Social Determinants of Health Essay.
This paper examines the case of Anna, a 24 year old Hispanic female patient who presented to the clinic with a red, painful, inflamed tumor. The tumor is big enough to be the size cantaloupe and has affected her activities of daily living. She has not undertaken any treatment for it ever since the onset. Anna was diagnosed with trapezius tumor. The following section explores issues affecting the patient, social determinants, screening and solutions.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
The first issue affecting the patient is economic instability. The patient is a migrant farmworker living in her homestead. She does not have an insurance cover which has limited her access to healthcare services. This is the reason she left the tumor to grow so big that it is affecting her daily functioning. The patient is expected to undergo a surgery to remove the tumor after diagnosis. However, it is becoming difficult for her to pay for the services since she doesn’t have an insurance or a means of covering her expenses. According to healthy people .gov, health insurances heighten the chances of accessing health services as well as improves the health outcomes. In this case, the patient access to the necessary care is affected and even though she is advised to apply for the Jackson’s card to minimize her expenses on surgery, she might not be able to pay the remaining cost.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
Another issue affecting the client is language. The patient is Hispanic and lives in a household that speaks only Spanish. Considering that most of the healthcare facilities provide services in English, the patient experiences a communication barrier which is challenging her access to primary care and screening. Past studies have demonstrated that non-English speaking women are less likely to be screened for diseases and as well the chances of receiving equal care is reduced compared to English speakers. This client experiences this challenge often since most of the providers are English speaking. Moreover, translators are often unavailable to assist.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
The possible screening opportunities for the patient’s social determinants is conducted using the Poverty Tool. This tool examines the financial insecurity. According to Andermann (2018), the poverty tool uses the phrase, “do you have trouble making ends meet at the end of the month”. This will provide an opportunity to assess her economic status and her capabilities to finance her medical needs. The family screening tool will also examine her income and predict her abilities to apply for the suggested Jackson’s card to cover her medical cost.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
The solutions to health outcomes for the patient includes referring the patient and helping her to access benefits and support services. This was practiced where she was advised to apply for the Jacksons card to help pay her cost. The patient can also be connected to other support sources within the organization and even beyond the care system. Individual screening outcomes will lead to referrals to programs entitled to particular patients. Since this patient is financially instable as well as affected by language barrier, such considerations will be put in place.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
Andermann, A. (2016). Taking action on the social determinants of health in clinical practice: a framework for health professionals. Cmaj, 188(17-18), E474-E483.
Andermann, A. (2018). Screening for social determinants of health in clinical care: moving from the margins to the mainstream. Public health reviews, 39(1), 19.
Social Determinants of Health Essay.
Your assignment is to identify a patient or group of patients that you have seen in any clinical practice setting. Discuss TWO Social Determinants of Health and the barriers that impact this patient. Identify possible screening opportunities and solutions to improve health outcomes.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
Topics you may consider include how social determinants and Corona Virus have impacted these patients. Healthcare providers are at the forefront in caring for these patients and consider how they can promote change.
Examples of social determinants include: (Healthy People 2020)
• Availability of resources to meet daily needs (e.g., safe housing and local food markets)
• Access to educational, economic, and job opportunities
• Access to health care services
• Quality of education and job training
• Availability of community-based resources in support of community living and opportunities for recreational and leisure-time activities
• Transportation options
• Public safety
• Social support
• Social norms and attitudes (e.g., discrimination, racism, and distrust of government)Social Determinants of Health Essay.
• Exposure to crime, violence, and social disorder (e.g., presence of trash and lack of cooperation in a community)
• Socioeconomic conditions (e.g., concentrated poverty and the stressful conditions that accompany it)
• Residential segregation
• Language/Literacy
• Access to mass media and emerging technologies (e.g., cell phones, the Internet, and social media)
• Culture
1. Pick two issues that impact a patient or patients that you have personally cared for in any healthcare setting. Discuss the Social Determinants that affect their healthcare. Offer a possible solution for each of the two issues described. Be consistent with the information.
2. Briefly explain why you chose these Social Determinants.
3. For each of the two issues, identify two specific areas and why they need to be addressed.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
4. Briefly explain how the patients were impacted by these social determinants.
5. Describe how you, the healthcare provider can screen for social determinants and adjust care accordingly.
6. Offer solutions and consider missed opportunities for screening and evaluations.
7. Writing should be in APA format with at least 2 references per posting. Succinct writing is expected.
The bottom is information use for part of writing
Healthy People 2020 Approach to Social Determinants of Health
Healthy People 2020 demonstrated the fivekey areas of social determinants of health (SDOH) include: economic stability, education, social and community context, health and health care, and neighborhood and built environment. Its goal says,“Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all”( Determinants of Health Essay.
In this discussion, I would like to mention two key issues of five SDOH based on one of my patients. These two key issues are economic stability, access to health care or education (Language and Literacy). I am taking care a female patient assuming her name is Alpha. She is Hispanic who diagnosed with trapezius tumor. Social Determinants of Health Essay.The tumor is red, painful, and swelling. The tumor is big like a cantaloupe size. She has no insurance, speak Spanish only. She lives in homestead.she is a migrant farmworker. Her tumor should have been care since it sizes still small. She left the tumor grow until it limited her ability to do daily function/work. She decided to seek care due to the painful that she could not bearable anymore.
The result of Dx of this patient need surgery for tumor removal. However, her tumor is not metastasize. Social workers advise her to apply Jackson card so she can have a surgery and pay for treatment with minimal amount. Patient was discharge home with pain medication and anti-inflammatory.Social Determinants of Health Essay.
As I already know most of Jackson’s patient are Hispanic or Latin, follow by black or African American, white alone or not Hispanic, Islander and Asian. These racial and ethnic differences are led by concerns such as income, education, and work status, as well as poor housing, neighborhood isolation, and other environmental factors within their communities.Social Determinants of Health Essay. Thus, these minorities experience inequalities across a significant number of health status measures and health outcomes.
Lack of health insurance decreases the use of preventive and primary care services and is associated with poor health outcomes.7, 8, 9, 15, 16 Individuals without health insurance may delay seeking care when they are ill or injured, and they are more likely to be hospitalized for chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension.4, 7, 8, 9 In addition, children without health insurance are less likely to get vaccinations, a routine primary care service.17 Overall, having health insurance increases the use of health services and improves health outcomes.18, 19 (healthy people .gov)Social Determinants of Health Essay.
Speaking a language other than English at home can negatively impact access to primary care and screening programs.10 For example, a study found that Hispanic individuals who did not speak English at home were less likely to receive recommended preventive health care services for which they were eligible.10 Another study examined women of various racial and ethnic groups whose primary language was not English (they spoke Spanish, Cantonese, or Japanese) and found that they were less likely to be screened for breast or cervical cancer.20 Similarly, older adults with limited English proficiency were less likely to have a usual source of care compared to those who only spoke English.21 (healthypeople .gove)Social Determinants of Health Essay.