The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay

The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay

PCN – 501 Topic 5 Prevention Questions

Directions: Provide short answers of 100-150 words each for the following questions/statements. Do not exceed 200 words for your response. Use the textbook, and any other scholarly resources to support your responses. Include at least two to three peer-reviewed journal articles beyond the textbook and course readings.

  1. What is the difference between prevention and treatment?


  1. Some organizations take prevention programs into high schools. What might that look like in terms of goals and procedures? 
  1. Some prevention programs are supported by government funding. Identify and describe if this is a positive or negative situation for the organization.


  1. If a client thought their nonclient dependent was at risk for a substance use disorder and asked you for resources, which resources or suggestions would you provide and why?
  1. What is a program needs assessment and what types of data are gathered in needs assessments? The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay .



  1. By now, you understand that prevention programs are implemented before individuals start using or drinking problematically. Relapse prevention, on the other hand, is actually an intervention that occurs after the individual has a problematic addiction. Relapse Prevention Models are designed to help people avoid and overcome triggers that lead to relapse. Select one of the following relapse prevention models below and describe how the model will help in the recovery process? 
  • Marlatt & Gordon model of relapse prevention

Sstages of change: maintenance (Prochaska and Diclemente)

  • Cognitive behavioral model of relapse prevention
  • Mindfulness-based recovery models
  • Motivational interviewing approach
  • Family-based relapse prevention
  • Gorski-CENAPS model of relapse prevention

PCN-501 Topic 5: Prevention Questions

Question 1

Prevention refers to the interventions provided before the onset of a health problem or any disorder in order to prevent or decrease the risk of developing a health problem. Prevention thus aims to reduce the burden of health conditions and diseases, as well as associated risk factors (Wang, 2018). An example of prevention is to educate individuals to avoid smoking and substance abuse as these behaviors are risk factors for many health problems. Treatment refers to the interventions aimed to treat and relieve the diagnosed condition.  The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay .Treatment normally starts either before symptoms and signs of the health condition or disease manifest, or shortly thereafter (Wang, 2018). An example of treatment involves the medications provide to treat a condition such as diabetes.

Question 2

The main goal of such programs includes educating adolescents in high-school about dangers and risks associated with drug and alcohol use, prevent teenagers from taking drugs, and encouraging current abusers to stop abusing drugs. Evidence shows that the prevalence of substance abuse among adolescents in the US is very high and keeps rising (Bonyani et al, 2018). Therefore, the prevention of substance abuse among teenagers is very important. The programs also aim to encourage schools to design and develop drug prevention and education programs for students to decrease teenage substance abuse and alcohol consumption (Bonyani et al, 2018). The programs also educate adolescents on the dangers associated with other risk behaviors.  

Question 3

The funding is a positive situation for the organization. This is because, with government funding, the organization can comfortably fund programs’ activities and thus improve program outcomes. The government funding will also enable the organization to reach a wider population due to the increased budget that strengthens the program’s goals and outcomes through strategic action. (Substance et al., 2016). Moreover, government funding provides counselors with opportunities to contract and offer treatment to several clients. The contracts are sustainable because government funding does not come with restrictions.   Moreover, government funding utilizes a client-centered funding strategy and thus clients are connected with the necessary services to attain recovery from substance abuse.

Question 4

The resources and suggestions that would be recommended include providing the client with reading resources about the dangers associated with substance abuse to give the dependent. The client will also be referred to websites with educative information about substance abuse so that the client can refer to their dependent (Bonyani et al., 2018). Moreover, the dependent will be screened for substance abuse because evidence shows that substance abuse disorder can be detected early enough through screening and this facilitates effective recovery.The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay .  The client will also be advised to encourage the dependent to attend the local support groups handling people recovering from substance abuse. This will motivate, encourage, and provide moral support to stop substance abuse.

Question 5

A needs assessment refers to the systematic procedure used to identify the needs of the target population and determine the ability of the program to address the population needs. A needs assessment assists in identifying the current conditions, and the desired outcomes (Shah et al., 2018). During a needs assessment, data is collected from multiple stakeholders and this helps to identify the best means and approaches to attain the desired outcomes. A needs assessment also helps in identifying the funds and resources the programs required during the implementation. The data collected during the assessment include priority needs, as well as the most relevant needs of a community (Shah et al., 2018).


Question 6

Cognitive behavioral model of relapse prevention

The cognitive behavioral model helps individuals through the recovery process by focusing on cognitive, behavioral, and lifestyle modifications and choices that need to be changed or reinforced to prevent relapse. Triggers to relapse are identified and coping strategies developed (Menon & Kandasamy, 2018). Cognitive therapy processes aim to provide clients with strategies to view the change experience as a learning process.The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay .  Clients are encouraged to make lifestyle modifications such as exercises, mediation, and engaging in positive hobbies to reinforce their coping capacity. In this relapse prevention model, clients are educated to comprehend relapse as a process; identify and cope with triggers, cravings, and urges; continue with the treatment even after relapse; and learn how to adopt a well-adjusted lifestyle (Menon & Kandasamy, 2018).


Bonyani, A., Safaeian, L., Chehrazi, M., Etedali, A., Zaghian, M., & Mashhadian, F. (2018). A high school-based education concerning drug abuse prevention. Journal of education and health promotion, 7, 88.

Menon, J., & Kandasamy, A. (2018). Relapse prevention. Indian journal of psychiatry, 60(Suppl 4), S473–S478.

Shah, N., Tabassum, A., & Shah, N. (2018). A needs assessment for faculty development at two medical colleges of Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 34(6), 1386–1391.

Substance, A., Mental, H. S. A. U., & Office of the Surgeon General (the US. (2016). Facing addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s report on alcohol, drugs, and health. Washington DC: Office of the Surgeon General (US).

Wang F. (2018). The roles of preventive and curative health care in economic development. PLOS One, 13(11), e0206808. The Roles of Preventive and Curative Health Care Essay.