Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

(Week # 12: July 20 to July 26 – Main post under Assignment by Wed, July 22 at 11:59 PM EST).


Students are required to post a minimum of three times per week (1 main post answering the question 100% before Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST and 2 peer responses by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST). The three posts in each individual discussion must be on separate days (same day postings / replies will not be accepted).Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Chapter 23 – Neurological Disorders. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Chapter 24 – Mental Health.Bipolar disorder

1. Choose one neurological disorder discussed in your textbook. Mention signs and symptoms of the chosen disease / disorder.

2. Discuss its management and important nursing implications.

Guidelines: The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion. If there are 4 questions in the discussion, you must answer all of them. Your grade will be an average of all answers.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Grading Criteria: Student mentions one neurological disease / disorder from the textbook (25%). Student mentions signs and symptoms of the chosen disease / disorder (25%). Student discusses management of the mentioned disease / disorder (25%). Student discusses important nursing implications.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Caring for elders is one of the most challenging activities especially in the nursing profession. Old adults have different requirements and needs that must be met in order to ensure they stay a healthy and happy lifestyle. The nursing professional provides the person with knowledge on how to take care of people of all ages. As a nurse professional, I have undergone many challenges taking care for the old both in hospitals and at homes. According to Blumenthal-Barby (2014), human beings are heterochronic in age. People have many different types of ages and as a nursing professional my duty is to understand different aged people and give them care according to each person’s need. Aging leads to significant change in functions of different parts of the body. The combination of these functions increases the complexity of care. As an experienced nurse, I have learned that earlier diagnosis and effective management of problems affective older adults makes it easier to care for their healthy needs. Complete the following:2. I believe that the essence or central factor determining successful aging is:Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
I believe the following factors are essential in determining successful aging:
– Financial security
– Independence
– Physical health
– Employment and productivity
– Living a busy life such as getting involved in activities, and
– Effective coping with physical and psychological body needs
3. The major sources or influences that shape my philosophy of aging are:
My philosophy of aging is influenced by several philosophers who argue that aging is a natural feature that is expected of every individual. Different factors contribute to accelerated old age among individuals. The work of Jarden and Jarden (2002) plays a major role in influencing my philosophy of aging. Jarden argued that the basic philosophy of aging aims at maintaining older adults mentally and physically fit at all capacities by ensuring they receive appropriate support and care. Aging people have more demands compared to other populations in the community. Jarden and Jarden calls upon every health care sector should have a special facility to care for the aged. In addition, they claim it is the responsibility of nurses to ensure a close follow-up of older adults and provide them with the care they need.
Another major source that influences my philosophy of aging age is the work of Jason Powell. Powell (2006) argued that aging is a product of social category. Health care professionals should consider the category of aged people as a delicate group just like children. Powell promotes me to put more effort while providing services to the old because many communities neglect older adults because they are termed valueless in life (Powell, 2006). 4. To enact my philosophy of aging in my practice I must remember this about the elders that I work with and care for:Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
It is always important to remember that aging people are also human beings and they deserve love, respect, and care like any other person in the community. The philosophy of aging by Blumenthal-Barby (2014) argues that old aged patients experience more complex and stressing moments in hospitals because they suffer from loneliness. The elders I work for promote my morale to work when I see them becoming more healthy and happy after attending to them. In addition, my philosophy of aging allows me to practice advanced care planning and develop strategies that will assist future professional nurses take good care of the aged population. 5. I must remember this about the elders’ families and significant others:
The family of an elderly person plays a major part in improving health conditions of aged patients. The support, love and care showed by elder’s families for the patients I have taken care of reminds me of God’s love for His people. In addition, other stakeholders like friends and well-wishers also remind me of the importance of taking care of the aged because it brings blessings to a person’s life. 6. I must remember this about my health:Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
Caring for the aging and older adults and implementing the philosophy of nursing reminds me that one day I will be aged. The memory of the aging people and older adults I have taken care reminds me of the importance of eating healthy diet and avoiding food products that might affect the functions of my body organs during my old age. Most aging people and older adults suffer from chronic diseases caused by poor eating habits during earlier ages. 7. In accord with my philosophy of aging, my plans for retirement are:
Many people plan of investing in businesses and other sources of money after retirement, but my plans are totally different. My experience in the nursing profession has taught me that giving back to the society is the most effective way of spending retirement period. I plan to start a home for the older adults upon receiving my retirement benefits. The plan will involve taking older people from the community who have no one to take care of and to offer them all the support they require to stay happy and healthy. In addition, my home will employ people with the same philosophy of aging as mine in order to ensure all clients receive equal care.
8. My current vision of my future selfa) I believe that my situation in 15 years will be:.. (Give a rationale for this prediction.)Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
After fifteen years I will be approaching 60 years and my situation will have changed. At the age of 60, people are more vulnerable to common problems because this forms the period when one builds their careers, homes, and plans for investment. After 15 years, my situation will be characterised by a more stressing life as I try to balance my profession life and my family life. I have served many patients between the age of 45 and 65 and they always complain of difficulties balancing their career and family lives. b) I believe that my situation in 25 years will be:. (Give a rationale for this prediction)
After 25 years I will be classified as an older adult and my situation will have changed completely from the way I currently look. I will be healthy, strong, and active but, I will not manage to continue with my career. With the knowledge I have gained from working with the aging and older adults, I see myself as an exception from what characterises older adults. My responsibility at this time will be to eat a balanced diet, exercise frequently, and sharing with friends to avoid build-up of stresses. c) I believe that my situation in 35 years will be:. (Give a rationale for this prediction)Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
After 35 years from now, I will be old and requiring total care just like the older adults I care for today. I will be slow in doing things and depending mostly on other people to help me with some major duties such as answering calls of nature, taking shower and travelling. The rationale for my situation at this time is from one of the patients I used to take care of at the age of 8o’s who could not concentrate on anything.

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Gerontology studies the processes of aging which include biopsychosocial factors, geriatrics, geropsychology, social gerontology, financial gerontology, geropharmaceutics, gerontological nursing, gerontological rehabilitation, and others. Traditionally being ‘old’ means to be over 65 years old. The Social Security Administration sets this number. However, modern approach to designation of the ‘old’ people defines “the young old (ages 65–74), the middle old (ages 75–84), and the old old, very old, or frail elderly (ages 85 and up) (Mauk, 2006). Mauk has stated in her research that those numbers cannot be accepted as universal. As different aspects impact the health, socio-cultural, psychological and other features that predetermine the person’s feeling of one’s age. Thus, differences certainly exist between biological aging and chronological aging, and between the physical and emotional or social aspects of aging with each individual” (Mauk, 2006). Notable, while aging a person may develop new diseases which become chronic. Their organisms become weaker with age. Many older adults require special care both in the hospitals and home. People of all ages must feel comfortable to develop a healthy environment for themselves and people around them. Thus, aging in place is important for successful aging.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay Thus, this paper is going to discuss the effect of aging population increase and its economical and social influence on the country. Along with the critical analysis of the relevant literature, the researcher will discuss the interviews conducted with an elderly. The questions were related to promotion of successful aging and understanding aging experience and perception.

A summary of the interview
Aging is an unavoidable process. When getting closer to this age, any person must remember that they still have a life ahead, their life perception impacts their psychological and physical health significantly. Moreover, there is a direct connection between successful aging and remaining strong relationships with a family, friends, neighbors, spouses, and others. While interviewing Mrs. Chan, the researcher has noted that she develops successful aging, as she realizes its unavoidability. She peacefully accepted all the natural changes in her appearance and body. However, she stated that her heart feels young. Mrs. Chan believed that participating in social activities, doing exercises regularly, learning and developing new skills allow her to stay young. According to Jennifer Reichstadt and her colleagues, “[Successful aging is] enjoying the automatic part of life as much as you can and the special moments as much as you can… It took a long time for people to realize that right now is really what life is all about. The future is unpredictable up to a point. This moment, right now, because my organs are working, is life” (Reichstadt et al. 2010). Mrs. Chan was a little worried about her aging, as she did not expect to be active long. She was sad that her body had developed more age-related health problems than she thought it would be. She believed that she would manage to maintain the current health condition as getting old. The interviewee wanted to keep actively engaging in social activities, spending more time with family and friends. Mrs. Chan also expected not to experience financial worry, while getting new wrinkles, grey hair, and becoming weaker. Mrs. Chan has also described the changes in her health condition due to aging. She has lost her appetite because she does not feel taste as good as before. She has become weaker and slower.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay Her body does not produce as extensive sweat as before even if she exercises. However, the blood pressure is more often to change. Very often, Mrs. Chan experiences insomnia. Insomnia and blood pressure often occur when Mrs. Chan experiences emotional boom related to health, death, and family. The interviewee has learned how to live with all those aging phenomena, which proves successful aging. Notably, Mrs. Chan has plenty of memories that help her age successfully. She has spoken much about her sons, their education, and career. The interviewee has a large family whom she likes to communicate with. Besides her sons, the old lady has a husband’s support. He and their children always provide physical and emotional help, when she cannot carry heavy bags from the shop when she worries because of getting old. Mr. and Mrs. Chan both have a positive perception of aging; this helps them go ahead and enjoy their lives. However, successful aging is a challenge for many older people because they often experience financial issues. Low pensions and the absence of insurance make elderly’s lives a robust experience. Mrs. Chan claims that she knows about such negative factors, and from the beginning, she was not ready for that, but she is not alone. She has her family, and she feels support both emotional and financial from her sons which plays an integral role in her physical and psychological health. Mrs. Chan has enough money to travel a lot and attend the gym. Those activities make her happier.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay


“Psychological well-being is a broad term that has different meanings for different social scientists” (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). The measurement of well-being includes three central factors morale, happiness, and life satisfaction. Those factors play an integral role in the decision-making process of aged people and the gerontological personnel. “An assessment describes the client in terms of characteristics relevant to the service being offered and gathers the information needed to tailor programs specifically to the needs of an individual” (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). To complete this study, the researcher had to develop a questionnaire for an elderly to measure her aging satisfaction. Using the theory, the researcher has included the seven domains of satisfaction and asked Mrs. Chan about “material well-being, health, productivity, intimacy, safety, community, and emotional well-being (Hillier & Barrow, 2014). While interpreting her answers, the researcher discovered, that Mrs. Chan is generally satisfied with her aging process, even though she had faced some challenges which include financial and health problems. However, her family had supported her, and now she is happy.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Getting old is an inevitable process. Everything has its beginning and end. This interview was important to me as a researcher and an individual. I consider that learning materials from the book are not as useful and efficient as communication with people, getting the first-hand information. As a future nurse, I must realize all the psychological, biological, and social processes which take place in person’s aging. When aging a person requires specific help and support. I am still not sure which direction I should go that is why I must understand responsibilities of both gerontological nurse and gerontological rehabilitation nurse. If I select working as a gerontological nurse, I must realize that my patients can suffer because of various “chronic illnesses and long-term functional limitations such as stroke, head injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases, spinal cord injury, arthritis, joint replacements, and amputations” (Mauk, 2006). If I select working as a gerontological nurse, I will be involved in working “with healthy elderly persons in their communities, the acutely ill elderly requiring hospitalization and treatment, and the chronically ill or disabled elderly in long-term care facilities, skilled care, home care, and hospice” (Mauk, 2006). All the old people, who undergo this condition and do not display any severe features that must be observed by the specialists will be under my responsibility and responsibility of my colleagues. Thus, we must learn hard to get a theoretical understanding of the problem. Simultaneously, an internship is important for gerontological nurses as it gives an in-depth understanding of the problems and valuable experience in communication with such people while providing them emotional, psychological and physical support. All in all, gerontological nurses and gerontological rehabilitation nurses must advocate “for the health of older persons at all levels of prevention” (Mauk, 2006).Nursing And The Aging Family Essay
Due to the current tendency of population aging, gerontology has become a significant aspect of modern healthcare. Specialists operating in the gerontological sphere must realize that each old person is unique. They have lived their lives, developed habits, interests, and experiences. Like any other citizen of the country, older people remain their rights to privacy and dignity. They have abilities and limitations which impact their life satisfaction, expectations, and needs. Gerontologists state that “We believe in the older person’s right to make informed choices, and we advocate for the fulfillment of those decisions” (CGNA, 2010). Even though family and friends of the older person remain playing an integral role in their lives, they still often require the third party’s support. Thus, gerontological nurses can fill in this gap. Their professional support and communication can improve the physical and psychological condition of the patient. They can ensure that “the health care system, including gerontological nursing practice, supports client outcomes” (CGNA, 2010). Gerontological nurses are the professionals that aim to optimize the well-being of older people and assist them to achieve successful aging. CGNA (2010) views gerontological nursing as “dynamic interaction between the client and nurse to achieve health and wellbeing” (CGNA, 2010). This sphere provides a nurse with different areas for self-development and promotion. While being an integral part of the process, a nurse must be ready to contribute significantly to the interaction with the patients. “Clients bring their unique experiences, personal knowledge, and expertise about themselves whereas nurses bring their specific body of knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics, their skills and the art and science of nursing” (CGNA, 2010). Moreover, different political, social, community, cultural and other factors play an integral role in the development of the interaction between the older person and the nurse. Thus, a nurse must always be prepared for such conditions and find necessary words to maintain a positive environment for the patients.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Patient falls are a serious aspect of the nursing field since it is nurses’ responsibility to take care of the patients and ensure that they are safe at all time. The American population is aging, and the majority of patients in the health centers are older adults who are prone to falls leading to various ramifications to the health centers, patient, and the nurses. Consequently, this research aims at identifying how patients’ falls can be reduced in healthcare facilities. According to Weinberg (2011), elderly falls among the old people in the hospital are ranked sixth leading cause of death for this category of people. The authors also argue that falls among the patients are the primary cause of injury admission in the majority of healthcare facilities in the US. Rowe (2013) argues that falls lead to prolongation of the inpatient period for about 84% of patients aged more than sixty years. The researcher has also found that one in every forty falls cases results in death after one year. The increase in inpatient stay due to patient falls results to increased care costs as the injuries call for extensive care leading to depletion of resources allocated to the health facility.Nursing And The Aging Family Essay According to Wayland et al. (2010), patient falls lead to muscle and soft tissue fractures which not only increase the hospitalization period but also decreases the movement ability of the patient. It is imperative to note that, the mobility of the patient is necessary as it helps the patient to recover within the set time frame. As the hospital staff, especially the nurses, come up with programs to enhance the mobility of the patients, they have to be careful to ensure that the patient does not fall. Rheaume and Fruh (2015) argue that 25% of patient falls are preventable if only the hospital can implement the right structures and practices. It is essential to note that the nurses have a role to take care of the patients, and this study falls squarely within the precincts of the nursing study (Dzieżyc et al. 2015).Nursing And The Aging Family Essay

Due to the current tendency of population aging, gerontology has become a significant aspect of modern healthcare. Specialists operating in the gerontological sphere must realize that each old person is unique. This is notable that nursing career has a vast developmental opportunity as it makes the employees think hard before making decisions and actions. They are involved in communication with people who have a vast experience in different spheres of knowledge. Gerontological nurses must be ready to take care of older people in every single moment of their stay in the healthcare establishment. This will help reduce possible physical injuries and their adverse outcomes. Thus, the operation in this field is challenging as it requires much attention, care, and support. However, this job is grateful as a gerontological nurse helps a patient to enjoy his aging process. Nursing And The Aging Family Essay