Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The Healthy People 2020 website is a treasure trove of information related to the health care of women, infants, children, and adolescents.

Select one of the topics from the website related to the health of women, infants, children, or adolescents. Why this topic is important to the health of our nation? What strategies might you use to help improve this healthcare issue?


Pregnancy is a special event not only in the life of women but also to the entire family. Pregnancy is one of the wonderful and noble services imposed by nature. This experience of transformation from womanhood or wifehood into motherhood is a privilege reserved exclusively for women. Hence this transformation phase that is pregnancy and following childbirth has been contributed to have a great impact on both maternal and infant health.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

In any community, mother and children constitute a priority group, they comprise approximately 71.14% of the population of the developing countries. In India women of the childbearing age constitute 22.2% and children under 15 years of age about 35.3% of the total population, together they constitute nearly 57.5% of the total population. Mother and children not only constitute a large group but they are also a vulnerable or special risk group.

Since 1951, on voluntary basis with democratic manner, the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, has implemented different types of programmes for the improvement of maternal and child health and family welfare. In light of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), National Population Policy (NPP), and National Health Policy (NHP), the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare planned and launched National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in April 2005 for the benefit of maternal and child health. All the efforts under NRHM are directly and indirectly aimed to provide accessible, affordable, and effective healthcare to all citizens and particularly to the poor and vulnerable sections of the society andbridging the gap in rural health care through creation of a cadre of accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA).Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

According to the needs, experiences and feedbacks, various changes and modifications have been incorporated from time to time. Several new approaches, interventions, and alternatives were initiated to reduce maternal child morbidity, mortality ratio like Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Child Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM), Universal Immunisation Programmes (UIP), Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS), Dais’ training, Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), Postpartum Programmes, National Maternal Benefit Scheme (NMBS).

Most women may not have any problems during pregnancy, but some face problems related to pregnancy and child birth. The slogan for World Health Day 2005 was “Makeevery mother and child count,” reflects the reality that today, Government and the International community needs to make the health of the women and children the top priority.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The Maternity Benefit Act has been in existence for over five decades. The vast majority of Indian women do not get any maternity entitlements as the legislation does not apply to the unorganised sector. The majority of working women in the country work until the end of pregnancy and get back to work soon after delivery to avoid loss of wages. In response to long standing demand for the utilization of maternity benefit the Government of India has finally come up with a scheme that promotes the health and nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and for the infants.

Maternity Benefit schemes are a provision for the payment to pregnant women belonging to poor households for perinatal care upto first two live births. The benefit is provided to eligible women of 19 years and above.

Some of the maternal benefit schemes are Dr.Muthulaskhmi Reddy Scheme, Janani Suraskha Yojana, Vandemataram Scheme, Family Planning Scheme and Two Girl Child Protection Scheme has been implementing in the present scenario.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Maternal mortality is not just a health issue; it is a human right issue. Maternal mortality is one of the public health indicator showing the maximum variation between developed and developing countries.

Each year in India, roughly 30 million women experience pregnancy and 27 million have a live birth. Of these, an estimated 1, 36,000 maternal deaths and one million new born deaths occur each year. Thus pregnancy-related mortality and morbidity continues to take a huge toll on the lives of Indian women and their new born. These considerations have led to the formulation of specific health services for mother and child in India.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates show that of 536,000 maternal deaths occurring globally each year, 136,000 take place in India. The status of women is generally low in India, except in the southern and eastern states. Female literacy is only 54% and women lack the empowerment to take decisions including decision to use reproductive health services. As the health care services are governed at the state level much also depends on the state leadership and management skills. Antenatal care for pregnant women is one of the important factor in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality. Essential obstetric care intends to provide the basic maternity services to all pregnant women through early registration of pregnancy (within 12-16 weeks), provision of minimum three antenatal checkups by medical officer to monitor progress of the pregnancy and to detect any risk /complication so that appropriate care including referral could be taken in time, provision of safe delivery in an institution provision of three postnatal checkups to monitor the postnatal recovery and to detect complications.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Janani Suraksha Yojana is an ambitious step under National Rural Health Mission which is introduced on 12th April 2005 to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional deliveries as well as better antenatal care and postnatal care for mothers in below poverty line. Institutional deliveries will not only facilitate safe delivery but will also identify neonates who need special care. The safe delivery process conducted in an institution will have a definite impact on reduction of maternal mortality.

Janani Suraksha Yojana, under the overall umbrella of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), has been proposed by a way of modifying the National Maternity Benefit Scheme (NMBS). While NMBS is linked to the provision of better diet for pregnant women from Below Poverty Line (BPL) families, Janani Suraksha Yojana integrates cash assistance with antenatal care during the pregnancy period, institutional care during delivery and immediate postpartum period in a health centre by establishing systems of co-ordinated care by the field level health workers. The Janani Suraksha Yojana is 100 percent centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Honourable Prime Minister of our country on April 12, 2005 for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Vandemataram Scheme is a voluntary scheme where in any Obstetric and Gynaecologist specialist, maternity home, lady doctor/MBBS doctor can volunteer themselves for providing safe motherhood services. The enrolled doctor will display vandemataram logo at their clinic. Iron and Folic acid tablets, oral pills and Tetanus Toxiod injections, will be provided to the doctors for free distribution to beneficiaries who have vandemataram cards.

Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit scheme provides Rs.12,000 to pregnant mothers residing inTamilnadu. Its objectives are to prevent maternal and infant deaths, to make use of health care services, given only for first two deliveries.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

In urban areas more than 69% of deliveries take place in institution, but in rural areas only 30% of deliveries take place in institution. Delivery of a newborn in an institution also provides an opportunity to the health care system to administer immunization at birth.

Immunization of a newborn with BCG vaccine enhances the efficacy of the vaccine by avoiding the interference with atypical mycobacterium which can infect the child during the post neonatal period. Likewise, administration of “0 dose” of OPV leads to early colonization of the intestinal tract with the attenuated vaccine virus which can act as a barrier to the wild polio virus. At birth immunizationis an important preventive measure however the impact of Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme on at birth immunization practice especially in tertiary level health centre has not yet been documented.

Every pregnant woman hopes for a healthy baby and an uncomplicated pregnancy. However, every day, about 1,500 women and adolescent girls die from problems related to pregnancy and childbirth. Every year, some 10 million women and adolescent girls experience complications during pregnancy, many of which leave them and/or their children with infections and severe disabilities.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

According to WHO global estimate is 5, 00,000 women die every year and in that 1,500 women die in a day because of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Each year, approximately eight million women suffer frompregnancy-related complications and over half- a- million die. Some 99 per cent of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries. Two thirds of maternal deaths in 2000 occurred in 13 of the world’s poorest countries. During the same year, India alone accounted for one quarter of all maternal deaths.

Pregnant women die in India due to a combination of important and preventable factors like, poverty, ineffective or unaffordable health services, and lack of political, managerial and administrative Will. All this culminates in a high proportion of home deliveries by unskilled relatives and delays in seeking care and this in turn adds to the maternal mortality ratios. The institutional delivery or delivery by skilled personnel plays a major role in reducing MMR and IMR. In India, while 77% of pregnant women receive some form of antenatal check-up, whereasonly 41% deliver in an institution. Even though all services are free, only 13% of the lowest income quintile delivers in a hospital.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Gupta R. K. (2005) conducted a cross-sectional study to determine the performance of institutional and non-institutional deliveries among 400 households in the slums of Delhi. The economic status was identified as the one for preference for non-institutional deliveries. The researcher further concluded that improvement in the financial support of the people may promote institutional deliveries.

Maternal Benefit Schemes provided by the Government help to improve the health status of the women by financial support. Still the utilization rate of the government maternity benefit schemes in rural and urban population is only 77%. Investigator found that the possible causes for not utilizing of such scheme may include assumption of better services in private or lack of awareness regarding the schemes. Creating awareness to these groups of people could be achieved through the doctors and nurses working in private sectors. Hence the investigator felt the need to assess the knowledge regarding maternal benefit schemes among nurses and doctors working in private hospitals who can create awareness and refer the under privileged group to the government maternity centres.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

A study to assess the knowledge regarding various maternal benefit schemes available for our population among the health care personnel in selected settings in Chennai.

To assess the level of knowledge of health care personnel regarding various maternal benefit schemes available for our population.

To assess the source of information regarding various maternal benefit schemes available for our population.

To compare the level of knowledge regarding various maternal benefit schemes between doctors and nurses.

To associate the level of knowledge regarding various maternal benefit schemes with the demographic variables.

To associate the level of knowledge regarding various maternal benefit schemes with the source of information.

ASSESS: It refers to an act of gathering information by using structured questionnaire from the health care personnel about maternal benefit schemes.

KNOWLEDGE: It refers to Health care personnel’s awareness regarding maternal benefit scheme.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

VARIOUS MATERNAL BENEFIT SCHEMES: It refers to more than one special maternity benefit (cash assistance) provided by the Government for the pregnant women for regular checkups, institutional delivery and postnatal mother to have a healthy life and safe delivery, to have basic immunization to the child and use of family planning services.

POPULATION: It refers to all women eligible to avail the maternal benefit schemes living in Tamilnadu.

HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL: It refers to doctors of any speciality and nurses who work in private hospitals.

The knowledge about the maternal benefit schemes may vary from one health care personnel to the other.

The knowledge about the maternal benefit schemes will be influenced by the demographic variable.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Study is limited to a period of 4 weeks of data collection.

The finding will reveal the existing knowledge on maternal benefit schemes among health care personnel working in the private hospitals.

Conceptual framework represents a less formal attempt at organizing phenomena than theories. It refers to concepts that structure or offers a framework of prepositions for conducting research. Polit and Hungler (1989) describes conceptual framework as “a group of mental images or concepts that are related but the relationship is not explicit.” The conceptual framework gives the idea to the researcher’s main view and common theme of the research that is a visual diagram by which the researcher explains the specific area of interest.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The conceptual framework adopted for the study was based on “Rosenstoch’s Health Belief Model (1974)”. This model intended to predict which individual would or would not use such preventive measures as screening for early detection of disease.

The health belief model focuses on the aspects of

Individual perception

Modifying factors

Likelihood of action

Individual perception: In this study the individual perception is the health care personnel’s perception of their knowledge of various Maternal Benefit Schemes available for our population in the below poverty line group.

Modifying factor: The modifying factor in this study are the demographic variable such as age, sex, educational qualification and work experience.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The cues to action: The cues to action in this study are the basic training, refers to knowledge gained by basic training, experience, information from other health worker, internet, books, newspaper, and also training programme attended.

Likelihood of action: The likelihood of action of health care personnel had been recommended for further in service education and training programme regarding various Maternal Benefit Schemes available for our population. The Like hood of action is based on the level of knowledge for samples with excellent and good knowledge recommendation to plan for reinforcement was given and for samples with poor and average knowledge further training programme was recommended.



Literature review aids in familiarizing the researcher within the context of the existing knowledge which has been gained from earlier studies which forms the integral part of search before dealing into the actual process of a study, interpreting the results of the study and making judgement about application of new knowledge in nursing practice.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

This chapter presents the review of literature under the following headings;

PART I. General Information regarding Maternal Benefit Schemes.

PART II. Studies related to Maternal Benefit Schemes.

There is a provision for the payment per pregnancy to women belonging to poor households for pre-natal and postnatal maternity care up to first two live births. The benefit is provided to eligible women of 19 years and above.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Maternity Benefit Scheme fund is enhanced to Rs.12,000/-. The cash assistance will be given in three instalments (Rs.4000) on conditional release and restricted for first two deliveries only. The pregnant mother should be of age 19 years and above, the pregnant women should be in the below poverty line group. This cash assistance will be given to every pregnant woman who avails all required antenatal services during pregnancy in concerned PHC, mother who delivers in the government institutions (Primary Health Care, Government Hospital and Government Teaching institutions), completes immunization for the child up to 3rd dose of DPT (Pentavalent/Hepatitis B/Polio).

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Janai Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) being implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery among the poor pregnant women. The Yojana launched on 12th April 2005 is being implemented in all states.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The Girl Child Protection Scheme is aimed at preventing gender discrimination by empowering and protecting the rights of girl children through direct investment from government. The Girl Child Protection Scheme enhance the status of girl child and promotes adoption of small family norm by ensuring holistic development of the girl child for a bright future entailing improved sex ratio besides preventing female infanticide.

The scheme aims to :-
promote enrolment and retention of the girl child in school and to ensure her education at least upto intermediate level.

encourage adoption of family planning norm with two girl children.

protect the right of the girl child and provide social and financial empowerment to girl child.

eliminate negative cultural attitudes and practices against girls.

strengthen the role of the family in improving the status of the girl child.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

extend a special dispensation to orphans/destitute and differently abled girls.

Family Planning Scheme – The use of incentives to encourage couple to practice family planning has become a common strategy in many developing countries. Financialcompensation to individuals undergoing sterilization was first introduced in 1966. Over the years, it has been gradually increased. Women acceptor now receives onetime payment of Rs.750/, and men acceptor receives Rs.1,100. This is applicable for people below poverty line and those from scheduled caste and scheduled tribes.

Vandemataram Scheme is a voluntary scheme where in any Obstetrics and Gynaecology specialist, Maternity Home, Nursing Home, lady doctor/MBBS doctor can volunteer themselves for providing safe motherhood services. The enrolled doctors will display ‘Vandemataram logo’ in their clinic. Iron and Folic acid tablets, oral pills and TetanusToxid injections etc, will be provided by the respective district medical officer to the Vandemataram doctors/clinics for free distribution to beneficiaries.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The above content helps in understanding the various Maternal Benefit Schemes available for our population and also acts as basis for tool formulation.

Sohail Agha (2011) found only 39 percent of deliveries in Pakistan are attended by skilled birth attendants, while Pakistan’s target for skilled birth attendant by 2015 is more than 90 percent. A strong outreach model was used and voucher booklets valued at Rs.50, and found purchase of a voucher booklet was associated with a 22 percent point increase in antenatal care use, a 22 percent point increase in institutional delivery and a 35 percent point increase in postnatal care use.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Sanjeev K. Gupta (2011) conducted a descriptive study to assess the social profile knowledge, attitude and utilization pattern of Janani Suresh Yojana beneficiaries in N.S.C.B.Medical College, Jabalpur during 2007-2008 with a sample size of 300 beneficiaries.77.66 percent belong to below poverty line (BPL) category, 67 percent of the respondents arranged their own / hired vehicle for transportation for delivery and 17.33 percent were motivated by ANM/ DAI/ ASHA/ AWW for institutional delivery. In many cases the husbands decided the purpose for which money was to be used.

Parul Sharma (2010- 2011) conducted a study to find out the difference in utilization of Janani Suraksha Yojana in rural areas and urban slums and reported that out of 227 cases registered with ASHA a maximum number (83.64%) of those women belonged to urban slums; 48.31% women consumed hundred Iron Folic Acid tablets and the proportion was high in rural women. All the women received complete Tetanus Toxid immunization. The Janani Suraksha Yojana was found to be low in rural areas (i.e.) 38.7 percent. Thus, Information Education Communication activities should be strengthened and ASHA’S work should be properly monitored.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Stephen S L. (2010) had done a nationwide district-level household survey in 2002-04 and 2007-09 to assess the effect of Janani Suraksha Yojana on intervention coverage and health outcomes. Findings showthat theimplementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana in 2007-08 was highly variable by state, from less than 5% to 44% of women giving birth receiving cash payments from Janani Suraksha Yojana. The poorest and least educated women did not always have the highest odds of receiving Janani Suraksha Yojana payments. Janani Suraksha Yojana had a significant effect on increasing antenatal care and in-facility births. In the matching analysis, Janani Suraksha Yojana payment was associated with a reduction of 3.7 perinatal deaths per 1000 pregnancies, 2.3 neonatal deaths per 1000 live births, and 4.1 perinatal deaths per 1000 pregnancies. The findings of this assessment are encouraging, but they also emphasize the need for improved targeting of the poorest women and attention to quality Obstetric care in health facilities Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Kranti S.Vora (2009 ), in this study he reported that India’s goal is to lower maternal mortality to less than 100 per 100,000 live births but that is still far away . It identifies the causes for limited success in improving maternal health and suggests measures to rectify them. It recommends better reporting of maternal deaths and implementation of evidence based effective monitoring for rapid progress.It stressed the need for regulation of the private partnership and polices, along with astrong political Will and improved management capacity for improving maternal health.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Shared D. Iyengar, (2009) in his study on persistence of poor maternal health in Rajasthan a large state of North India states thatthe rate of reduction in Rajasthan’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) has been slow and it has remained at 445 per 1000 live births in 2003 and 32% of women delivered in institutions in 2005-2006. The recent scheme of Janani SurakshaYojana provides an opportunity to improve maternal and neonatal health.

Vaishali (2009) conducted a study to evaluate the utilisation of Janani Suraksha Yojana among the 100 beneficiaries in Orissa. Beneficiaries were selected randomly through Probability Proportionate to Sample size (PPS). The results revealed that major advantages of the Janani Suraksha Yojana perceived by the beneficiaries were safe delivery at PHCs and CHCs, helpful in population control, payment of cheque after delivery and full protection after delivery. Hence it was conclude that Janani Suraksha Yojana is a safe motherhood intervention for the health and welfare of the mothers.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Sharma MP.Soni SC. (2009) conducted a study to assess the gaps in delivery services and utilization of resources at Basic and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care Centres, accredited sub centres and private hospitals in district Jaipur, Rajasthan.Result shows that there was an increase in institutional deliveries following implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana.The quality of emergency obstetric care services was still poor due to the lack of blood storage units and anaesthetists in CEMOCs. Private accredited hospitals fared better as they had the manpower and managed more complicated cases as compared to government facilities. The study concludes that Janani Suraksha Yojana is perceived as an effective scheme by the beneficiaries but gaps in resources and lack of quality of services needs to be adequately dealt.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Thansia K.Seemanth (2009) conducted a study to assess and evaluate the operational mechanism, utilization, non-utilization, awareness and perception of mothers about Janani Suraksha Yojana in two blocks each district of South Orissa. The study revealed that there was a lack of orientation of the health staff other than ASHA on Janani SurakshaYojana. ASHA played a major role in motivating institutional deliveries in two third of the utilizers, most of the utilizers expressed problem of communication and transport. The study recommends for streamlining of fund flow, accreditation of private hospitals, and intensification of Information Education Communication activist, community leaders and women group for utilization of Janani Suraksha Yojana benefits.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Sharma R. (2008) had assessed the effectiveness of Janani Suraksha Yojana among 200 beneficiaries in the selected districts of Rajasthan. The results revealed that 178 beneficiaries received payment in cash and 22 by cheque and home deliveries were decreased. Overall status of ANC and PNC services also increased. 72% of the beneficiaries were registered within three months, received three ANC check-ups, used Iron Folic Acid tablets, postnatal check-up, received cash amount, and ASHA was with them at the time of delivery. It concludes that 70% of the beneficiaries were pre-aware about at least one of the aims and vision of Janani Suraksha Yojana.

Teenashu (2008) conducted a study to review the implementation process of Janani Surakaha Yojana in the state and to provide inputs for any corrective action in the three districts of Orissa. The study revealed that at the district, block and sub-centre level there was a shortage of medical and paramedical staff and inadequate facilities for institutional delivery. Hence, the investigator concludes with two major recommendations: (i) strengthening of infrastructure, supplies and human resources at all levels under the Janai Suraksha Yojana, and (ii) Streamlining the fund flow mechanism at two levels immediate compensation to the beneficiary after the delivery and regular payments/salaries to the ASHA.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The above mentioned studies help in giving an overview regarding the schemes how it has been utilized, implemented, status of institutional delivery and the knowledge of the beneficiaries. This shows that efforts are taken at the Government institution to improve perinatal services and the present utilization status.

This study was undertaken to assess the knowledge regarding various maternal benefit schemes.

This chapter on methodology includes research approach, research design, setting, population, criteria for selection of sample, sample size, sampling technique, data collection tool, development and description of the tool, data collection procedure and plan for data analysis.

Research approach was evaluative in nature.

Research design was descriptive in nature.

Voluntary Health Services Multispecialty Hospital, Adyar, Chennai.

C .S. I. Kalyani Multispecialty Hospital, Mylapore, Chennai.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The population of the study consisted of both Doctors and Nurses belonging to different speciality with varied experience working in the above mentioned hospitals, in Chennai.

Doctors and nurses who fulfilled the inclusion criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:
Doctors belonging to all specialities and working in the selected hospital.

Nurses working in all areas /wards in selected settings.

Exclusion criteria:
Samples who were not interested to participate.

Samples who were not on duty.

Samples of pilot study were excluded.

The sample size for this study was 60 health care personnel which include 30 doctors, 15 from each setting and 30 nurses, 15 samples from each setting.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The sampling technique used in this study was Non probability convenient sampling.

The data was collected from the Health Care personnel using Structured Questionnaire.

The tool prepared in this study was based on the information gathered from review of literature, objectives of the study and the personal and professional experience of the investigator. It consisted of two parts:

Part I: It consisted of questions to assess the demographic variables of Doctors and Nurses like age, gender, educational status and work experience.

Part II: It consisted of questions to assess the knowledge on the maternity benefit schemes, objectives, purposes, cash amount, eligibility criteria, and scheme when started and how they came to know about the schemes.

PART II- To assess the knowledge regarding maternal benefit scheme among health care personnel, there are 15 questions with 5 options. There are appropriate options and inappropriate options.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

For each appropriate option when selected as score of 1 will be given.

For each inappropriate option when a selected a score of 0 will be given.

Certain questions has one right answer, some have four and five right answer also.

The total score is 25 and the score obtained is converted into percentage and graded as follows.

More than 81% —- Excellent

61%—-80% —- Good

41%—60% —- Average

Less than 40% —- Poor

The tool used in the study was validated by experts from the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

The health of children is reflective of the overall health of a nation, and has many implications for the nation’s future as these children grow into adults. Children’s long-term health and development can be highly influenced by early life events, beginning even before birth with the health of their mother. Effective policies and programs are important for ensuring the health of women before, during and after pregnancy to optimize both maternal and infant outcomes. Additionally, minimizing adverse birth and infant outcomes is critical to mitigating risk factors for disease later in life. However, the health and health care needs of mothers and infants change over time, and current data on these issues is critically important as policy makers and program planners seek to improve the health of children, now and into the future.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Research suggests that efforts to improve pregnancy outcomes and the health of mothers and infants may be most effective if they begin before a woman is pregnant. It is important to establish healthy behaviors and achieve optimal health before pregnancy, as many women are not aware of their pregnancy until several weeks or more after conception. In 2009–2010, about one in four recent mothers in a 30-state area reported binge drinking (consuming 4 or more drinks in a sitting) at least once within 3 months prior to pregnancy and 24.2 percent reported smoking during the same time period. Both smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy have been associated with adverse birth outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

In 2011, 11.73 percent of infants were born preterm and 8.10 were born at low birth weight. Preterm birth and low birth weight have been associated with a range of short- and long-term consequences for children’s health and development. The prevalence of both preterm and low birth weight births varies by race and ethnicity, with infants born to non-Hispanic Black mothers most likely to experience either of these outcomes. Although both preterm and low birth weight increased through the middle of the last decade, the prevalence of both indicators has declined since.

Diabetes and hypertension are the most commonly reported health conditions among pregnant women and pose health risks to both a woman and her baby. In 2010, chronic or per-existing diabetes was reported in 7.0 per 1,000 live births, while gestational diabetes was reported in 44.2 per 1,000 live births and chronic and pregnancy-associated hypertension were reported in 12.7 and 43.4 per 1,000 live births, respectively. Maternal morbidity—or illness—is significantly more common than maternal mortality. Nonetheless, in 2006-2008, the latest years for which data are available, a total of 1,953 maternal deaths were found to be pregnancy-related, for a rate of 15.2 deaths per 100,000 live births. These include deaths which occurred during or within one year after the end of a pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management, but not from accidental or incidental causes such as injury. Pregnancy-related mortality is more common among non-Hispanic Black mothers and older mothers.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

A number of perinatal risk factors and behaviors can affect both the health of the mother and the infant. Gaining too much or too little weight during pregnancy can result in immediate and long-term health risks to a woman and her infant. Among recent mothers in 2009– 2010, only about 1 in 3 or 31.5 percent gained the recommended amount of weight and nearly half (47.1 percent) gained an excessive amount of weight during pregnancy. About one in five women (21.4 percent) gained an inadequate amount of weight in pregnancy. Excessive weight gain may increase the risk of pregnancy complications, cesarean delivery, larger infant birth weight, and postpartum weight retention. Experiencing stressful events or environmental hardships, such as financial instability, the death of a loved one, or divorce, while pregnant can place an additional strain on a woman and increase her likelihood of adverse birth outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight. In 2009-2010, nearly three-fourths of recent mothers in a 30-state reporting area reported that they had experienced at least one stressful event in the 12 months prior to delivery of their child. Intimate partner violence, including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, before and during pregnancy has also been associated with adverse maternal and infant outcomes. In 2009-2010, approximately 4 percent of recent mothers reported that they had been pushed, hit, slapped, kicked, choked, or physically hurt in some other way by an intimate partner in the 12 months prior to becoming pregnant and 3.2 percent reported experiencing this type of abuse during their most recent pregnancy.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Health behaviors after a baby is born are also important to ensuring optimal health and development. Safe sleep behaviors are practices that reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and sleep-related suffocation. In 2009, SIDS and other sleep-related infant deaths accounted for 15.1 percent of all infant deaths. To reduce the risk of SIDS, it is recommended that infants be placed on their backs for every sleep until 1 year of age. In 2009-2010, 70.5 percent of recent mothers in a 30-state area reported that their infant was laid down to sleep on his or her back most of the time.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

The health care utilization rates, programs, and policies described in Child Health USA can help policymakers and public health officials better understand current trends in pediatric health and wellness and determine what programs might be needed to further improve the public’s health. These indicators can also help identify positive health outcomes which may allow public health professionals to draw upon the experiences of programs that have achieved success. The health of our mothers and infants relies on effective public health efforts that include ensuring access to early and adequate prenatal care and related counseling as well as post-partum and well-baby care, providing vaccinations against preventable diseases, and supporting the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based programs to promote optimal maternal and infant health outcomes. Such preventive efforts and health promotion activities are vital to the continued improvement of the health and well-being of America’s children and families.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Maternal and Reproductive Health
Save the Children works to improve maternal, newborn, infant and child health (MNCH) and survival in the most vulnerable communities around the world. Through global and local efforts, from 1990 to 2015, the global maternal mortality ratio declined by 44 percent – from 385 deaths to 216 deaths per 100,000 live births (UN inter-agency estimates). In 2017, data showed that contraceptive use prevents 308 million unintended pregnancies every year among women of reproductive age in the developing world. Globally, an estimated 214 million women and girls in the developing world have an unmet need for family planning (FP) services. Fully meeting the unmet need for modern contraception would result in an estimated 76,000 fewer maternal deaths each year. 1


Additionally, 21 million adolescent girls, aged 15 – 19, get pregnant annually and are at a higher risk of adverse outcomes for themselves and their babies than women over 20. Addressing their unmet need by increasing their access to modern methods of contraception and creating a supportive health care system – enabling policies and community environments for safer pregnancies for adolescents – would prevent an additional 79,000 maternal deaths.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Save the Children recognizes the significant contributions maternal health (MH) and family planning (FP) have on the health and development of children. Our work aims to prevent and/or reduce maternal and newborn complications and deaths mainly attributed to preventable causes such as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, sepsis and post-partum hemorrhage and birth asphyxia, prematurity and neonatal sepsis respectively. We work with local partners, health workers and communities to mobilize resources for health services, promote healthy behaviors and practices, improve access and utilization of quality maternal health through evidence based intervention during antenatal care, providing respective care around time of birth, post-natal and post-partum care. We leverage existing local and national government structures, strengthen health systems both in communities and facilities and ensure availability, access and use of lifesaving basic emergency obstetric and newborn care services. Our FP work focuses on providing FP information and services to help girls delay childbearing, and to help women and couples to plan and space their pregnancies for improved health outcomes. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Maternal and Reproductive Health Program Goals:
Create a supportive environment for the use of modern contraception for all girls and women who need them.
Increase access to, improve the quality of and generate demand for family planning FP services, particularly among the hardest to reach communities, including the urban poor, youth, postpartum women and populations in emergency settings and those in transition.
Strengthen local delivery of FP education and services, especially to adolescents. Examples include training community health workers to provide a wide range of methods including injectable contraception.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay
Improve policies, enhance systems and services, and build local capacity for health care providers to provide respectful maternity care to all girls and women.
Increase access to and improve the quality of antenatal and postnatal care services and skilled attendance at birth.
Understand and overcome practical and cultural barriers to better reproductive health, breastfeeding and infant care practices by communities and health care providers.
Improve health systems’ capacity to deliver quality family planning FP and maternal newborn health (MNH) programs and policies.
Maternal and Reproductive Health Program Highlights:
The MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening (MaMoni HSS) Project is a five-year (2013-2018) USAID-funded award aimed at improving utilization of integrated MNCH, FP and nutrition services through a health systems strengthening approach in Bangladesh. MaMoni HSS key activities include improving service-readiness through critical gap management; strengthening health systems at the district level and below; and identifying and reducing barriers to health service accessibility and use. Selected key interventions supported by the project include: antenatal care services; safe childbirth; nationwide scale-up of chlorhexidine (antiseptic) for newborn cord care; essential newborn care including resuscitation; basic and comprehensive obstetric and newborn care; postnatal care for mother and baby; management of sick newborns through “Special Newborn Care Units” and outpatient treatment; Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC); FP including postpartum family planning, maternal, infant and young child nutrition; and strengthened referral linkages between communities and health facilities in six project districts. MaMoni HSS also supports the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Quality, Equity and Dignity initiative to operationalize and rollout quality improvement processes at clinics and hospitals.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
The Strengthening National Midwifery Programme (SNMP) 2017-2018 works to improve the quality of evidence-based instruction and care in 38 primary clinical sites, in collaboration with UNFPA and the Government of Bangladesh. The program supports midwife-led care, including routine obstetric and newborn care and initial stabilization of emergencies at targeted Upazila Health Complexes prior to referral. In addition, SNMP strengthens evidence-based routine obstetric and newborn care practices at medical colleges and district hospitals that function as primary clinical education sites for midwives.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay
The USAID-funded Fertility Awareness for Community Transformation (FACT) Project is a research, intervention, and technical assistance project led by Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health in partnership with Save the Children and the International Center for Research on Women. The FACT project aims to reduce the high unmet need of youth, postpartum women, and couples for FP in Uganda and Nepal through developing and testing innovative interventions to investigate two primary hypotheses: (1) Increased fertility awareness improves FP use; and (2) Expanded access to fertility awareness-based methods (FAM) increases uptake of FP and reduces unintended pregnancies.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

The USAID Services de Santé à Grand Impact project works in partnership with the Government of Mali, NGOs — both international and local — and communities in several target regions in Mali to reduce the preventable causes of maternal, newborn, and child mortality. Funded by USAID/MALI, this five-year (2014-2019) project is implemented by a consortium of organizations including Jhpiego, Population Services International Management Systems International, Groupe Pivot Santé /Population (GP/SP), and the Fédération Nationale des Associations de Santé Communautaire (FENASCOM) under the leadership of Save the Children. The project aims to increase the long-term use of quality, high-impact health services and practices from households to health facilities. The intervention areas of the project include maternal, newborn, and child health; malaria; reproductive health and FP; HIV/AIDS; nutrition; water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH); and health systems strengthening.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
The Contraception Without Borders Project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, works in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and BBC Media Action to increase use of FP among (semi-) nomadic communities, from the standpoints of both supply and demand, in six sub-counties located in Wajir and Mandera in northeastern Kenya. The project will also engage regional stakeholders throughout its four-year duration in sharing lessons on effective, scalable approaches to increase FP use among nomadic populations.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay
Save the Children’s My First Baby (MFB) project addresses the reproductive health needs of adolescent first-time mothers and mothers-to-be. In Nepal, where early child marriage is a common practice, most first time mothers are adolescent girls who are forced to leave their schooling and families and have limited access to and information on reproductive healthcare; healthy child care practices; and health facilities for antenatal, delivery, and postpartum care. To reach this often neglected population, Save the Children piloted MFB in Kapilvastu and Pyuthan districts in Nepal to improve married adolescent girls’ reproductive health knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Married Adolescent Girls groups receive counseling through peer-facilitated sessions that cover topics related to nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, fertility, pregnancy, birth preparedness, contraception, breastfeeding, and infant care. The MFB project has since been adapted for First Time Parents in Mozambique, Madagascar, and Nigeria.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
The Household-to-Hospital Continuum of Care (HHCC) project, funded by Atlantic Philanthropies, sought to promote preventive household and community practices and improve the quality, accessibility, and utilization of facility-based maternal and newborn health services in eight provinces in Vietnam. The HHCC approach is a comprehensive model to improve maternal and newborn health through linking households, communities, Community Health Centers, and district and provincial hospitals together. In its third phase of implementation, the project is working to scale-up the model’s best practices and effective interventions to pre-service training countrywide. The HHCC model has informed programming in several other countries including Bangladesh, Malawi, Uganda and Mali.
The Strengthening Care for Preterm Babies in Urban Hospitals in Kenya project strengthens the skills and capacity of health providers in seven hospitals located in Langata Sub–County, Nairobi, Kenya, so that they can deliver higher quality care to preterm and low-birth-weight babies. The project strengthens Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) services in the seven hospitals, and reaches surrounding communities with communication on the importance of seeking care for preterm babies.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
Our Johnson & Johnson-funded portfolio of programs focuses on strengthening newborn care in Malawi, Uganda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Bangladesh. The Uganda/Malawi project initially worked to reduce neonatal mortality due to birth asphyxia through improving neonatal resuscitation at different health service delivery levels, within the context of integrated MNH services, and eventually expanded the package to include essential newborn care as well as care for small and/or sick babies. Ethiopia and Nigeria are part of the Survive & Thrive Global Development Alliance’s “Saving 100,000 Babies Initiative,” which pledges to save 100,000 babies in the three countries that contribute most to neonatal deaths—Ethiopia, Nigeria, and India. These projects help scale-up quality life-saving interventions for newborns including basic newborn care, newborn resuscitation, management of newborn sepsis, and care for low birth weight babies including preterm births. As the latest addition to the J&J portfolio, the Bangladesh project aims to contribute to ending preventable newborn deaths due to pre-term/small newborns in select hospitals targeting the urban poor in Dhaka.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
Improving the health and well-being of mothers and young children is an important societal goal. Pregnancy and early life are critical times to ensure healthy development, address health risks, and prevent future problems for women and their children.

Why It’s Important
Data shows that maternal and child health in the United States is much worse than it should be for a wealthy country with advanced health care services. A significant number of pregnancies in the United States are unplanned impacting maternal and infant health and family economic prosperity. Maternal and infant mortality rates are high, and trends are moving in the wrong direction. Maternal mortality in United States has more than doubled since 1987 and many women have complications during and after pregnancy, including 1 in 10 women who experience pregnancy-related depression. Over 23,000 infants died before the age of 1 in the United States in 2016. For each of these indicators, racially and ethnically diverse families and low-income families are more highly impacted than other families. Because maternal and child health is impacted by a confluence of health care, social, and economic issues, multifaceted approaches are needed to improve maternal and child health.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Considerations for State Policymakers
Federal resources to support maternal and child health are provided to states through Maternal and Child Health Block Grants; Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program; investments in Federally Qualified Health Centers; and Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program. In addition to these federal resources, states have flexibility to design, implement, and fund policies and programs to meet the unique needs of women and children in the state.

1. Help women and families prevent unplanned pregnancies

About half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned. Research has shown that women and children are healthier, achieve better educational outcomes, and have greater financial stability when children are born as a result of a planned pregnancy. States can act to prevent unplanned pregnancies through several strategies.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Provide education about the importance of planned pregnancy through various state agencies and programs using multiple modalities including in-person, peer networks, mass and social media. The Community College System in Mississippi, under direction from the legislature, has an unplanned pregnancy prevention action plan and includes unplanned pregnancy prevention materials in student orientation and academic course materials, when appropriate.
Increase access to contraception through comprehensive, statewide plans like in Delaware and Colorado to increase access to the full range of contraceptive methods—including long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)—for all women and provide training and technical assistance to health care providers across the state. States can change Medicaid program rules and incent private insurers to remove barriers to LARCs, such as prior authorization, and offer providers reimbursement for contraceptive screening, counseling, provision, and follow-up.
2. Act to reduce maternal and infant deaths and complications

The causes of maternal and infant mortality and morbidity are multifaceted and complex and therefore require collaboration among multiple state agencies and community partners. States are pursuing many approaches to reducing maternal and infant deaths and improving maternal and infant health.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Establish and strengthen statewide, cross-agency taskforces to evaluate the circumstances, causes, and missed opportunities for intervention for each maternal and infant death in order to improve care and reduce mortality. These taskforces work best when they include health care providers, hospitals, public health agencies, community organizations, and families impacted by maternal and infant mortality and complications.
Provide tools, technical assistance, and accountability mechanisms to health care providers to end preventable morbidity, mortality, and racial disparities in maternal and infant health. The California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative is a multi-stakeholder organization that uses research, quality improvement toolkits, statewide outreach collaboratives and its innovative Maternal Data Center to improve health outcomes for mothers and infants. Since the Collaborative’s inception, California has seen maternal mortality decline by 55 percent between 2006 to 2013, while the national maternal mortality rate continued to rise.
Directly engage and support mothers through programs such as Labor of Love, a program of the Indiana State Department of Health which provides dedicated information and referral helpline for moms and a mobile app, Liv, full of pregnancy related resources.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
3. Support maternal and child mental health and social and emotional development

There is strong evidence that pregnancy related depression and other adverse childhood experiences can have a significant impact on the health of children and families. States can impact the lifelong health of women and children if mental health needs are identified and treated early.

Reduce adversity and build resilience by screening for and addressing toxic stress and providing early interventions in families. Vermont has created a permanent Director of Trauma Prevention and Resilience Development within the Office of the Secretary in the Agency of Human Services to direct and coordinate a systemic approach across state government to build childhood resilience and mitigate toxic stress.
Increase identification of and treatment for pregnancy related depression and infant social and emotional development by providing services to mothers and infants, offering training resources for health, human services and educational professionals and creating incentives to improve access and quality of care by health care providers.
Support new parents through home visiting programs such as Healthy Families America, Nurse-Family Partnership, and Parents as Teachers, that can improve family functioning and child development, reduce health risk behaviors and child maltreatment, decrease racial/ethnic disparities, and even improve economic security.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
Maternal, Infant and Child Health
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000, include three main health goals, two of which focus on child and reproductive/maternal health. MDG4 calls for the reduction of under-five child mortality by two-thirds by 2015 against a 1990 baseline, and MDG5 calls for the reduction of maternal mortality by three-quarters during the same period, as well as universal access to reproductive health. While neither the reproductive/maternal goal nor child health goal were reached by the 2015 target date, maternal and child mortality have each declined by half since 1990, and the global annual rate of reduction for child mortality doubled in the MDG era, from 1.8% during 1990– 2000 to 3.9% during 2000–2015. Global under-five mortality has declined by 47% between 1990 and 2015. This translates to decline in under-five from 12.7 million in 1990 to nearly 6 million in 2015. The rate of reduction in under-five mortality has more than tripled since the early 1990s.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

The 2015 data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed a 45% worldwide decrease in materinal mortality ratio. Of the 303,000 women who died of maternal causes, most of the deaths occurred in the African region. There was also an increase in the number of births attended by a skilled health personnel. More than 71% of births were assisted by a health personnel in 2014 as compared to 59% in 1990. In the developing regions, only 52% of pregnant women received the recommended number of antenatal visits.

As for child mortality, 5.9 million children aged under-five died in 2015. Majority (83%) of the deaths were due to infectious, neonatal or nutritional conditions. Neonatal mortalities comprised the bulk of under-five deaths. One million neonates died on the day they were born. An additional 1 million will die in their first week of life and around 2.8 million will die during their first 28 days of life. Prematurity, intrapartum-related complications, and neonatal sepsis could be avoided with simple, but high-impact interventions that address the needs of women and newborns in the continuity of care.The top causes of neonatal deaths were prematurity (16%), intrapartum-related complications (11%) and sepsis (7%).Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Despite the improvements brought about by MDG4 and MDG5, there are still many challenges to be addressed. Every minute around the world, 11 children die before celebrating their fifth birthday, mostly from preventable causes. Large inequities remain in maternal health, along with gaps in access to and use of sexual and reproductive health services that must be consistently addressed and monitored. Child survival and improving maternal health will remain priorities of the post-2015 global development agenda.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serves as a global post-2015 development agenda. While it does not aim to complete what the Millennium Development Goals did not achieve, it recognizes that eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge and a crucial requirement for sustainable development. Goal 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all in all ages. Targets for maternal, neonatal and child health include: reduction of global maternal mortality ratio, end preventable deaths of children and newborns under 5 years, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, achieve universal health coverage and support the research and development of vaccines and medicines.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay
Individual and global efforts are necessary to continue improving maternal and child health.

Recognizing that our mission cannot be attained without a strong foundation in health delivery, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) works to prevent and treat HIV infection while strengthening comprehensive maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) programs. EGPAF helps deliver HIV prevention, care and treatment services within settings that provide reproductive health services, prenatal care, labor and delivery, and early childhood care, while strengthening existing MNCH services offered at these locations.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Reproductive Health
EGPAF supports services that reduce risk of HIV transmission from mother to child. We work with supported reproductive health sites to offer HIV testing and counseling and linkage to care and treatment alongside voluntary family planning, and sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment, and cancer screening.

Prenatal Health
Prenatal care locations serve as important entry points to provide access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services. EGPAF supports initiatives that promote early enrollment of pregnant women in MNCH services.

Labor and Delivery Services
Counseling women on the benefits of giving birth in a health facility is a routine element of our supported prenatal care, as home births are more likely to result in health complications and death. EGPAF ensures that labor and delivery are provided by skilled birth attendants able to offer respectful maternity care and adequately respond to obstetric emergencies.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Postnatal Care
The postpartum period is a critical time for all mothers and newborns, as most serious health problems may arise within the first days and weeks of life. We ensure that each new mother and infant visiting our postnatal care service locations is screened for HIV and linked to ART, if needed. In many of our supported sites, we offer nutrition and early child development counseling in addition to maternity follow-up care.

Child Health Settings
EGPAF supports a variety of early child health settings to ensure that each eligible mother-infant pair is given access to comprehensive health services including HIV testing, care and treatment. EGPAF also works in these settings to provide psychosocial support to children and adolescents through clubs and camps, where HIV-positive children and teens meet to discuss HIV, stigma, family, and issues with treatment adherence.

The health of mothers, infants, and children is a reflection of the current health status of Hawaii’s population, and predicts the health of the next generation. Maternal and child health begins before conception, when steps can be made to improve the overall health of the mother. Once pregnant, it is recommended to seek prenatal care because of its potential to improve the health of mothers and infants. Early prenatal care allows for the detection, treatment, and management of medical and obstetric conditions.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Additionally, it gives health care professionals an opportunity to screen and counsel women for risky behaviors, such as alcohol or substance use. Alcohol is the leading cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Since the safe or minimum amount of alcohol is unknown, complete abstinence from alcohol use is recommended for pregnant women or women planning to become pregnant. Drug use poses various risks for unborn babies and pregnant women. Babies exposed to illegal drugs can have low birth weight, withdrawal symptoms, birth defects, or learning or behavioral problems. Similar to alcohol use, birth defects and other problems resulting from illegal drugs are 100% preventable if women stop before becoming pregnant. Another risky behavior is tobacco use, which can result in premature birth, low birth-weight, still birth, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Breast-feeding is recognized by national and international authorities as the single best way to feed infants. It is associated with fewer episodes of infectious illness among infants and healthier relationships between babies and mothers. In addition to being cost-effective, breast-fed children have been found to have higher cognitive function than formula-fed infants.

Since 1990, maternal death worldwide have dropped by 45 percent, however consistently around 800 women die from preventable makes related pregnancy and labor. All of these deaths happen in low-pay settings subsequently of condition that includes hypertension, infection, high blood pressure, and complications during delivery. Maternal health is closely connected to infant survival. While great steps have been made in reducing global child mortality, new-borns and now represent 44 percent of all child deaths. Every year, 2.9 million babies needlessly die within their first month and an extra 2.6 million are stillborn. The main cause, which are preventable and treatable, are confusions because of rashness, intricacies amid conveyance and contamination. National organizations recognize the need to accelerate the development, delivery and impact at scale of new approaches to deal with need worldwide medical issues. These advancements will help in earlier diagnosis of per-eclampsia and eclampsia, in distinguishing of abnormalities during labor, and in prevention of postpartum hemorrhage for women without access to skilled providers. Experts in child health and maternal focus on the complex public health problems affecting women, infants and their families. Their well-being determines the health of the next generation and can help future health care challenges for families, communities, and the public health care system Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

The Republic of South Sudan is the newest country of the world, with a total estimated population of 11,296,000 and 406,000 annual births. Despite facing many challenges, it is a growing country committed to improving the living conditions of their population.

The Republic of South Sudan recently has issued important health policies that will improve the health system and reduce maternal and child mortality in the country. The newly issued Health Policy 2016-2015 calls for a responsive intersectoral collaboration that targets individuals, families and communities to take responsibility for the determinants of health; food security and nutrition, education, poverty, water and sanitation, environmental and climatic conditions, housing, socio-cultural and gender related barriers to access to health services, all forms of violence, traffic and urban planning, in addition to sustained behavior change campaigns.Maternal, Infant, And Child Health Essay

Among its objectives, the policy envisions that all efforts and program mes work to strengthen health service organization and infrastructure development for effective and equitable delivery of the basic package of health and nutrition services.Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
Since 1990, maternal death worldwide have dropped by 45 percent, however consistently around 800 women die from preventable makes related pregnancy and labor. All of these deaths happen in low-pay settings subsequently of condition that includes hypertension, infection, high blood pressure, and complications during delivery. Maternal health is closely connected to infant survival. While great steps have been made in reducing global child mortality, new-borns and now represent 44 percent of all child deaths. Every year, 2.9 million babies needlessly die within their first month and an extra 2.6 million are stillborn. The main cause, which are preventable and treatable, are confusions because of rashness, intricacies amid conveyance and contamination. National organizations recognize the need to accelerate the development, delivery and impact at scale of new approaches to deal with need worldwide medical issues. These advancements will help in earlier diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, in distinguishing of abnormalities during labor, and in prevention of postpartum haemorrhage for women without access to skilled providers. Experts in child health and maternal focus on the complex public health problems affecting women, infants and their families. Their well-being determines the health of the next generation and can help future health care challenges for families, communities, and the public health care system Maternal, Infant, and Child Health Essay

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