Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders Nursing Essay

Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders Nursing Essay

Episode 1

Mr. Levy considers his problem to be sickness and does not have any problem with the children seeing him the way he is. This makes him sleeps anywhere and does not seem to have any respect for her wife. In one instance, he even superposes that the wife had claimed to be with him for better or for worse. This is an indication that he has given up in life and does not seem to have any intention of changing since he tells his wife to leave home alone.

On the other hand, Mrs. Levy has the urge is supporting her husband and has the opinion that the husband drinks too much and does not have respect or courtesy in doing many things. The parents are arguing and the wife indicates that the husband drinks too much as that he needs to change. Engel et al. (2016) opine that one of the implications of the issue of depression of the arguing and the cases where the families are breaking. This is the issue that is seen in the family of Mr. Levy since the wife has indicated that the issue will end up breaking them if the husband does not change his ways.


Episode 2

Mr. Levy’s social worker is seen to be reliable and has a succinct urge to meet the client. The ideas that he has is that he should meet the client and establish the needs of the client and what the client needs. As pointed out by Mays (2015) healthcare providers are supposed to consider making use of patient-centered treatment methods for the satisfaction of patients. The idea that he will get to learn of many ways that could be useful for the management of the issue of patient care is as well important.

The thoughts that the supervisor has is that there will be a need for the healthcare providers to help in the process of enhancement of patient care strategies of managing the issue of the patient is to help in satisfying herself. The supervisor should consider getting the information on the patient first for each in the diagnosis if the patient has post-traumatic stress disorder caused by the trip that he made to Iraq. In my view, there is a need for further research to be carried out on the strategies before the application is made.

Episode 3

The response that is given by her post are professional allows the client to relax and have an easy time explaining his situation. Typically, I have the opinion that the therapist has done the best in the provision of a listening effort to the client. As such, the process of listening is important as it allows the patient to have a chance of improving their effort of good health. The therapist who should get to help the patient is supposed to ensure that they listen more and talk less and allow the patient to express what they are feeling.

My impression on the way that the therapist has worked with the client is good and I have the view that the therapist has been able to gain the trust of the patient and hence the patients are free to share his ordeal. The therapy session as a whole has succeeded in getting the background information of the patient since Mr. Levy has been in a position to describe the occurrence that he had in Iraq and he has been thought of how to manage his thought by having deep breaths. Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders Nursing Essay

The process of deep breathing allows for the client to be able to get relaxed and hence their issue of anxiety is managed with the adrenaline that creates anxiety being reduced in the release (Steenkamp et al., 2015). The therapeutic approach that has been selected by the therapist is called exposure therapy. According to Najavits (2015), this is an important therapy that allows one to take control of their feelings in relation to a certain traumatic condition. This is an important therapy for use for the case of the client since he is challenged by the thoughts that he has from his trip to Iraq.

Episode 4

The best way to approach the issue is to allow the patient to present his issues of concern and offer a listening ear for them to talk too. In turn, the patient is supposed to get therapy on the actions that he was intending to take and the blame that he has on himself. He is supposed to be educated on the importance of the fact that he tried his best and that he had the best inters of Kurt in mind. This information could play a critical role in informing for the therapeutic approach in that it will allow for the management of the issues of concern that one may only have challenges on the things that the things about but the issue is as well a feeling that he did not do his best in offering his services to the sergeant.

Episode 5

The response to the concern could be that in the next conversation, it could be preferable if there is a consideration of the talks that are made on the family part. It will be important that there is a critical method of concern and get an understanding of the reasons behavior the early PSTD that the patient has. This will allow for getting information on the issue of the child being on the way and the fact that the patient may be scared of the coming child. Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders Nursing Essay


Engel, C. C., Jaycox, L. H., Freed, M. C., Bray, R. M., Brambilla, D., Zatzick, D., … & Belsher, B. E. (2016). Centrally assisted collaborative telecare for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression among military personnel attending primary care: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA internal medicine, 176(7), 948-956.

Mays, G. (2015). Estimating Patient-Centered and Community-Centered Treatment Effects.

Najavits, L. M. (2015). The problem of dropout from “gold standard” PTSD therapies. F1000prime reports, 7.

Steenkamp, M. M., Litz, B. T., Hoge, C. W., & Marmar, C. R. (2015). Psychotherapy for military-related PTSD: a review of randomized clinical trials. Jama, 314(5), 489-500.

Assessing Clients With Addictive Disorders Nursing Essay