Chronic Disease Management Essay

Chronic Disease Management Essay

PURPOSE: This project is designed to evaluate how media presents persons who have chronic illness(es) and/or disabilities. Consider the perspectives of the individual, family, and community-related issues such as rehabilitation settings, treatment modalities, and interactive dynamics. 

1- Review video list and select a film- My group selected “A Walk To Remember”

2- Compose a presentation that demonstrates these actions: 
          a. Provide a brief overview of the movie
          b. Select two (2) chronic care concepts that seem relevant to the video/DVD. We selected the concepts: quality of life and advocacy. Please ensure these are related to the disease process in this film which is leukemia.
          c. Explain each chronic care concept in 1-2 sentences
          d. Give an example of each concept from the movie to support your concept selection; refer to a portion of the movie that I will need to embed a short video clip from the video/DVD to illustrate the selected concepts. These both can be addressed by focusing on the portion of the movie where Landon’s parents pay for Jamie’s medical care so that she can remain at home for her remaining time alive.I will be creating the actual powerpoint for this, you the writer will be providing me the information, speech content, etc that I will need to record myself talking when I construct the powerpoint myself.
          e. Evaluate this work’s potential impact on the public’s perceptions and on health care professionals’ perceptions of persons with chronic illness(es) and/or disabilities. Give examples from the film.
 Please include the required in-text APA citations as I will need them when/if I choose to use them in my media presentation.

Movie Review/ Presentation of Chronic Care Considerations of the Disease Leukemia as depicted in the Movie “A Walk to Remember.”


            The prevalence and mortality rate of chronic conditions have increased significantly increasing the cost of care globally. While chronic conditions vary, this presentation will focus on Leukemia as depicted in the movie “A Walk to Remember.” It will provide a brief overview of the film. Chronic Disease Management Essay. Additionally, the presentation will capture the concepts of quality of life and advocacy are depicted in the movie. Finally, the presentation will cover an evaluation of the movie’s potential impact on the public’s perceptions and health care professionals’ perceptions of persons with chronic illness(es).

A Brief Overview of “A Walk to Remember”

“A Walk to Remember” is a love story composed by Nicholas Sparks and written by Nicholas Sparks and Karen Janszen. The film was released on January 25, 2002, and it was successful, generating a revenue that was four times its $11.8 million budget. The movie is about a teenage romance between Jamie Sullivan and Landon Carter. It was based in the beautiful setting in Wilmington, North Carolina, with main characters being a group of high school students. Landon has some friends who accompany him for drinks. Additionally, Landon and his popular crowd play the fool with Jamie due to her character and dressing code. She has values and puts on one blue sweater. Nonetheless, Landon and his friends are shaken when one of their dares goes wrong, leaving one of their friends paralyzed. Landon initially dates on of the popular girls in the school who joins in laughing against Jamie. The school’s principal orders Landon to join the drama club as a punishment for the prank. The principal believes that Landon would meet some new people, including Jamie, by joining the drama club. Landon and Jamie meet regularly during play practice. Landon is not competent with the dialogue, making him seek help from Jamie. She is willing to help him provided he is not interested in falling in love with her. Jamie has high self-esteem despite the opinions of others. Chronic Disease Management Essay.


Landon is changed into a better person by Jamie’s serene example. She encourages him to become a serious, sincere and honest person. Jamie is hurt when Landon embarrasses her in the presence of his old friends. When she says, “See you tonight,” Landon replies, “In your dreams,” which makes Jamie so annoyed. Jamie is furious and hurt when Landon shows up at her house later and tries to give lame excuses to justify his behavior. This movie has a unique way of stereotyping Bible-thumpers who are against teenage romance. For instance, Landon approaches Rev. Sullivan to request him to have faith in him. Rev. Sullivan listens to him with an open mind without being judgmental. Landon abandons all his friends to be with Jamie and share his true love with her. However, this couple has several heart-breaking secrets lying between them. Jamie reveals about her Leukemia as time passes. Landon is supportive to Jamie, and he is so heartbroken when Jamie tells him that she is no longer responding to the treatment. Therefore, she is not interested in staying in the hospital anymore, but she wants to die from home.

When London is in Jamie’s house, Eric and Margaret visit her. Eric is sorry for her ailing health, and he confesses that he believes that Jamie is the kindest person that one can ever meet. Jamie embraces Eric and Margaret as they weep openly. Eric assures Jamie to continue praying for her and handles over an envelope with $400 that he had gathered for the orphanage. Landon’s father volunteers to pay in-home medical care for Jamie to enable her to continue receiving care while at home. This action of kindness makes Landon feel close to his father for the first time. However, Jamie loses her life to this chronic illness sometime later. Jamie’s death would bring Landon and Jamie’s father close even if their relationship was not good initially. Landon visits Jamie’s dad four years later. He informs Jamie’s father that he left for the medical school before telling him. Additionally, he is apologetic that Jamie never got her miracle, but her father believes Landon was her miracle.  “Sorry, she never got her miracle.” “She did, it was you” Jamie’s dad replies. Chronic Disease Management Essay. Landon pursues his career in medicine to make Janie proud. He becomes a doctor and works in the same hospital with his father, who mentors him throughout his professional journey.

Chronic Care Concepts

The concepts of quality of life and advocacy are depicted in this movie. Quality of Life (QoL) refers to a person’s perception of his or her position in life. Nurses and patients should have a common understanding of a patients’ QoL to provide care that meets the needs of individual patients. Additionally, nurses’ knowledge of a particular chronic condition impacts patients’ quality of life and physiologic and psychosocial health. Consequently, care providers assess the QoL in various dimensions, including physical health, social relationship, mental health, psychological, and environment (Bökberg et al., 2017). It the film, the quality of life of Jamie id evaluated based on her physical health. Her quality of life is relatively low since she struggles with Leukemia, a primary chronic condition. Landon’s parents finance Jamie’s medical care so that she can remain at home for the rest of her life. They take this move intending to improve her quality of life.

Additionally, the concept of advocacy is evident in the movie “A Walk to Remember.” Advocacy can be described as supporting and protecting others’ rights and interest (Nsiah et al., 2019). In nursing, nursing originates from a philosophy that focuses on helping a person promote their well-being. This concept is portrayed by Landon’s parents when they volunteer to pay for Jamie’s medical care to enable her to remain at home for the rest of her life.

An Evaluation of this Movie’s Potential Impact on the Public’s Perceptions and Health Care Professionals’ Perceptions of Persons with Chronic Illness(es)

Potential Impacts of the Movie on the Public’s Perceptions of Persons with Chronic Illness(es)

This movie has a potential impact on the public’s perception of persons with chronic illnesses. First, the movie influences the public to perceive persons with chronic conditions as prone to death than those without those illnesses.Chronic Disease Management Essay.  In the film, Jamie is diagnosed with Leukemia, which is a chronic condition. She believes that this illness would take her life away very soon. Consequently, she avoids developing ties with many people to prevent them from being hurt when she losses her life to this disease. Eventually, Jamie loses her life to Leukemia, leaving those close to her hurt, especially Landon and her father.

Secondly, the film impacts public perception of care and attention that should be provided to a loved one diagnosed with a chronic illness such as Leukemia. “A Walk to Remember” presents care and attention from family members as the only source of hope for persons with chronic diseases. In the film, Landon Carter’s constant attention and care is the only thing that keeps Jamie Sullivan alive. The strong volition of Landon’s heart combats Jamie as Leukemia strips her body.

Another potential impact of the movie on the public’s perception of persons with chronic illnesses is the high economic burden the disease imposes on the patients and their families. The treatment and management of most chronic conditions are incredibly costly for the healthcare system. Consequently, patients and their families should incur high out-of-pocket costs to facilitate the treatment. Funding the treatment improves patient care and clinical outcomes, thus increasing the duration that a patient with chronic disease lives. In the film, Eric gives Jamie $400, which he had collected for the orphanage to cater for his treatment. Additionally, Landon’s father pays for Jamie’s in-home medical care to enable her to continue receiving care while at home for the rest of her life.

Finally, the movie makes the public perceive patients with chronic conditions as individuals who can lead normal lives irrespective of their health status. Individuals diagnosed with chronic diseases can continue with their family and professional responsibilities, even if their productivity level is relatively low compared to that of people. In the film, Landon decides to marry Jamie even if she has been diagnosed with Leukemia and would eventually lose her life to the disease. He is always positive and motivated to love her despite the distress that surrounds Jamie’s health. Her father, a minister, does not trust Landon initially, and he believes that he is beyond being saved. On the contrary, Jamie has faith in Landon. She is willing to get married and start a family with him. Landon later reciprocates this belief when Jamie succumbs to Leukemia. The death of a person, they both, loved united Landon and Jamie’s father, although their relationship was initially strained. Chronic Disease Management Essay.

Potential Impacts of the Movie on the Perceptions of Health Care Professionals’ of Persons with Chronic Illness(es)

            The film, “A Walk to Remember” is likely to impact the way health care professionals perceive persons with chronic illnesses, including Leukemia. First, healthcare professionals perceive a person diagnosed with a chronic condition as the disease itself instead of an individual. This perception leads to stigmatizations among patients diagnosed with various chronic conditions, including Leukemia. Similarly, the doctors perceive Jamie as Leukemia in the film. Consequently, Landon is reluctant to disclose her condition to his classmates and friends since he does not perceive her as her sickness rather than as an individual. Stigmatized Jamie would lower her self-esteem and strip of her social status. For this reason, it would be relatively difficult for her to continue leading a normal life like her peers both at home and in school.

Secondly, health care professionals perceive patients with chronic conditions as a burden, thus depriving them quality care. Health workers lack special chronic disease training and facilities to provide care to patients with chronic conditions. Additionally, the nursing shortage makes it challenging for a nurse to provide quality and safe care to individuals with terminal illnesses in various healthcare settings (Maimela et al., 2015). In other cases, healthcare providers give up patients with chronic conditions when they stop responding to treatments. For these reasons, most chronic diseases patients prefer receiving care while at home rather than staying in the hospital. In the film, Jamie is given $400 by Eric to cater for her treatment. However, Jamie is not willing to stay at the hospital anymore due to lack of quality and safe patient care. Jamie claims that she wants to die at home. Chronic Disease Management Essay. Consequently, Landon’s father acquires the best medical equipment and competent healthcare professional for Jamie to allow her to remain at home for the rest of her life. This action draws Landon closer to his father for the first time.


Overall, this presentation has focused on Leukemia as depicted in the movie “A Walk to Remember.” The presentation has provided a brief overview of the North Carolina film about the teenage romance between Landon and Jamie. The two are in love, and Landon is willing to marry Jamie even if she has been diagnosed with Leukemia. He is so heartbroken when she succumbs to the disease before finding her miracle. Additionally, the concepts of quality of life and advocacy, as depicted in the film have been captured in the presentation. Quality of life involves how a person perceives his or her life. In the movie, Landon’s father gets in-home medical care for Jamie to improve her quality of life. On the other hand, advocacy entails supporting the interests of others. Landon’s father advocates for Jamie’s health by funding in-home medical care to enable her to continue receiving care services while at home.  Finally, the presentation has evaluated the movie’s potential impact on the public’s perceptions and health care professionals’ perceptions of persons with chronic illness(es). The film has four significant possible effects on the public’s perception of persons with chronic disease. First, the movie influences the public to perceive persons with chronic conditions as prone to death than those without those illnesses. In the film, Jamie is diagnosed with Leukemia, which is a chronic condition. She believes that this illness would take her life away very soon. Consequently, she avoids developing ties with many people to prevent them from being hurt when she losses her life to this disease. Secondly, the film impacts public perception of care and attention that should be provided to a loved one diagnosed with a chronic illness such as Leukemia. In the movie, Landon Carter’s constant attention and care is the only thing that keeps Jamie Sullivan alive by.Chronic Disease Management Essay.  The strong volition of Landon’s heart combats Jamie as Leukemia strips her body. Another potential impact of the movie on the public’s perception of persons with chronic illnesses is the high economic burden the disease imposes on the patients and their families. In the film, Eric gives Jamie $400, which he had collected for the orphanage to cater for his treatment. Additionally, Landon’s father pays for Jamie’s in-home medical care to enable her to continue receiving care while at home for the rest of her life. Finally, the movie makes the public perceive patients with chronic conditions as individuals who can lead normal lives irrespective of their health status. In the film, Landon is willing to marry Jamie even if she has been diagnosed with Leukemia. On the other hand, the film, “A Walk to Remember” is likely to impact the way health care professionals perceive persons with chronic illnesses, including Leukemia. First, healthcare professionals perceive a person diagnosed with a chronic condition as the disease itself instead of an individual. Similarly, the doctors perceive Jamie as Leukemia in the film. Consequently, Landon is reluctant to disclose her condition to his classmates and friends since he does not perceive her as her sickness rather than as an individual. Secondly, health care professionals perceive patients with chronic conditions as a burden, thus depriving them quality care. In the film, the lack of quality care in the hospital makes Jamie stop responding to treatment. For this reason, she prefers to leave the hospital and die at home. Chronic Disease Management Essay.




Bökberg, C., Ahlström, G., & Karlsson, S. (2017). Significance of quality of care for the quality of life in persons with dementia at risk of nursing home admission: a cross-sectional study. BMC nursing, 16(1), 1-11.

Maimela, E., Van Geertruyden, J. P., Alberts, M., Modjadji, S. E., Meulemans, H., Fraeyman, J., & Bastiaens, H. (2015). The perceptions and perspectives of patients and health care providers on chronic diseases management in rural South Africa: a qualitative study. BMC health services research15(1), 1-12.

Nsiah, C., Siakwa, M., & Ninnoni, J. P. (2019). Registered nurses’ description of patient advocacy in the clinical setting. Nursing Open6(3), 1124-1132.

Shankman, A. (Director). (, 2002). A Walk to Remember. Di Novi Pictures. Chronic Disease Management Essay.