Dimension Of Wellness In My Life
Health is about balancing social, spiritual, environment, physical, emotion, occupational, intellectual and financial. Wellness is much more than just eating healthy. It is more than just someone’s physical appearance. To me and my partner, wellness is a lifestyle. It is living life in a way that allows us to become the best kind of people that our potentials and circumstances will allow. Each one of the seven dimensions of wellness contributes to our health. Health might mean something different to each person.Dimension Of Wellness In My Life
for some individual, Balance means making time for their families and their friends. Emotional balance is very important as it makes us feel loved, cared for knowing that other people care about our wellbeing. It is an individual’s responsibility to find what work best and how to balance life while finding time to do what matters most to them. Eating healthy on a routine creates balance in our life. Social wellness is participating in activities that brings joy.
The seven dimension of wellness help me realize my wellness. Even if my eating habit is changing with the school workload and with the process of adopting a new place, I always watch what I eat. I eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Growing up in Ethiopia allow me to eat only healthy food. I grew up in a place with no fast food restaurants or groceries that sales any can food of processed food. The only option I had is a farmer’s market with only healthy foods Vegetables, fruits, and grains with a price that my family can afford. I have an average weight and I exercise three to four days a week. I enjoy being with people from different backgrounds, race, and culture. I have been in different countries and I had a chance to meet people from a different culture that help me to participate in social activities.Dimension Of Wellness In My Life
I have a faith in God. My parents were active members of a church and they encouraged me to participate in Church activities. I dedicate a time every morning and night to stop everything I am doing and thank God for everything I have and ask forgiveness for every wrong thing I did unknowingly. I love to dedicate myself to helping people and make a difference in other people’s life.
The value system my parents instilled in me by being compassionate and helping those who were less fortunate than them, made me to help those who need my help. As an immigrant we both faces a big challenge for the past years. Learning the language to have a social life with the community we started living was a big challenge. Adopting a new culture, changing the way we eat as a student impacts our eating habit because of the work load. As a nursing student, we must be able to balance the work. Eating healthy should be the focus like eating more vegetables, fruits and have a good amount of sleep.
One of the seven dimensions of wellness we struggle with is financial. We do not follow a spending plan every month financially. Our goal is to try to balance not just one but all of the seven dimensions of wellness. we both are faces a challenge for the past six months on balancing our wellness. Preparing for a big move to come to Maine. Working longer hours to be able to save a money for school and processing the admission process lead us to unbalanced lifestyle.Dimension Of Wellness In My Life