended to do more research to find out the effectiveness of music on social skills of autistic children (Lehrer, Woolfolk & Sime, 2007).Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Objective of the Study
1.0 Specific objective: To find out the effect of music therapy on social skills of autistic children
1.1 General objectives
a) To find out whether music therapy increased attention
b) To find out if music therapy decreased self stimulation
c) To find out whether music therapy increases socialization skills
d) To find out whether music therapy improves behavior
e) To find out whether music therapy improves verbal skills
f) To find out whether music therapy leads to successful and safe self expression
g) To find out the attitude of parents of autistic children towards music therapy
h) To evaluate the knowledge of parents of autistic children regarding music therapy.
i) To obtain information to be used to educate people on the effect of music therapy on autistic children
1.2.0 Research hypothesis
There is no relationship between music therapy and social skills in autistic children.
There is a relationship between music therapy and social skills in autistic children.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
1.2.1 Research Questions
Does music therapy increase attention?
How do music therapies increase socialization skills?
Does music therapy improve behavior?
To what extent does music therapy improve verbal skills?
1.3.0 Significance of the study
This study will help parents who have autistic children so that they may take their children to music therapy to improve their behavior.
Those who wish to take a course in music therapy to find out if their knowledge will be applicable in the society (Harris, & MENC, the National Association for Music Education (U.S.),2009).
Those desiring to do more research on the effects of music therapy on autistic children
1.4.0 Limitation of the study Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Language barrier
Resistance from people and organization in where to carry out research work
1.5.0 Scope of the study
The study covered large scope n>30
1.6.0 Conceptual framework
This is a diagrammatic representation of the relationship between music therapy and social variables
1. Its assumed that parents of autistic children have both negative and positive attitude toward autism
2. It is also assumed that parents of autistic children are aware of the existence of centers offering music therapy.
Inclusion Criteria
1. Those who had autistic children
2. Those who were available at the time of data collection
3. Those parents and that were willing to cooperate and participate.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Exclusion Criteria
1. Those who had been interviewed before on effect of music therapy on autistic children.
2.0 Method Section
I used various methods of data and information collection, which include:
a) Questionnaires
b) Interviews
c) Observation
d) Secondary data sources
e) Randomized control study
f) Parent child music therapy
g) Individual music therapy session
h) Improvasional music therapy invention model (Oldfield, 2006).
a) Questionnaires Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
I sent well-designed questionnaires to parents whose children had undergone music therapy and those whose children are undergoing music therapy to improve their social skills. Also sent to music therapists to get their views on the effectiveness of their work and lastly to music therapy students to obtain their experience and views of music therapy (Berger, 2001).
From 1997 to about 2007 the number of children with autism spectrum disorder has increase from 42,517 to about 258,305 and has risen since (Reschke-Hernández, 2011). With this rise of children who have autism, the rise of music therapy has since appeared greatly. When music therapy was first documented, the music was used in both group and individual settings. It was used with those who lacked social skills, those who needed rehabilitation, for self-expression, for psychological improvement and also recreational purposes (Rescheke- Hernández, 2011). Music therapist use techniques such as improvisation music therapy, dancing and singing, speech dynamics, and rhythm to help clients with social skills, body awareness and communication skills (Rescheke- Hernández, 2011). Children who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder can be treated through music therapy to enhance their social skills, learning skills, and coordination.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
In a setting with someone with autism spectrum disorder, music therapists make use of music as an educational tool to encourage learning. One of the purposes of music therapy for someone with autism is to provide the student with an initial assistance using melodious and rhythmic strategies, followed by fading of musical cues to assist in simplification and transfer to other learning environments. Music therapy has been proven to decrease symptoms of children with autism, and could even facilitate motivation and social interaction. Even autistic children, who rarely or never speak, can respond to music; sometimes they may even sing along. Music therapy provides a tool that can link the gap between a non-communicative child and one who can…show more content…
In 1944, the first music therapy degree program in the world was established at Michigan State University and now, more than seventy colleges and universities have approved programs, according to the American Music Therapy Association (“American Cancer Society” par. 8). Music therapists must have at least a bachelor’s degree, 1,200 hours of clinical training, and one or more internships before they can be certified.
No one knows all the ways music can benefit the body but, it is known that music can affect brain waves, brain circulation, and stress hormones. Students who take music lessons have improved IQ levels and show improvement in nonmusical abilities as well. Listening to music composed by Mozart produces a short-term improvement in tasks that use spatial abilities. Studies of brain circulation have shown that people listening to Mozart have more activity in certain areas of the brain, which is called the Mozart effect. Although the reasons for this are not clear, this kind of information supports the idea that music can be used in many helpful ways. In general, music therapy done under the care of a professionally-trained therapist has a helpful effect, and is considered safe when used with standard treatment. Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Music therapy can help an autistic child in many ways. One way is helping their speech by singing. Singing can help a child learn how to grammatically structure a sentence correctly. Singing and speech have many
This thesis is a qualitative case study about two children with autism spectrum
disorder and the role of music in their lives. It explores how music serves as a nonthreatening medium for learning and developing skills necessary to function successfully
in life. The stories of the children and their parents are shared through their personal
account and the author’s observations.
The literature in the field reveals that a structured/functional use of music helps
communication, social interaction, appropriate behavior, motor skills, and academics in
children with autism. Each child is able to actively participate in music-making within
varied and appropriate settings as music accommodates different levels and abilities.
With successful experiences, these children gain confidence and self-esteem, learn a skill,
establish a socially appropriate hobby, and acquire outside acknowledgement and praise.
Informal but functional uses of music at home, school, or elsewhere can benefit and aid
children with autism. The stories of the participants show music’s potential in helping
individuals with autism live a more fulfilling and promising life.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
This thesis is a product of the combined efforts of many individuals to whom I am
ever grateful. First, tremendous thanks to my participants, who are the motivation for
this work. They opened their hearts and lives unselfishly for my research— offering
information freely, patiently answering my inquiries, welcoming me into their homes,
and dedicating themselves from beginning until the end. Their time and trust are beyond
Second, I sincerely thank my advisor, Dr. Diana Hollinger. In this journey, she
joyfully served as my guide, leading and directing me each step of the way. Thank you
for the exceptional effort, time, and energy poured without restraint, and all the sacrifices
made on my behalf. I will always remember our laughs and talks with Allie prancing
around us. Thank you for your unwavering confidence and faith in me. You have been
the greatest!
I am also grateful to the rest of the members on my committee, professors of San
José State University: Dr. Gordon Haramaki and Professor Kara Ireland D’ Ambrosio.
Both were towers of strength I could run to for counsel and advice. Thank you for
always being there with a smile, open ears, concern, and loads of wisdom. Thank you for
accepting the responsibility and burden of this task willingly despite your busy schedules.Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay
Both of you are phenomenal!
Last but not least, I wish to thank my family and friends who trod this road with
me —all the way. Thank you for your prayers. Your love, patience, encouragement, and
care were my constant companions in this race, pushing me onwards towards the goal.
Thank you for bearing with me during this time without complaint!
As the adventure comes to a close, my heart is full of thanks. I could not have
finished this project without any of you. Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children Essay