NURS 3371 Info-graphic Assignment

NURS 3371 Info-graphic Assignment

Art and Science of Nursing – NURS 3371

Infographic Assignment

Nursing Standards Infographic Assignment

Due date:


The purpose of this case study assignment, like all assignments in this course, is to help you prepare you to be a successful nurse. This infographic assignment is here to help you gain an understanding of the AACN standards, the Code of Ethics, the AHNA Standards, and the University of St. Thomas’ philosophy and standards. An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic (in this case, showcasing the different definitions of nursing in your own way). Here’s a great example of an infographic from Paige Minemyer from Fierce Healthcare about predictive analytics and managing the nurse workforce.



The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course:

· Module Outcome 1: Differentiate the AACN standards, the Code of Ethics, AHNA Standards, and University of St. Thomas’ philosophy and standards


This assignment will also help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:

· Recognize the importance of nursing standards

· Explain the impact the standards have within the nursing program

· Connect how all of the standards and code of ethics impacts the field of nursing


To complete the assignment, please complete the following:

1. Research the following standards, code of ethics, and philosophy:

a. AACN Standards

b. AACN Code of Ethics

c. AHNA Standards

d. University of St. Thomas Philosophy and Standards

2. Using your research and understanding, design your infographic using one of the free technologies available:

a. Canva


c. Microsoft Word or PowerPoint (1 slide only)

d. Piktochart

3. Submit your assignment by the assigned due date.

4. Please review the grading rubric on the next page.NURS 3371 Info-graphic Assignment

Criteria for Success (Rubric):NURS 3371 Info-graphic Assignment

Grade and Point Range Description of Criteria
“A” level

10 – 9 points

· Appropriate details support main idea

· Accurate and detailed information

· Information adequately supports purpose of visual

· Topic and title clear and easily identified

· Main idea is clearly appropriate to topic

· All illustrations complement purpose of visual

· Outstanding use of color, design, and space

· Original and creative design

· Overall design is pleasing and harmonious

· Free of grammatical errors

· Words are legible and pertinent to topic

“B” level

8 – 7 points

· Most details support main idea

· Accurate information for almost all subject matter

· Information is mostly adequate and supportive of visual’s purpose

· Topic and title are mostly clear and easily identified

· Main idea is appropriate to topic

· Most illustrations complement purpose of visual

· Adequate use of color, design, and space

· Design is adequate

· Overall design is mostly pleasing and harmonious

· Mostly free of grammatical errors

· Most words are legible and pertinent to topic

“C” level

6 – 5 points

· Few details support main idea

· Lacking accurate information

· Inadequate information is not clearly supportive of visual’s purpose

· Topic and title difficult to identify

· Main idea not clearly stated

· Few illustrations complement purpose of visual

· Inappropriate use of color, design, and space

· Design lacks creativity

· Lack of harmonious design in presentation

· Frequent grammatical errors

· Presentation is illegible and confusing

“D” or “F” level

4 – 0 points

· No details to support the main idea

· Information is not accurate

· Information does not support the visual’s purpose

· Topic and title are not clearly identified

· No main idea

· Illustrations do not complement the purpose of the visual

· Little attempt to use color, design and space appropriately

· Design is dull

· Frequent grammatical errors

· Distractive elements make illustration ineffective

NURS 3371 Info-graphic Assignment