Intrapartum Nursing Case Study

Intrapartum Nursing Case Study

Part 1

1. Review the events that occur during the labor and birth process and the nurse’s role related to these events.

a. Which of these do you think would be the most important?

b. Switch places and pretend to be the woman in labor. Would your answer be the same or different, and why?


Part 2

Intrapartum Complication

1. Imagine that you are a pregnant woman who develops dystocia due to hypotonic uterine dysfunction. Oxytocin is started to promote more effective contractions. Unfortunately, the oxytocin is not effective, and the decision is made to deliver the baby by cesarean.

a. How do you think you would be feeling at this time?

2. Review the various problems that can lead to dystocia.

a. Which of these problems do you think causes the most difficulty for the woman?

b. Which of these problems do you think causes the most difficulty for nurses?

Intrapartum Nursing Case Study