Critiquing Evaluation Criteria for Quantitative Research Article Paper

Critiquing Evaluation Criteria for Quantitative Research Article Paper

Listed below are criteria that you will use to critique research articles pertinent to your research area of interest. Discuss how the investigator satisfied each criterion. Cite relevant passages in the articles, with reference to page number if appropriate.


I- Title of the Article and Authors

Is the title clear, including area of study and group studied?

Are the author’s credentials included?
II- Introduction

Is the purpose of the study presented?

Is the significance (importance) of the problem discussed?
Does the investigator provide a sense of what he or she is doing and why?
III- Problems Statement

Is the problem statement clear?

Does the investigator identify key research questions and variables to be examined?
Does the study have the potential to help solve a problem that is currently faced in clinical practice?
IV- Literature Review

Does the literature review follow a logical sequence leading to a critical review of supporting and conflicting prior work?

Is the relationship of the study to previous research clear?
Does the study have the potential gaps in the literature and support the necessity of the present study?
V- Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses

Is a rationale stated for the theoretical/conceptual framework?

Does the investigator clearly state the theoretical basis for hypotheses formulation?
Is the hypotheses stated precisely and in a form that permits it to be rested?

Are methods of data collection sufficiently described?

What are the identified and potential threats to internal and external validity that were present in the study?

If there was more than one data collector, was interrater reliability adequate?

VII- Sample

Are the subjects and sampling methods described?

Is the sample of sufficient size for the study, given the number of variables and design?

Is the adequate assurance that the rights of human subjects were protected?

VIII- Instruments

Are appropriate instruments for data collection used?

Are reliability and validity of the measurement instruments adequate?

IX- Data Analysis

Are the statistical tests used identified and the values reported? Critiquing Evaluation Criteria for Quantitative Research Article Paper

Are appropriate statistics used, according to level of measurement, sample size, sampling method, and hypotheses/research questions?

X- Results

Are the results for each hypothesis clearly and objectively presented?

Do the figures and tables illuminate the presentation of results?

Are results described in light of the theoretical framework and supporting literature?

XI- Conclusion/Discussion

Are conclusions based on the results and related to the hypotheses?

Are study limitations identified?

Are implications of findings discussed (i.e., for practice, education, and research)?

Are recommendations for further research stated?

XII- Research Utilization Implications

Is the study of sufficient quality to meet the criterion of scientific merit?

Does the study meet the criterion of replicability?

Is the study of relevance to practice?

Do the benefits of the study outweigh the risks?

XIII- Format

Utilizes APA format

Includes the list of references utilizing APA

Critiquing Evaluation Criteria for Quantitative Research Article Paper