Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

Defining the word and meaning of health can be both complex and challenging. The concept that health is a state of being without disease or illness does not encompass all the variables that make up an individual’s “health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (1948).Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay


Health can be seen as a person’s overall wellbeing. We can determine a person’s health by their physical condition, lab results, and their ability to perform or undergo certain tests/medical exams. It is from a bedside assessment or a person’s health and history that we can create a “picture” of how a person’s overall health appears to be. It is with the disclosure of information or results of tests that we in the medical field can paint a picture of a person’s “good health”, risk factors contributing to “poor health” or the a plausible cause to a person’s “death”. Even if a person is unable to communicate with us their history or current health problems, their blood can provide a profound amount of information regarding their overall health.Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

Health promotion as defined by World Health Organization is “a health strategy that aims to incorporate skills and community development and to create supportive environment for health, endeavors to build healthy public policy and looks at re-orienting health services. (WHO, 1986). Health promotion is strongly rooted in a social philosophy that attributed the etiology of ill health to adverse social conditions rather than medical care. Both theoretically and practically, health promotion has been found wanting in addressing equity and social justice concerns. Also, structurally and traditionally, the formal health system often produces major obstacles to meaningful involvement in health promotion and community empowerment activities. The communities do not have the interest and the capacity to make any tangible contribution to community participation even if they are willing to do so but the basic concepts of health promotion which have their root in ancient civilization has been developed in the last two decades.Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

The purpose of health education is to strengthen the skills and capabilities of individuals to take action, and the groups or communities to act collectively to take control over the determinants of health bringing about positive change It serves as essential guide in addressing the major health challenges encountered by developing and developed nations including communicable diseases and issues associated with human development and health enabling people to take action either as individuals or groups. Also, it is an avenue to encourage individuals to take preventive measures in averting worsening of an illness or disease and to adopt healthier lifestyles. Health promotion programs have proven to be an effective tool in slowing the growth of healthcare costs and reducing chance of suffering from disease and creating supportive environments for health backed by healthy public policy. (Bennett, Perry & Lawrence, 2009).Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

The responsibility of a nurse in health promotion and education is considered as a major factor by numerous researchers and policy initiatives from the government to promote health, understanding that health promotion is essential. In the three journal articles selected for review from the GCU Library which incorporates the three levels of health promotion namely; primary, secondary, and tertiary, the nursing responsibilities were described to include; educating and helping people obtain skills to maintain their health, making efforts to better understand the patients and their conditions in order to provide effective care because mutual understanding between a practitioner and patient is the key to giving quality care. The nurses must have an evidence-based knowledge of the significant effect that can be made through health promotion interventions and communicate this understanding to the community at large. As more people grow in their awareness of activities that lead to good health and become knowledgeable about their own health status, the health of their families, the overall health of the population will improve. Knowing that health promotion encompasses a broader spectrum and include social and political interventions that could provide change to services and policies in the community promoting social responsibility for health, nursing roles and responsibilities have evolved in health promotion by allowing nurses to promote health in diverse settings like homes, schools, prison, general practice and workplace contrary to the past when it was limited to hospital settings only. (Watson, 2008).Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay

Health is defined as a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO). Like wise health promotion is the process of increasing the functional capacity of all people hence promote the sense of well-being. In order to accomplish this goal all health care professionals have to work hard by submitting themselves to their patients and community as a whole. Thus globalize health promotion should be the ultimate mission for all health care team, especially for nurses. Nurses are the first level health care team therefore nurses should play as a role model to all human beings. They should hold various positions in order to achieve optimum results.Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay
The impacts of health promotion are healthy population and healthy environments. People need to commit themselves in strengthening their learning skills and to change their necessary life styles in order to improve their health.
The Purpose of Health Promotion in Nursing Practice: Health promotion is utmost important to optimize and or to ensure a globalize good quality health. It is a multifactor approach and moreover the health care costs can be reduced to a great extent. Thus today’s bad economic condition can be changed greatly. This enables every individual to function effectively and appropriately. It is necessary to explore concepts of health by interactions between physical, social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life.(Edelman 2010). To prevent further progression of diseases and various opportunistic infections nurses should implement multiple health education strategies and teaching styles. Health Promotion Concepts Of Health Essay