Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville Essay
Systems analysis serves as a vital design, strategic and long-term planning resource for Healthcare Manager and Administrators. This assignment will allow the student an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the systems framework which represents the central design of every health care delivery system or health services organization. Within the paper, the student needs to accomplish the following:
Health System Assessment Headings
Include the following information in your course project.
a. Company Description: The healthcare organization description outlines vital details about the company, such as name, location, size, target market (ambulatory, dialysis, hospice, long term care, surgical center or tertiary facility). Also describe the health system’s mission, vision and values.
b. Management Summary: Describe how the organization is governed and introduce the leadership team.
. Human Resources: Provide insight relating to staffing and human resources.
a. Technology & Equipment: Identify any noted significant current or new diagnostic equipment/technologies (CT Scan/MRI/Laser/Life Science/Research).
b. Finance: Denote and explain financial/economic approach (For Profit/Non-Profit). Provide a general summary reporting operating expenditures, if available.
. Products or Services: Describe products and/or services with emphasis on the patient value. Note specialized care delivery capabilities (i.e. Cardiology, Emergency Management, Oncology, Stroke, Surgical, or Trauma) and/or any other special capability designations.
a. Market Analysis: The market analysis is also known as a documented investigation of a market that is used to inform a firm’s planning activities, particularly around decisions of inventory, purchase, work force expansion/contraction, facility expansion, purchases of capital equipment, promotional activities, and many other aspects of a company. Provide an overview of the health care market in the local community and potential major competitors.
b. Marketing Strategy & Planning: Describe the organization/system’s marketing strategy, scope of services (inpatient, outpatient, managed care, integrated). Note where you think the organization is positioned in the broader local, state, national, or global market. Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville Essay
. Socioeconomic: Examine any concerns related to treating Special Populations based on the demographic makeup of the community served.
a. Globalization: Identify how the health system/organization could generate a more global impact and what critical health policy issue or issues would it address (access, cost, or quality). Describe what strategies you would recommend for this company to increase partnerships in the local, state, national and global marketplace.
Students should use the following format for their written assignment.
a. Title Page
b. Abstract
c. Appropriate Headings and Sub-Headings
d. Reference Page (minimum of 5 scholarly references)
No plagiarism
Course: Healthcare Organization/ Management HSA3110
Textbook Title and Edition: Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach– 7th edition
Can not use older version of this text book as well!
Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville Essay