Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay

Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay

 This is a second paper following upon on a previously written paper by one of your writers.
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Diversity implies a state of having demographic varieties to include different sexual orientations, genders, backgrounds, social classes, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and so on. One of the most discussed aspects of concepts in diversity within the workplace is gender diversity, specifically the need to equally include women in the workplace. In tackling gender diversity, the idea is to have equal representation of both men and women in the workplace so that they have similar hiring terms, tackle similar tasks and receive equal pay for the same effort. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. Although there have been proactive efforts to improve gender diversity in the workplace, the reality is that women still lag behind for a variety of reasons (Fogarty & Zheng, 2018). Despite efforts made to close the gap, evidence suggests that the gender diversity gap continues to exist in earnings and other workplace features although smaller. Women continue to be underrepresented in certain occupations and industries, even as they (women) struggle to combine their aspirations for family and work. Further efforts to narrow the diversity gap have been hampered to workplace norms and rules and barriers to equal opportunity that fail to support a reasonable balance between life and work (Tulshyan, 2016). The present paper offers background information on women inclusion in the workplace as an aspect of diversity as perceived from the lenses of history and humanities.

Lens of History

At the beginning of the 20th century, most women worked from home, and those who worked outside the home were primarily young unmarried women. At that time, less than 20% of women were gainfully employed outside home with only 5% of married women working outside home. At that time, the main contribution of women to the economy was childrearing and housekeeping since working from home included home production of goods (such as making agricultural products) and family businesses. These historical figures obscure an important fact; African American women were more likely to work away from home even after marriage. The fact that many women had to leave work upon marriage reflected the cultural norms, legal structures, and nature of work available at the time. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. The work choices for women who worked outside home were severely circumscribed with most of them lacking significant education. Although women did not have to perform manual labor, their work choices were likewise constrained. There was widespread sentiment against women working, particularly targeted at married women, so that only limited opportunities were available to them. Significant changes began in 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified by guaranteeing women the right to vote. Since then, the participation of women in the workplace has continued to increase (Triana, 2017).


Over the period between 1930 and 197, women were increasingly presented with work opportunities that allowed them to be secondary earners at home and pursue short careers. By 1970, 40% of married women and 50% of single women were working outside home. Several factors added to the trend, to include increasing levels of education and technological advancements. As jobs become safer and cleaner, the stigma attached to work that prevented women from working outside home diminished. As time progressed, employment prospects for women and attitudes towards working women changed. Starting with short careers, women gained experience in the workforce and increasingly saw that they could balance family and work (Triana, 2017).

During the 1970s, a dramatic change was underway as women attended higher levels of education, had expectations for working, and made plans to delay marriage and starting families. These changes were supported by other societal changes, such as Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 that protected women against sexual harassment in the workplace. access to birth control allowed married women to control when to give birth and the family size thus giving them greater work choices. By the 1990s, 74% of women in the working age were in the labor force, compared to 93% for men (Triana, 2017). By then, the share of women going into traditional careers, such as clerical work, social work, nursing and teaching, decreased even as more women pursued more challenging careers as managers, professors, lawyers, and doctors. As women joined occupations and industries that were formerly male dominated, and increased their education, women inclusion in the workplace increased significantly (Wingfield, 2019). Still, gender balance has not been achieved in the workplace.  Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.

Lens of Humanities

In a year that has begun marked by much uncertainty and crisis, the workplace is at a crosses. There is an understanding that the choices made in the workplace will have consequences on gender diversity for many years to come as indicated by past trends. Covid-19 epidemic turned the workplace upside down by presenting challenging circumstances leaving many people struggling with work. These events left many feeling that the boundaries between home and work were blurred and burnout become a real issue even as they worried about finances and wealth. Women in particularly have been negatively impacts during this time thereby stalling their careers and further creating a gender diversity concern. To be more precise, Covid-19 has intensified the work challenges that women face. While previously women could take on careers and even put in a full day of work, that has been more difficult to achieve following the pandemic as the supports for doing household labor and caring for children withdrew. Students could no longer attend school in person and had to attend online classes for which the mother’s supervisory presence is required. As a result of these new cultural dynamics, about 25% of working women are contemplating completely leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers. This is an issue of concern as women leave the workplace, reduce the proportion of the workforce that is women, and reverse previous painstaking progress made towards improving gender diversity (Ellingrud et al., 2020). Although a crisis, the pandemic has also turned into an opportunity for improving gender diversity. This has occurred by leveraging technological and communication technologies thereby increasing the proportion of personnel working from home. The possibility of losing more women in the workforce is real if the current trends continue (Avramov, 2020).

Women have always had had distinctive and by and large worse experiences at work. They are promoted more slowly than males and significantly underrepresented in the workplace. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. This has been blamed on a culture that considers women inferior to men because of family responsibilities. In addition, women deal with more day-to-day bias in the workplace. They face a wider range of micro-aggressions, from hearing demeaning remarks targeted at men to having their judgments and opinions questioned. This makes it clear that any gender balance achieved in the past could be eroded by current changes chief of which is Covid-19 epidemic (minor, 2020).


Avramov, A. (2020). How the Tech Industry Must Respond to COVID-19’s Effect on Women in the Workforce.

Ellingrud, K., Krishnan, M., Krivkovich, A., Kukla, K., Mendy, A, Robinson, N. … & Yee, L. (2020). Diverse employees are struggling the most during COVID-19—here’s how companies can respond.

Fogarty, A. A., & Zheng, L. (2018). Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender-diverse Discrimination. Preager.

Minor, M. (2020). Covid-19’s Impact On Gender Inequality In The Workforce Doesn’t Have To Be A Step Backwards. Here’s Why.

Triana, M. (2017). Managing Diversity in Organizations: A Global Perspective. Taylor and Francis.

Tulshyan, R. (2016). The Diversity Advantage: Fixing Gender Inequality in the Workplace. CreateSpace Independent Publishing.

Wingfield, A. H. (2019). Flatlining: Race, Work, and Health Care in the New Economy. University of California Press. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.

Women Diversity in the Workplace

Gender in the workplace is the equal representation of both women and men in the workplace where both women and men are hired consistently to handle similar tasks, are paid equally and also given similar opportunities to work. Gender diversity campaigns for equity and fair representation of both genders without discrimination. However, women diversity in the workplace has been a continuous battle between race, gender and power (Krivkovich et al, 2017). While women in the global workplace make up 40 percent, only about 5 percent are in top management and CEO ranks. In addition, women are paid meagre salaries compared to what men in similar companies and with similar qualifications are paid. Women in the workplace earn about 80 percent of what male in similar job descriptions are paid (Lee, 2020). While it might seem like the world is progressing and giving more women an opportunity to work and be involved actively in the workplace, the reality is different. The progress of women diversity is not slow but it is stalled since women still face a lot of challenges in the workplace. In addition, women in the workplace face several challenges including sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, race and ethnicity as well as unemployment penalties.

Women are underrepresented and undervalued in most work set ups based on their level of education, race, gender and ethnicity. A case in point, in early Hollywood times, the presentation of women roles was minimal and most women would be featured in the low-level roles either being a wife or a nanny (Hunt et al, 2018). Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. The Hollywood movies never included the roles for women in writing they would just feature them as additional characters who were less relevant to the screens. According Hunt et al (2018), Hollywood featured about 65 percent of white women in the top films but the minority women received lower roles. Black women only took 21 percent of the roles, Asians 10 percent, Latina 4% while other ethnic groups were only 1%. However, the modern woman is going against the odds and some are already owning up their television and film shows while others are producers. The modern woman has decided to go against the tendency of relying on men to take them to the next level in their careers.

Connection of Women Diversity in the Workplace to the Lens of History

            Looking back to the history of Hollywood, there were no women roles since the producers featured women in the light characters like a friend, a mother or a submissive wife (Hunt et al, 2018).  For example, Sigourney Weaver the first female action star in Hollywood received several stereotypes due to her character ferocity since the role she took was originally written for a man. In 2009, the representation of women in the executive positions were about 13.5 percent and they still earned lesser salaries compared to their male counterparts. The discrepancy of power sharing between women and men in Hollywood has not been solved yet.

Connection of Women Diversity in the Workplace to the Lens of Humanities

            Hatipoglu and Inelmen (2018) state that humanities is a culture where we all live by understanding other people languages and diverse culture. Humanities in Hollywood give us a better way of understanding the diverse background of women and also a chance to understand the conventional roles displayed on the screens (Jones, Kumagai & Kittendorf, 2019). The presentation of people and women of color in feature films of Hollywood has not been any better. Women of color are still struggling to secure direct jobs in the film industry despite the several campaigns conducted on equity in gender, color, race and ethnicity.  Male dominance in Hollywood have played a big since time immemorial and has actually become acceptable in the society. The recruiting team in Hollywood tend to voice opportunities for male groups who have similar qualifications with their female generational cohorts. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.

Connection of Women Diversity in the Workplace to the Lens of Natural Science

            According to Luanglath, Ali and Mohannak (2019), natural science is the modern method of understanding the universe on the basis of experimental verification, hypothesis formation and observation. Social science and natural science diversity in women at workplace match since age, gender and race are the major societal problems faced by women in their day to day activities (Jones, Kumagai, & Kittendorf, 2019). Hollywood has featured their movies in a way that encourages the prejudice and discrimination of women in the society. In addition, the media also contributes to women discrimination by featuring the male gender as more important in the society compare to women.

Connection of Women Diversity in the Workplace to the Lens of Social Science

Diversity in social science is the understanding that is unique to each individual in recognizing individual differences. In the modern world, the society still discriminates and stigmatizes women who take roles that rea believed to belong to the men only (Krivkovich et al, 2017). For example, when Hilary Clinton was vying for a presidential seat in America, most women never voted her in since they were made to believe through the ongoing debate that a woman cannot hold such a high power in a better way than a man (Allen, Lyons & Stephens, 2019). The diversity in Hollywood has become more feasible when starring for women roles from different backgrounds and ethnicity. Remarkable women are gracing the screens indicating that Hollywood is slowly embracing diversity. Women from Hollywood are captivating interviews, empowering people in social media through powerful speeches that are encouraging women of all backgrounds to pursue their dreams without fear of discrimination or rejection. Although Hollywood is yet to achieve diversity in both natural and social sciences, they are making steps forward that are inclusive to all genders, races and ethnic groups



Allen, E., Lyons, H., & Stephens, J. C. (2019). Women’s leadership in renewable transformation,             energy justice and energy democracy: Redistributing power. Energy Research & Social    Science, 57, 101233.

Hatipoglu, B., & Inelmen, K. (2018). Demographic diversity in the workplace and its impact on   employee voice: The role of trust in the employer. The International Journal of Human          Resource Management, 29(5), 970-994.

Hunt, D., Ramón, A. C., Tran, M., Sargent, A., & Roychoudhury, D. (2018). Hollywood Diversity Report 2018: Five years of progress and missed opportunities. UCLA College       of Social Sciences, 27.

Jones, E. K., Kumagai, A. K., & Kittendorf, A. L. (2019). Through another lens: the humanities   and social sciences in the making of physicians. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.

Krivkovich, A., Robinson, K., Starikova, I., Valentino, R., & Yee, L. (2017). Women in the         workplace 2017. LearnIn. org.

Luanglath, N., Ali, M., & Mohannak, K. (2019). Top management team gender diversity and       productivity: the role of board gender diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An    International Journal.

Nomo, S. M., Bell, M. P., Roberts, L. M., Joshi, A., & Thatcher, S. M. (2019). Diversity at a        critical juncture: New theories for a complex phenomenon. Academy of Management       Review, 44(3), 498-517.

Lee, S. (2020). Encounters in the work place: everyday diversity in a multinational professional   firm. Social & Cultural Geography, 21(5), 738-760.

Overview: For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in diversity and critically analyze it through the
four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences. By viewing the issue/event through these lenses, you will
gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity affects society, as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices,
attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you.
For this second milestone, due in Module Four, you will analyze your issue/event from Milestone One through the history and humanities lenses. This will provide
you with a chance to practice analyzing your issue/event through these lenses and receive feedback on this practice attempt.
Prompt: First, review the overviews and resources in Modules One through Three, as well as the Four Lenses document from Module One.
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of history, and address the following:
 How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?
 In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the social issue(s) that inform your issue/event?
Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities by exploring the following questions:
 How is this issue/event portrayed creatively in society? What is the message or commentary of this representation?
 How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives?
Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from history and one from the humanities. You must submit two papers in a single Word document.
Be sure to use evidence from research to support your analysis. Refer to course resources, the LibGuide for this course, and any other pertinent resources to
support your responses. Relevant current news sources may be used with instructor approval. Incorporate instructor feedback into your final project.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will analyze your issue/event through two of the four general education lenses. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.
A. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of history for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to
support your analysis.
B. Analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to
support your analysis.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Two should be submitted as two papers in a single Word document. The entire submission should be 2 to 4
pages in length. Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Support your responses with at least two sources for each lens from
the assigned course resources or other scholarly sources located independently via the Shapiro Library. Cite your supporting sources in APA style.
Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to that of the final project. The Final Project Part One Rubric will include an
additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission, as well as additional
elements to address.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Lens Analysis: History Analyzes chosen issue/event through the
lens of history for determining its impact
on various institutions, using evidence
and research to support analysis
Analyzes chosen issue/event through the
lens of history, but analysis is cursory or
illogical, or supporting evidence is
inappropriate or nonexistent
Does not analyze chosen issue/event
through the lens of history
Lens Analysis: Humanities Analyzes chosen issue/event through the
lens of the humanities for determining
its impact on various institutions, using
evidence and research to support
Analyzes chosen issue/event through the
lens of the humanities, but analysis is
cursory or illogical, or supporting
evidence is inappropriate or nonexistent
Does not analyze chosen issue/event
through the lens of the humanities
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related
to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Submission has major errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact
readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding
of ideas
Total 100

IDS The Four General Education Lenses
Each time we approach a question or project, we are informed by certain perspectives, or “lenses.” At
any given time, we are looking through multiple lenses, but often, one may be more dominant than the
others. Throughout your academic journey, these lenses coincide with disciplines or fields of study. Here
at SNHU, we’ve prioritized four of these lenses: the Humanities, History, the Sciences, and the Social
Sciences. Professionals in these fields all ask questions in order to gain information, but they may ask
them in different ways that will help them examine different aspects of a topic. We can think of these as
four different telescopes, and each lens has different characteristics. Thus, depending on the lens we are
looking through, the cultural artifacts we encounter—the constructed items that convey the
benchmarks of a particular culture or social group—will tell a different story.


The Humanities
At the core of the Humanities is human creativity, and they explore the things that humanity creates and
how they offer insight into the way people experienced their present, interacted with their culture, and
comprehended abstract concepts and big questions about humanity’s place in the universe. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. The humanities broaden perspectives and promote an understanding of multiple experiences, cultures, and
values through various mediums of creative human expression–such as literature, fine art, dance, photography, literature, philosophy and religion, film and television, music, even the Internet and social media–many of which are taught as separate academic disciplines. Within the Humanities, both the
artist’s (or creator’s) intent and audience reception of a creative artifact are considered to help understand cultural values and why they matter. They celebrate cultural diversity while also highlighting cultural similarity. View this brief video for more on the lens of the humanities: What Are the
Humanities and Why Are They Important? (1:53) IDS-100: Humanities (3:22) Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.
Many of us are familiar with history as being a list of dates, events, and people to memorize, but history.
Your primary exposure to history could have been in grade school required classes or in documentaries
about subjects you find interesting. There is so much more to history, however. History tells the stories
of our past to help us better understand how we go to the present. In addition to dates, events, and
people, history encompasses first-hand accounts of experiences that include artifacts from an era (tools,
clothes, toys, etc.), letters or diaries from people who lived during a certain time, documents from a
time period, photographs, and, when possible, interviews with people who lived through the events that
historians study. Together, these historical remnants help write a story of a particular time, which is
then folded into the stories of history we are living and making today. View this brief video for more on
the lens of history: Thinking Like a Historian (8:47). What is History For? (4:13) What is Historical
Thinking (7:41)
The Natural and Applied Sciences
The natural and applied sciences study the physical world to help us better understand ourselves and
our place in nature, and nature’s role in shaping us. The Natural Sciences include fields such as biology,
chemistry, and physics, while the Applied Sciences includes STEM-related fields such as mathematics
and technology. Together these fields explore the questions and curiosities humans have been asking
for ages, and scientists often develop questions and use a scientific process – the Scientific Method – to
describe, predict, and observe the natural world. This method of developing and researching hypotheses
can also be applied to the other lenses as a way to organize the questions one might ask to gain a
deeper understanding of our world and experiences.
View this brief video for more on the natural sciences: The Scientific Method (4:05). IDS-100: What is
Science? (2:01) IDS-100: Neil deGrasse Tyson Describes Scientific Thinking (2:52)
The Social Sciences
As people are social beings, social science is the study of society and the relationships between people.
Subjects included in this lens are psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, and
geography. Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay. This study of human behavior and interaction can sometimes “overlap” with the humanities
lens, which also studies different cultures. Studying society, culture, and human relationships will lead us
to an understanding of how people live and how to improve our lives. Social scientists use a variety of
methods to arrive at conclusions within this lens, such as interviews, participant-observation, and
primary and secondary sources. The social sciences can also intersect with the other lenses. For
instance, like the history lens, social scientists may look at the past to gain an understanding of the social
relationships that took place. How do we interact? How do we work together? Asking questions similar
to these has given us the opportunity to evaluate causes and effects related to people in our society.
Consider how the social science lens helps us interact with the world around us and uses cultural
artifacts to make changes in our lives to promote better living or promote interactions we normally
would not have with others. View this brief video for more on social science: An Animated Introduction
to Social Science (4:35).What is Social Science? Part 1 (2:50) What is Social Science .  Gender Diversity in the Workplace Essay.