Life after COVID-19 Pandemic Essay

Life after COVID-19 Pandemic Essay

For this assignment please respond intelligently and concisely to the following post: There are challenges that I could foresee with the implementation process. Many of the individuals in the town of Dalhart, TX, have strong opinions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of my co-workers have run into people in town who have had highly challenging conversations about the virus\’s legitimacy. Some people in the town have even gone as far as to consider this pandemic a hoax. The critical factor in this implementation is buy-in to the education that is going to be provided by the clinics. There has been no push back from the providers at these clinics on the legitimacy of the pandemic. There would be substantial buy-in from the providers. This buy-in is part of many individuals in the community that the providers have seen suffer from this disease process. To provide buy-in, I would start by implementing Lewin’s Change theory. This theory provides the framework needed to create buy-in from the community to implement critical education. The three steps to this change model is unfreeze, change, and refreeze (DeNisco & Barker, 2013). Life after COVID-19 Pandemic Essay Upon the initial unfreeze stage, there needs to be communication regarding why the change is needed. Making a compelling argument to these patients about why education is vital to the implementation process is critical. Putting posters around the clinic advising them of the upcoming one-on-one education provided during their doctor’s appointment will help ensure implantation is successful. The next step is the change process. During this step, education will be provided to the patients. Communication is key to this process; open dialogue regarding education topics is essential. Allowing the patient to ask questions as they arise will provide a better educational environment. When initiating this step, it is essential to listen to the patient\’s feedback on what education works best for them. Lastly, the refreezing process requires the standard to be set, as when patients come into the clinic, they know education will be provided to them regarding COVID-19. This education, based on my PICOT question, will be over six months. There should also be a feedback process that the patient should be a part. This feedback process will provide open communication between the provider and the patient (DeNisco & Barker, 2013). Of course, I would be providing the material for educational material that is being presented and tailoring education to the communication based on suggestions. The stakeholder who will be assisting in supporting me would be the providers at the clinic. They are essential to the education administration to the community. I will be working with them closely to provide the most appropriate form of education to their patients. Working closely together will provide the support needed to implement the evidence-based project.


Nurses, like other health care providers, play an integral role in managing and slowing the spread of COVID019 by educating the community.  They should initiate efforts such as implementing patient education to promote science and facts to address the increasing surge of misinformation about COVID-19. However, implementing education administration to the community is not an easy task and there is the need to understand the behavior of patients as it relates to change along with patterns of resistance to education administration.   For education administration about COVID-19 to be successfully implemented, there should be buy-in from the community.

Lewin’s change model can be used to enhance the buy-in of education administration in the community. According to Arora (2020), the Lewin model is used to understand behavioral change within an organization and is useful in studying human behavior.  The model comprises three phases namely freeze, change and refreeze. Unfreeze stage involves creating discontent with the status quo by elucidating what is the problem with the current situation. This makes people understand that that for survival and prosperity, there is a need for a change in status quo.  In the change stage, leaders provide a solution and define a novel status quo along with a vision for novel normality.  The refreeze stage involves cementing the change to avert regressing backward. This might entail designing incentives and reward systems for adhering to new processes.Life after COVID-19 Pandemic Essay

The nurse can apply the Lewin change management model to enhance the buy-in of COVID education administration in the community.  In the refreeze stage, the nurse along with other providers should communicate with patients on why education about COVI-19 is necessary and why it will be provided in every appointment. The moving stage is the period of actual change entailing planning and implementation of education administration. Leaders should oversee and monitor education administration to discover challenges that be encountered. The refreezing stage should involve supporting patients receiving education until they are comfortable with being educated about COVI-19 in every visit to the clinic.


Arora, A. (2020). Life after COVID-19: a better normal. Perspectives in Public Health, 140(6), 311-312.

Life after COVID-19 Pandemic Essay