Phase 3: Planning for Evaluation Assignment

Phase 3: Planning for Evaluation Assignment

Evaluation of the Planned Change Project

A clear understanding of the problem and opportunity for improvement is essential to effectively lead planned change. This leads to the development of a clear and measurable outcome statement to describe the intended end result of the planned change initiative. Both of these elements are pivotal for effective planning change.

Critical Role of the Evaluation Plan

Additionally, it is essential that a valid plan for evaluation of the outcome is established early on in the planning process. A plan for evaluation is necessary to define how successful achievement of the outcome will be measured. An accurate and effective evaluation plan will specifically correspond to the aligning outcome statement and will describe how successful achievement of the outcome statement will be measured.


If a clear outcome statement has been determined, the evaluation plan will naturally flow from that statement. Here are a few examples which convey the alignment between the outcome statement and the evaluation plan:

Outcome Statement

Corresponding Evaluation Plan

20% increase in the number of patients receiving the flu vaccine at Mercy Clinic by 12/31/2020 (baseline = 160 patients accepting the vaccine)

Track the number of patients receiving the flu vaccine at Mercy Clinic and compare with baseline in order to validate an increase of 20% by 12/31/2020.

25% decrease in the number of patients readmitted with CHF within 30 days at Fairfield Hospital by the end of the second quarter, 6/30/2020 (baseline = 16 patients readmitted during the first quarter)

Monitor the number of patients readmitted with CHF within 30 days at Fairfield Hospital and compare with baseline in order to validate a decrease of 25% by the end of the second quarter (6/30/2020). Phase 3: Planning for Evaluation Assignment

20% decrease in the number of teen pregnancies at Judson High School by 6/1/2020 (baseline = 15 pregnancies)

Calculate the number of pregnancies at Judson High School and compare with baseline to verify a 20% decrease by 6/1/2020.

Elements of an Evaluation Plan

Evaluation plans describe how the project outcome will be assessed and measured, and will include each of the following components:

Component of the Evaluation Plan


Outcome measure and current baseline for that measure

Outcome measure: Flu vaccine uptake among clinic patients

Current baseline

Baseline: 160 patients

Source of data

Electronic health records

Method of evaluating the outcome measure

Tracking and counting the number of people that receive the flu vaccine in the clinic

Indicator of success

192 patients (Increase of 20% by 12/31/2020 as noted above).

Helpful Reminders

As you develop an evaluation plan to correspond with the outcome for your planned change project, be sure to ask yourself the following:

  • What is the outcome measure, and do I know the current baseline?
  • What is the source of data and do I have access to that information?
  • Is there a method in place for gathering the specific data related to the indicators of success?
  • Will I have access to this data regarding the indicators for success?
  • Do I need to develop any tools to conduct the evaluation, or permission to access the necessary data to determine successful achievement of the outcome?
  • What will be the indicator of success?
  • Is the scope of the outcome and evaluation plan feasible for the time that I have in practicum?

Practicum Application and Activities

Once you have established a project outcome, or outcomes, it is essential that you develop a plan for evaluation of the outcomes. Review the Johns Hopkins Appendix B, number 10, located in the MSN Toolbox area of the course. Proceed with the following activities. Document your practicum-related activities on the Practicum Log:

  • Prepare a plan with specific talking points to meet your faculty (and practicum mentor if available) regarding your plan for evaluation of the project outcome.
  • Meet with your faculty (and practicum mentor if available) to discuss your plan for evaluation of the project outcome.
  • Complete the Johns Hopkins Appendix B, number 10.
  • Validate your work on Phase 3 with your faculty (and practicum mentor if available) as needed.
  • Revise your work as necessary.
  • Submit the Johns Hopkins Appendix B completed with your time log, once Phase 3 completed.

Phase 3: Planning for Evaluation Assignment