Commissioning Independent Advocacy

Commissioning Independent Advocacy

Discussion: Advocating for Social Justice.

The following topics. In many U.S. communities, low-income populations use the emergency room instead of going to a physician or mid-level provider’s office. They often do not pay the bill for their service, which shifts the cost of their care to other, paying patients at the hospital. This practice drives up the cost of health care, but what else can hospitals do? They have to have a certain amount of income to keep their doors open. Is this fair? What if these sick people remain untreated and infect others? Is this just? Do they deserve care so that they don’t infect others? We talk about a culture of poverty in this country. What does this mean to you? What about those people who seem to bilk or misuse the health care system? Do they deserve care? If so, who should pay for it? Shouldn’t everyone be forced to carry health insurance so that everyone has a pay source? Can we expect people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps?Commissioning Independent Advocacy

To prepare for this Discussion, you will need to read the assigned chapters, and then consider the following questions:

What does social justice mean to you? Is social justice the same as socialized medicine or even communism?

The notion of social justice is fairness so that everyone can achieve a certain level of health and wellness. After all, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to pursue happiness. Is the health care system fair?

If you could wave a magic wand and fix the health care system, what is the first thing you would notice indicating that it had changed? Or, in your opinion, do you think it needs to be changed at all? Commissioning Independent Advocacy


By Day 3

Post your response to this Discussion.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old). Please go to my walden page week 6 discussion

Discussion: Advocating for Social Justice

What does social justice mean to you? Is social justice the same as socialized medicine or even communism?

Social justice refers to fairness manifested in the society. It involves fairness in all aspects of the society to include housing, employment, education and health care. Social justice involves four main principles. Firstly, equity in terms aiming for an equal outcome with everyone being at the same level while excluding discrimination. Secondly, participation in terms of ensuring that no voices or opinions are silenced. The voices of vulnerable and marginalized persons must not be silenced. Thirdly, access to essentials such as education, food, clothing and shelter that are crucial to the society. Access should not be restricted based on factors like class, race, gender or ethnicity. Finally, human rights in terms of protecting and respecting every person while keeping the government accountable (McKay & Taket, 2020).

Social justice is the same as socialized medicine but not communism. Social justice refers to fairness in the society while socialized medicine is concerned with getting the government to provide all aspects of health care and needs of the community members. On the other hand, communism involves all property being owned by the community even as every person contributes while receiving services based on needs and ability (Penner, 2013).

The notion of social justice is fairness so that everyone can achieve a certain level of health and wellness. After all, the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to pursue happiness. Is the health care system fair?

The health care system is not fair. Health care is correlated to income such that persons with higher income have better health while those with lower income have lower health status. This situation has been created by private health insurance whereby those who have private health insurance pay more in premiums and have better access to health care. While the Affordable Care Act has sought to address this imbalance, the reality is that it can only handle some of those without private insurance so that a large number of Americans still live without health insurance (Vogel, 2019). Commissioning Independent Advocacy

If you could wave a magic wand and fix the health care system, what is the first thing you would notice indicating that it had changed? Or, in your opinion, do you think it needs to be changed at all?

The first thing that needs to be changed is the cost of medication. The reality is that Americans pay higher prices for medication that have lower costs in other countries such as Canada and Mexico. It is not uncommon for Americans to attempt smuggling medication from across the border. I good fix would have medication being priced lower in rangers comparable to those of the neighboring countries (Vogel, 2019).


McKay, F., & Taket, A. (2020). Health Equity, Social Justice and Human Rights (2nd ed.). Taylor & Francis Group.

Penner, S. (2013). Economics and Financial Management for Nurses and Nurse Leaders. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Vogel, D. (2019). Health Care Consolidation Under the Affordable Care Act. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Commissioning Independent Advocacy