Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.


Pretend you are a member of an interprofessional team that is attempting to improve the quality of health care and the outcomes in a vulnerable population. For the first step in your team\’s work, you have decided to conduct an analysis of current position papers that address the issue and population you are considering.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.


In your analysis you will note the team\’s initial views on the issue in the population as well as the views across a variety of relevant position papers. You have been tasked with finding the most current standard of care or evidenced-based practice and evaluating both the pros and cons of the issue. For the opposing viewpoints, it is important to discuss how the team could respond to encourage support. This paper will be presented to a committee of relevant stakeholders from your care setting and the community. If it receives enough support, you will be asked to create a new policy that could be enacted to improve the outcomes related to your chosen issue and target population.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

The care setting, population, and health care issue that you use for this assessment will be used in the other assessments in this course. Consider your choice carefully. There are two main approaches for you to take in selecting the scenario for this assessment:Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

  1. You may use one of the issues and populations presented in the Vila Health: Health Challenges in Different Populations and Vila Health: Resources for Topical Research media pieces. For this approach, you may consider the population in the context of the Vila Health care setting, or translate it into the context in which you currently practice or have had recent experience.
  2. You may select a population and issue that is of interest to you and set them in the context of your current or desired future care setting. While you are free to choose any population of interest, the issue you choose should fall within one of the following broad categories:Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.
    • Genetics and genomics.
      • Sickle cell, asthma, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis.
    • Immunity.
      • Type 1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), congenital neutropenia syndrome.
    • Chronicity.
      • Arthritis, any type of cancer or lung or heart disease, obesity.
    • Addiction.
      • Abuse of alcohol, prescription drugs, tobacco, illegal substances.
    • Emotion and mental health.
      • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, eating disorders, psychosis.

Note: If you choose the second option, contact the FlexPath faculty for your section to make sure that your chosen issue and population will fit within the topic areas for this course.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.


For this assessment you will develop a position summary and an analysis of relevant position papers on a health care issue in a chosen population. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations Scoring Guide and Guiding Questions: Analysis of Position Papers for Vulnerable Populations to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

  •  Explains a position with regard to health outcomes for a specific issue in a target population, and identifies assumptions on which the plan is based.
  •  Explains the role of the interprofessional team in facilitating improvements for a specific issue in a target population. Acknowledges challenges that the team may face in working together or in facilitating improvements.
  •  Evaluates the evidence and positions of others that could support a team\’s approach to improving the quality and outcomes of care for a specific issue in a target population. Identifies knowledge gaps, unknowns, missing information, unanswered questions, or areas of uncertainty (where further information could improve the evaluation).Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.
  •  Evaluates the evidence and positions of others that are contrary to a team\’s approach to improving the quality and outcomes of care for a specific issue in a target population. Impartially responds to conflicting data and other perspectives in a way that creates buy-in.
  •  Communicates an initial viewpoint regarding a specific issue in a target population and synthesis of existing positions in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Identifies specific strategies or approaches used to ensure clear communication.
  •  Integrates relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style. Citations are free from all errors.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like. It\’s attached below.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Additional Requirements

  • Length of submission: 4–6 double-spaced, typed pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your plan should be succinct yet substantive. No abstract is required.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your initial position on the issue, as well as a minimum of 2–3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that express contrary views or opinions. Resources should be no more than five years old.
  • APA formatting: Use the APA Style Paper Template linked in the Resources. An APA Style Paper Tutorial is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your analysis.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Below Attachment: paper guidelines, example of position paper, and Vila health paper topics



The rising population of aged people is increasing across the globe posing a challenge for the healthcare sector in dealing with associated aging health issues. One such health issue is assisting the dementia patients who most of the times comprise of the aged population. Dementia is a progressive deterioration of cognitive functioning which characterizes memory loss, poor judgement, reduced learning capacity and sometimes experiencing difficulty in speech (Dahlke et al., 2017). The ageing population is ranked among the vulnerable groups and as such, it demands for interprofessional collaboration approach when dealing with health issues that this population faces. Developing an all-inclusive plan that involves defined roles of the interprofessional team in facilitating improvements of dementia patients is key in improving the health of the patient and in offering top quality patient care in and outside the healthcare facilities (Dahlke et al., 2017). This essay is a position analysis paper that explains the approach, healthcare outcomes, challenges, as well as assumptions of the interprofessional collaboration when it comes to dementia in aged population.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

The Interprofessional Health Outcomes and Plan Assumptions for Aged Population with Dementia

According to Warren (2016), the interprofessional approach is the best collaborative approach among the dynamic professionals when it comes to handling dementia cases among the aged. The health outcome behind this approach ins building independence among the affected population, as well as prolonging life through preventive measures that eliminate key incidences such as injuries and disability that is mostly associated with aged people with dementia. A planed collaborative approach that will bring together professionals across the board targeting the dementia patients will be crucial in ensuring that this vulnerable population is well catered for in terms of their health needs. This will require also collaborating with care facilities that deal with aged population as well as community in making sure that dementia cases are identified and taken care of by the help of interprofessional in time.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

The statistics show that dementia condition is common among the aged population which is 65 years and above. As He et al., (2016) cites, the aged global population with those above 65 years will account for over 15% of the whole population by the year 2050. According to the US Census Bureau, the aged population above 65 in the US is over 50 million by 2020, and this number is expected to soar to over 80 million by 2040 (He et al., 2016). With these statistics in place, the health sector and especially the involved professionals in the area of dementia treatment and management must deviate ways to work together in a professional manner in order to cater for the health and psychological needs of the mentioned population. As the numbers of aged population increases, the assumptions of increased number of dementia patients going into the future is also true and thus proper prior planning is necessary both for the health facilities in terms of resources and knowledge for the dementia management, especially in interprofessional teamwork among the professionals.     Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

The Role and Challenges of The Interprofessional Team in Facilitating Improvements for Aged People with Dementia

Dementia involves a broad range of conditions, key among them being the Alzheimer’s disease which accounts for over 70% of the dementia cases. With the magnitude of the complications that the dementia disease poses, this calls for a specific demand intervention of complementary collaborative approach among the diverse professionals to enable the most comprehensive possible patient care for those suffering from the disease. The specific professionals in this setting involves the physicians, counselors, nurses, therapists, speech pathologists, dieticians, social workers, as well as psychiatrists. These professionals must work together in a well established and planned manner in order to achieve what is best for the specific patients.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Every professional has a role to play according their profession and being guided by the established professional standards and the laid down policies. The willingness and professionalism must exhibit the course of the inter professional collaboration in order to meet the set goals. Dementia in aging also brings closer the caretakers who among them are the family members. Respecting the personal opinions, culture and beliefs is key in achieving the maximum benefit and treatment and management process for the affected patient and their families. This is one gesture that each professional is expected to observe in carrying out their roles (Dahlke et al., 2017).Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Nevertheless, dementia treatment and management involve a range of activities key among them being counseling and guidance of family members and the patient where applicable, managing injuries, personal hygiene, dieting and exercise, body therapy, as well as speech therapy. As such, each professional within the team is bestowed to undertake the area in line with their profession and exercise their professionalism with all that pertains to offer the best care management for the patient. This must also be in line with the established team protocols to ensure that the team executes the care management in its best ability to achieve comprehensive care management that is beneficial and specific to the patient.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

However, teamwork is expected to face a number of challenges, especially when dealing with dementia among the aged. To begin with, the aged people are sometimes impatient and thus require a lot of patience when dealing with them. This will reduce conflict and improve the patient’s overall treatment experience (Ali & Bokharey, 2016). Another challenge might be misinformation either due to poor line of communication or lack of willingness to share. This can be solved by establishing clear lines of communication, as well as encouraging information sharing among the team members.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

What’s more, different patients come from different backgrounds and their culture and belief differ from one patient to the other. As such, the team members are sometimes caught in between ethics and law, or between culture and medical procedures. At this point, its good enough for the team to make a stand which best fits the patients care and as well respects their culture and beliefs. Moreover, information sharing poses a number of challenges key among them being privacy and confidentiality (Ali & Bokharey, 2016). The team must therefore establish protocols for information sharing and as well protect data loss or theft that might compromise the confidentiality and privacy of the obtained patient information.  Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Evaluation of The Evidence and Positions of Others That Could Support A Team\’S Approach

Team approach or what is popularly referred to as interprofessional collaboration is a treatment and management methodology that continues to gain ground all in the quest of providing the best management and treatment care for the patient. Health institutions are burning the midnight oil in ensuring that there exist teams of professionals that are able to coordinate and handle various operational tasks within the facilities or in a homebased care setting on a daily basis. As such, the teamwork spirit has received adoption with scholars alike conducting research and offering expert opinions on the benefits behind the interprofessional collaboration.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

According to Körner, et al., (2016), Knowledge integration, teamwork and performance in health care is the best approach that can be applied in order to achieve the most beneficial comprehensive patient care and management. Teamwork has emerged to be the best healthcare approach for disseminating care for the patients through enabled information sharing which speeds up the treatment and management processes, consequently saving costs and time and as well improving the service quality. On the other hand, Dahlke et al., (2017) cites that interprofessional teams’ collaboration is the best approach for the care of older adults experiencing cognitive challenges. Lee, Hillier & Weston (2014) also holds a similar view in that, interprofessional teams offer always emerge successful when managing patients dealing with poor memory. Therefore, from the above scholars’ views, the interprofessional approach in terms of collaboration stands among the best professional approaches that should be adopted when it comes to dementia management and treatment among the aged.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Evaluation of The Evidence and Positions of Others That Are Contrary to A Team\’S Approach

As the teamwork attracts opinions from both ends, it shares a contrary opinion on its ineffectiveness in application, especially in healthcare settings. Nevertheless, its condemnation does not hold much weight due to conflicting data and against what is known across the sector of the importance of building a team. Conflict among the team members, leadership failure, poor communication, delayed decision making, slow adoption to change and diverse professional code of conducts are cited among the cons to the collaborative approach and teamwork by interprofessional within the healthcare sector.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.

Scholarly works contrary to the success of teams have been minimal. As cited by Brock, et al., (2017) there has been more emphasis on team building and approach, but most of them end unsuccessful. Brock, et al., (2017) argues that the formation stage of the team is key and skills instruments applied to select team membership should be appropriate as when constituting many teams fail on these areas and end up being unsuccessful. Brock, et al., (2017) discourages teamwork only on these grounds but this is not a weighty matter to dismiss the whole teamwork process. On another contrary opinion, Cha, Park & Lee (2014) hold the view that teamwork is not a perfect option as it is mostly affected by team members psychological proximity, especially on the team overall performance compared to situations where professionals work independently. This conclusion was made from a single profession (IT Professionals) and thus may lack applicability across the sectors especially in the healthcare setting that calls for collaboration of several professionals like the situation on managing elderly suffering from dementia.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.


Dementia is a complex condition that demands interprofessional approach. A comprehensive plan is proposed where there should be put in place a collaborative approach that will ensure all the stakeholders such as elderly care homes, the government, community and healthcare facilities come together and embrace the interprofessional approach in coping with the rising cases of dementia especially in the US. With the rising aged population, the cases are projected to rise too and getting an early plan and adopting an interprofessional approach will ensure that the healthcare sector is not caught unaware and the cases are established and taken care of in time, to improve the health status of the affected. The interprofessional approach in dealing with dementia in ageing is therefore the most appropriate approach in assisting the aged population as a vulnerable group.Analysis of Position papers for Vulnerable Populations.