Nurse Advocacy: Adopting Health in Policies Approach

Nurse Advocacy: Adopting Health in Policies Approach

Your initial post should be at least 300 words, formatted, and cited in current APA style with support from at least two academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts and supporting your opinion with a reference. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

Quotes “…” cannot be used at a higher learning level for your assignments, so sentences need to be paraphrased and referenced.

Acceptable references include scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), journal articles, and books published in the last five years. No websites to be referenced without prior approval.


Discussions must be posted in CANVAS to be graded. Uploaded documents will not be accepted.

Actions, plans and decisions that are conducted to achieve specific goals in healthcare within the society are referred to as health policies. The health policy decisions can be influenced by nurses through the ways described in the following section.Nurse Advocacy: Adopting Health in Policies Approach

One of the strategies for data collection is the use of questionnaires. This entails administration of a series of questions which can be closed or open-ended to staff members to collect evidence regarding particular areas of interest in an organization. Questionnaires can be carried out through telephone, posts, computer or face to face. Another strategy is the use of interviews which are structured conversations involving an interviewer answering questions and an interviewee who asks the questions. According to Mergel, Edelmann and Haug (2019), unstructured, semistructured and structured interviews exist. The third method of data collection strategy in healthcare is survey. This method gathers and compiles information from a sample of people with the aim of generalizing the findings to a larger population. In this case, staff nurses can collect data regarding particular evidence from a few representatives and use it to influence changes and decisions in the healthcare system.

Sharing evidence that impact health policy can be done through advocacy. This is an action undertaken by providers to promote educational, economic, social and political changes that influence policy change (Kalaitzidis & Jewell, 2020). Advocacy provides a voice for people to be heard on relevant issues affecting them. This in turn compels the health policy players to make informed decisions that influence positive change. In addition, it helps promote and protect the rights of the people as their wishes and views are considered during decision making when developing and changing health policies affecting their lives.


Kalaitzidis, E., & Jewell, P. (2020). The concept of advocacy in nursing: a critical analysis. The health care manager39(2), 77-84.

Mergel, I., Edelmann, N., & Haug, N. (2019). Defining digital transformation: Results from expert interviews. Government Information Quarterly36(4), 101385.Nurse Advocacy: Adopting Health in Policies Approach