Tallahassee City Education Program

Tallahassee City Education Program

 Visit the United States Census Bureau at https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/FL (Links to an external site.). Select a city or town in the state of Florida. Define the population demographics (race, median income, per capita income, gender, age, persons per square mile, educational level and any other pertinent statistic). Select one race from this demographic and define how you would tailor an educational program. Be sure to list what morals and values of the population would impact the program. List at least two references in APA format. Your entry should be at least three paragraphs.

Tallahassee is the capital city of Florida State and the eighth-largest city in the United States of America. It became the capital city of Florida in 1821 through the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819. After adding the Florida State into the US territory, Tallahassee became significant in its activities, including the slave trade and agriculture. According to the United States Census Agency, the city’s population is 194,500 based on the 2019 population projection (Quick Facts, 2019). The dominant gender in the city is female, making 52.9% of the total population. 10.3% of the population are people aged 65 and above, 16.7% are young people below the age of 18, while 4.9% are children below the age of 5.


Tallahassee city’s population is made of mixed races. The white race makes 56.2% while blacks about 35%. Tallahassee City Education Program .The Asian population makes 4.6%, while the natives (American Indians and the Alaska natives) are 0.2% of the total population (Quick Facts, 2019). Hispanics and people of two or more races make 6.7% and 2.9%, respectively, of the total population. Native Hawaiians and other pacific islanders are not present in Tallahassee.

The education program will be on physical activity and nutrition and is specifically tailored for the Asian population. The Asian Americans, who make 4.6% of the total population in Tallahassee, face health disparities in chronic diseases such as cancer, hypertension, heart diseases, and diabetes (The Center for Asian Health, 2020). An examination of these diseases indicates that an unhealthy lifestyle majorly causes them.

The education program will stress the types of physical activities people should engage in and the meals to avoid. Meals such as soft drinks with high sugar content will be discouraged as they induce obesity. Obesity consequently leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Certified nutritionists will be available during the program to help the population make healthy foods both for the elderly, youthful, and the children. The program’s duration is one year, after which the population will have learned various ways of living a good lifestyle and preventing chronic illnesses. Tallahassee City Education Program.


QuickFacts Tallahassee city, Florida; Florida (2019). The United States Census Bureau. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/tallahasseecityflorida,FL/PST045219

The Center for Asian Health Engages Communities in Research to Reduce Asian American Health Disparities (2020). National Institute of Minority Health and Health disparities. Retrieved from https://www.nimhd.nih.gov/news-events/features/training-workforce-dev/center-asian-health.html. Tallahassee City Education Program.