Hypertension Pre-brief Assignment

Hypertension Pre-brief Assignment

Health Education Pre-Brief Activity_STUDENT VERSION

· Review Course Lecture PPTS and readings for Chapter 5: Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Risk Reduction.

· Using this module, answer the following questions:

1) Provide a brief summary of this client’s conditions (in this example, HYPERTENSION). This demonstrates why it is important to have a good understanding of the client’s condition/disease before beginning a health education activity.

· For your client:

· Identify the disease/condition that you plan to address in this teaching plan

· What resource/s will you use to review this disease/condition, in preparation for teaching? (Remember, all resources should be current and evidence-based).


2) Discusses barriers to effective teaching.

· List 3 barriers that healthcare professionals experience:




· List 3 strategies to overcome the barriers you identified:


·Hypertension Pre-brief Assignment


3) Discusses Patient Centered Hypertension Education.

· What is the difference between DOPE and HOPE?


· How has the role of (HYPERTENSION) health educator changed in recent times?


· How do we keep our education “patient-centered”?


· What is the benefit of patient-centered education?


4) Discuss the ASSURE mnemonic for teaching.

A: Analyze

· Which elements are important to “Analyze” in our learners?


· What are the 4 basic learning styles discussed in this module?


· How can you assess learning styles in your client?


S: State the Objectives

· Remember, all objectives should be SMART. What does this mean?


· When creating objectives for the learning session, how do you best decide what to teach?


S: Select appropriate teaching method

· List 3 examples of teaching methods that can be implemented during health education sessions:




U: Use effective instructional materials

· List 3 examples of instructional materials that can be used for health education:




R: Require learner performance

· What are the 4 domains of learning?




R: Evaluate the learning

· What are the best methods to utilize to evaluate effectiveness of teaching?


5) Discuss various theories and models for change. Use this information to guide your selection of a theory/model for your educational session.

6) Discuss Creating a Lesson Plan. Use this information to guide you as you create a lesson plan for your client.

Hypertension Pre-brief Assignment