Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


The main theme for this organization will be to bridge the gap among aboriginals living in rural communities. Given the health disparities among Aboriginal Canadians an organization that respects their cultural values is paramount. the focus would be to provide health services with their cultural sensitivities in mind. This organization can be part of the aboriginal reconciliation commission in Canada.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


=Integrate all these in the paper. it has to be in Canadian concept.



Canada is one of the advanced nations with a complex healthcare system that has been hailed for its effectiveness in the healthcare service delivery. Nevertheless, this very system has had its fair share of challenges that undermines its spirit of equity in access and affordability of the services when it comes to the public health needs. The most notable challenge is the inequity of access to healthcare services by the indigenous people also referred to as the native communities or the Aboriginals(Lavoie, 2018).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities. Over the years, research has proved that the indigenouscommunities within Canada have continued to face healthcare access challenges due to the disparities posed by the existing systems mostly ignoring their health-related needs based on the native communities’ social norms that include culture, family setting, language and believes. The social determinants of health such as access to education, employment rate, social economic status and political will have also contributed greatly on the challenges that have been experienced for long by the native communities in Canada when it comes to healthcare access, creating a huge gap in terms of disparities when compared to other non-native communities (Habjan et al., 2012). This essay will focus on a proposed initiative in form of a clinic serving the native communities in rural Alberta to address the disparities of the healthcare access witnessed by the native communities in the region.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The Type of Unit Being Developed, The Name, Mission Statement and Values of The Organization

Alberta is one of the diverse Canadian provinces with a rich culture in terms of native population. Being the third among the Canadian provinces in terms of indigenous population, Alberta is host to over 200,000 indigenous people comprising of First Nations, Métis and Inuit, mostly residing in the rural areas of the province(Lavoie, 2018).With these demographics at hand, there has been observation that the indigenous communities have been facing healthcare challenges, primary among them being the access denied by an existing system that does not take into account the sociological aspects and healthcare needs of the native communities (Taylor et al., 2011).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

In this regard, am proposing the establishment of a health clinic in the rural Alberta village of Pincher Creek, AB with a population of 3,642 people within the southwest of Alberta, to primarily cater for the native communities in the area in terms of their healthcare needs (Agrawal& Kurtz, 2019). The clinic will carry the name ‘Native Comprehensive Health Clinic’, which will offer the services of general health clinics, maternal care and mental health checkups and treatment.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The clinic mission will be to offer a comprehensive healthcare services to the native communities in and around Pincher Creek. Its vision will be to avail affordable healthcare services that range from the general health clinics, maternal care and mental treatments to the native communities with an aim of improving the general health well-being of the native communities around Pincher Creek. The mission and vision of the proposed facility have been drawn from the fact that most of the native communities have been found to suffer a lot both in maternal care and mental health related health complications when compared with other non-native communities within Canada. As such, the clinic will be crucial in providing comprehensive healthcare services that match with the needs of the native communities around its locality(Lavoie et al., 2019).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The Native Comprehensive Health Clinic will be headed by a clinic leader who will be assisted by four nurse charges as managers for the different clinic units including the general health clinic, the mental care clinic, maternal health clinic, as well as operations. Under the general health clinic, mental health and maternal care clinics, there will be a diverse professional in the various clinical fields that will oversee the patient care and management. Also, there will be an interprofessional team that will be in charge of handling emergencies and complex cases where consultation from various professions will take place to enable a speedy solution to the presented cases.

On the other hand, the nurse charge operations will oversee the general clinic operations by planning and availing the needed resources for enabling the clinic to operate effectively. She will be assisted by departmental heads. The bottom level consists of the support and office staff who will be responsible for performing office duties in line with supporting the medical staffs and patients within the facility. A comprehensive work policy and ethic guidelines will be made available to ensure every employee stick to the established guidelines and are aware of their responsibilities in the course of their working.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The Leadership Style and The Attributes or Characteristics That One Will Seek to Develop

As a qualified and a hard-working, intelligent nurse leader who has the current knowledge of the principles of leadership and management in a health facility setting, I will be the overall overseer of the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic in its quest to offer professional, and accessible health services to the native community of the Pincher Creek.For a long time, the native communities have been neglected by the existing healthcare system in Canada and one of the cited remedies is to localize health facilities where customized health services can be offered with consideration of social norms culture and beliefs at heart in order to comprehensively address the health issues that affect these communities(Lavoie et al., 2019).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

In my position, I will be an overall leader providing leadership guidance to the unit managers (Nurse Charge) responsible for the various institutional units within the facility. Institutional leadership entails offering guidance and support and being a role model to the rest of the people in the institution. Connectedness, respect, futuristic and responsibilities are key for any leader in order to succeed in leading the institution to the heights that it can meet the health need expectations of its targeted patients. For the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic, the goal is to offer a comprehensive care that respects the social norms and recognizes the needs of the native communities within and around the Pincher Creek locality (Lavoie et al., 2019).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

As a leader, it also demands that one exhibit some qualities and characteristics that are essential in building good relationship that is essential in developing teams, and elevating the collaboration spirit through motivation as well as value creation. With this in mind, I will focus on being a transformational leader whose core characteristics of encouraging and motivating my managers and other support staff to innovate and create change that is essential in improving the health care services as we seek to make the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic a world class clinic that comprehensively caters for the healthcare needs of the native communities (Bottomley et al., 2014).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

By encouraging staff, I will seek to have an open line of consultation, especially on decisions that affect the service delivery where each of the managers and staff will be listened to and their opinions will be respected in order to come up with a comprehensive strategy that is easily adoptable and widely acceptable for easier implementation. On motivation, I will be in the forefront in ensuring that the workers are rewarded accordingly through salaries and other benefits to encourage them to disseminate their duties diligently. The best performers in different categories of service delivery will also benefit on award scheme that seeks to recognize their extra efforts (Blake, 2015).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

TheFive Strategies That Will Be Used to Empower Staff Members

Staff members are a crucial element in ensuring that the operations of a given facility are run effectively. In a healthcare setting, the staff are crucial as effective service delivery ins majorly determined by the staff. Although staffs carry different abilities and professionalism, there is need to understand that they do get challenges in the course of their working and as such, there must be an element of empowerment that assist them in coping with the said challenges and as well avoiding them in future.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

On this note, leaders must be in a position to adopt empowerment strategies that are essential in creating motivation, enhancing skills and encouraging collaboration especially in a health care setting(Bottomley et al., 2014). As a leader at the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic, my empowerment strategies will entail training and development, an all-round decision-making process, comprehensive reward scheme, teamwork and career/leadership growth. These five strategies will be essential in ensuring that the staff within the facility are empowered at any given time and their state of working can enable them cope with the challenges posed in the course of their duties.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

For the training and development, the staff will undergo the necessary training to ensure that they are up to date with the emerging trends within the healthcare setting. This will be crucial in sharpening their working knowledge and enhancing skills that are vital in offering the patient care and management. On the other hand, adopting an all-round decision-making process allows for open communication which is essential in identifying the challenges, as well as finding the best solutions to cope with them. This kind of strategy also motivates the staff by creating a feeling that their views are respected and they are valued by the organization which they work for(Blake, 2015).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Another strategy that is crucial in empowering the staff is having in place a comprehensive reward system that ensures the staff are rewarded handsomely through their respective salaries, as well as through recognition of their efforts. Monetary rewards are not always the best, but even saying thank you through other non-monetary ways brings in the value creation and recognition that builds better relationship that fosters a good working relationship. Furthermore, adopting the team work strategy also assists in empowering staff. The teamwork spirit creates cohesion, encourages information sharing and as well introduces a collaborative approach which is essential especially in offering comprehensive patient care and management.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Finally, on career growth and leadership, staff empowerment can be built on this strategy through developing future leaders by introducing mentorship schemes. Within the facility too, there has to be an opportunity for growth. Staff who stagnate at the same career point may feel discouraged and one way to motivate them is through offering a progressive career growth. This can be achieved through rotational duties, as well as promotion based on capabilities and specific achievements.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

ATeam That Will Function in The Organization Including A Description of The Rationale for Forming This Team and How to Ensure the Group Will Function Effectively

Maternal healthcare needs, as well as mental health complications are the two major areas that are crucial when it comes to the dissemination of healthcare services to the native communities within Canada (Zhao et al., 2010). As such, it is important that the two areas inform much on a team that will be put in place to attend to the complex cases emanating from these two areas. Maternal and mental health complications are most of the times complex and require a multidisciplinary team approach to resolve them comprehensively. As such, an interprofessional team will be vital in handling such cases.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

One team that will be crucial in the overall maternal and mental healthcare dissemination will be the interprofessional team. The interprofessional team comprises of diverse professionals that team up to resolve complex cases by sharing information that is crucial in the overall patient care delivery. It is the epicenter of the professional collaboration that has become the norm for the modern healthcare delivery with known advantages such as saving costs, speedy service delivery and offering of comprehensive healthcare that looks beyond the case observations to the root cause (Parker et al., 2013).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The team will be led by a physician who will be in charge of coordination in terms of the team functioning, as well as mobilization of the needed resources. The physician will also be of the local native community decent to ensure that the social norms regarding the patients are observed at all times(Parker et al., 2013). Moreover, through the department heads, the team will have access to the needed support to ensure that its active and ready at any given time. To ensure that the team functions with the required level of professionalism, the members will be drawn from the crucial emergency response unit with an all-round profession under the team leader. This will ensure that its service dissemination is at par with the established standards and capacity to handle cases of any magnitude(Parker et al., 2013).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Supply Purchasing, Delivery and Distribution

Supplies in a health facility are a crucial part in ensuring that the operations of the facility run smoothly. The supplies in such a scenario will comprise of the medical materials and medicines, equipment, stationery and hospitality related items such as food supplies. All these supplies must have a good coordination in terms of ordering, purchase, delivery, as well as distribution. To relate this situation with the nurses heated debate, I would first establish what is the contentious issue on the ordering and then bring them to the attention of what should happen and assure them not to be worry of the supplies as long as I was in charge.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Having an established supply and purchasing department is crucial which will be overseen by the nurse charge operations through a department manager. The department will be responsible for the supplies ordering, delivery as well as distribution. To ensure accountability, the department will be guided by the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic operations protocol as well as the national purchase and supply standards. The head of the department will be a qualified person in purchasing and supply with specialization on medical facilities supply(Kumari et al., 2013).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The supply and purchasing department will disseminate its supplies functions by ensuring that there are enough stocks for any eventuality and stock-in and stock-out are accounted for to ensure credibility and to control misuse. On the issue of ordering, the tender processes must be adhered to and standards must be met. Medical supplies are delicate in nature both in terms of quality, as well as duration in terms of use. As such, the first-in first-out (FIFO) protocol must apply at all times to ensure that the supplies that were received first are used at the first instance.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Supplies that relate to medical use must be available at all times as the outage may jeopardize the very effort of disseminating quality service bringing in the element of cases turning catastrophic which is not in the spirit of providing the excellent healthcare services (Kumari et al., 2013). To avert such scenario, a health system supply system should be integrated with the general health system to ensure that it keeps track of the supplies at all times including the medicine prescriptions and PPEs to make sure they are ordered in time and delivered as required to ensure smooth running of the clinic operations.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


In a recap, the Native Comprehensive Health Clinic is a viable initiative that will ensure that the native communities of Pincher Creek are catered for adequately in terms of their healthcare needs and in a clinic that they feel comfortable and confidence that their social norms will be respected. Healthcare access has been a great issue in the disparities that have been witnessed in the healthcare issues in relation to the native communities. With the establishment of a localized facility that comprehensively caters for the native community, it will assist in bridging the existing gap and improving the health well-being of the native communities within the Pincher Creek region. With an interprofessional approach setting, the clinic is expected to bring in a new dawn to the native communities around and as well offer the healthcare services that are in line with the culture, norms and beliefs of the native communities.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


Assignment 4: Design Your Own Healthcare Organization (25%)
Due at the end of Unit 12


Congratulations! You have spent the past few months reading the course material related to Management and Leadership in Nursing Practice (Nursing 432) and hopefully you have gained some new knowledge and understanding. Now, you have been given the opportunity to apply some of what you have learned in a �real-life� exercise where you will design your own health care workplace. You were the successful candidate for the following job ad�Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


A hard-working, intelligent nurse manager/leader who has current knowledge of the principles of leadership and management. The successful applicant has read the course readings and has successfully completed the unit objectives for Nursing 432. The incumbent has the opportunity to create a new health care unit or organization. This new unit or organization can be a new nursing unit in a large urban hospital, a community health facility, a remote rural health clinic, or another type of health care organization where nurses are employed.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

The board expects a written submission of approximately 10-12 typed double-spaced pages, excluding title and reference pages, at the completion of this project. The final submission should include references to current literature on nursing management and leadership. References must be in APA format (6th ed).Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.

Sections to Include in Your Project

  1. Determine the type of unit or organization you are developing. Give your organization a name. Describe the mission statement and values of your organization.
  2. Draw an organizational chart for your organization including yourself (the head person) in the chart.
  3. Describe yourself at the head of your unit or organization � will you be a leader or manager? What attributes or characteristics will you have or seek to develop? How will you go about developing them?
  4. Describe five strategies you will use to empower staff members.
  5. Describe one team that will function in your organization � include a description of your rationale for forming this team and describe how you will ensure the group will function effectively.
  6. On the first day your new unit opens you come across two nurses having a heated debate in the hallway related to how supplies are ordered for the unit. Describe how you would handle this situation.

Assignment 4 Marking Guide Designing an Organization (25%) Due at the end of Unit 12

Name �

Score____/100 = ___%

  • There is a clear and focused discussion of each section of the paper. Maximum 20 marks.


  • Reference to the literature is appropriate to each section of the paper and there is the application of a model when one exists. Maximum 25 marks.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


  • The rationale is provided for the type of organization or unit you have chosen to develop. Maximum 20 marks.


  • There is a discussion of why the mission statement and values you have identified are appropriate for the type of organization chosen. Maximum 20 marks.Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.


  • The paper has a scholarly presentation and adheres to APA format (6th ed). Maximum 15 marks.


Remote Rural Health Clinic Serving Native Communities.