Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.

Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.


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The community nursing care plan should include:Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.



·       1 Actual Problem (full format as in Figure 6-2, p. 102 of the text)

·       1 Risk Problem (full format as in Figure 6-2, p. 102 of the text)

·       Each problem should have at least 3 interventions with evidenced based rationales. Rationales will most likely be found in the research literature and will need to be cited using APA format.

o   Possible sources for interventions (other peer reviewed scholarly journals may be used; this is not an all-inclusive list):Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.

§  Journal of Public Health

§  American Journal of Public Health

§  Journal of Community Health

§  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Community Nursing Care Plan for West Pittston, PA 18643

  1. Actual Problems
  2. Nursing diagnosis:

Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in the elderly population aged above 65 years due to poor dietary choices and lack of physical activity.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.


  • Provide health education as the public health nurse on the importance of taking foods rich in fruits and vegetables which contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are crucial in preventing hypercholesterolemia. They prevent oxidation that releases free radicals that then damage body cells through oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with hyperlipidemia (Padayatty et al., 2003). An example of the benefits of fruits in the diet is ascorbic acid which is a powerful antioxidant.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.
  • Provide health education on the importance of exercise or physical activity on the improvement of the outcomes of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Studies have shown that regular isotonic aerobic exercise or walking alone can reduce the blood pressure, blood sugar, and the body mass index or BMI (MacDonald & Pescatello, 2018; Kaplan, 2016).
  • Stop the habit of smoking for those seniors who are still smoking and may also have some other predisposing factors such as lack of exercise and overweight or obesity.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.
  1. Nursing diagnosis:

Teenage obesity among the low socioeconomic status residents of West Pittston as a result of consuming cheap high-calorie beverages and eating fast foods, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and watching many hours of television amongst other actions.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.


  • Carry out teaching/ health education in schools to educate school children in the community on the dangers of eating too much calories, not exercising, and watching a lot of television (Hammer & McPhee, 2018).
  • Encourage the adolescents to ask their parents to prepare meals with fruits and vegetables when they can (Nies & McEwen, 2019).
  • Encourage the children to try walking to school or playing some games instead of sitting in the house and watching television after school (Nies & McEwen, 2019).Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.
  1. Risk Problems
  • Nursing diagnosis:

Risk of suffering early accidental death due to the action of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol and/ or other substances of abuse. The incidence of DUI-associated mortality in the West Pittston area is above the national benchmark.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.


  • Perform mental health awareness in the community in conjunction with community opinion leaders, local government authorities, and faith-based organizations in the community (Zhang & Sloan, 2014). Pervasiveness of mental health conditions such as depression is a reason why many people resort to substance abuse and alcohol use. Their judgement gets impaired in the process and they end up driving under the influence and getting into fatal accidents.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.
  • Encourage social intervention in the prevention of driving while intoxicated (DWI) for both adolescents and adults in the community (Buckley et al., 2016). The public health nurse should carry out sensitization in the community and let the community know that it is the responsibility of everyone to prevent deaths occurring due to DUI cases. Since alcohol drinking is a social event, it is inconceivable that there will be no one seeing that a person is about to start driving while intoxicated. For instance, public places such as bars and other social places should be organizing for cabs to take their drunken customers home. Family members can also play an important role in preventing their loved ones from getting behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated. This is because it can happen in a family gathering (Buckley et al., 2016).Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.

Carry out widespread screening for depression in the vulnerable population demographics such as adolescents (Vilagut et al., 2016).

NSG 403 Clinical

Real World Experiences to Accompany Virtual Clinical Experiences (VCEs)



Community Nursing Care Plan – 6 hours Clinical Equivalency


  1. This real-world experience should be completed following the completion of the Real-World Experience – Community Windshield Survey and Community Needs Assessment.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.



  • Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to:
    • identify sources of information about a community’s health.
    • describe the process of conducting a community assessment.
    • formulate a community or aggregate nursing diagnosis.
    • utilize evidenced based practice strategies in the development of a community plan of care.



  • Applies the public health nursing process to a community, aggregates, individuals, and families.



  • Nies, M. A. & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public Health Nursing, 6thElseiver. Chapter 6, pp. 93 – 105.


Creating aCommunity Nursing Care Plan

Clinical Activity Overview


After completion of the windshield survey and the community needs assessment, you should have enough assessment data to complete a community nursing care plan. See page 102 of the text for the proper format. The summary should be typed in a Word doc. and uploaded to the NSG 403 Clinical Blackboard Site by Monday, November 16th, 2020 at 11:59 PM.Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.



The community nursing care plan should include:


  • 1 Actual Problem (full format as in Figure 6-2, p. 102 of the text)
  • 1 Risk Problem (full format as in Figure 6-2, p. 102 of the text)
  • Each problem should have at least 3 interventions with evidenced based rationales. Rationales will most likely be found in the research literature and will need to be cited using APA format.
    • Possible sources for interventions (other peer reviewed scholarly journals may be used; this is not an all-inclusive list):
      • Journal of Public Health
      • American Journal of Public Health
      • Journal of Community Health
      • Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
  • Community Nursing Care Plan Essay.