Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay

Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay

I would like to request Writer : Shacrine (1505) please For this week\’s discussion do the following; 1. Choose one of the articles posted and read thoroughly (post the reference of the article) See attachment for article. 2. Identify the theoretical framework used in the article you chose (post the name of the theory) 3. Go the reference section of the article and Identify/select at least one primary source and one secondary source (articles) that also used the theoretical framework (list the reference of these articles) 4. Now, search the electronic database such as Gale-Infotract on LIRN, CINAHL, or ProQuest to identify the primary and secondary source articles you selected. Then post a brief review the abstracts of the primary source and secondary source in the article you chose.Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay

For this assignment, the author identifies the theoretical framework used in the article by Bright (2018) and analyzes a primary and secondary source that used the same theoretical framework in the article. Theoretical frameworks provide a set of propositions and concepts that can be consistently applied and examined in nursing practice and research.

Theoretical Framework

The purpose of the study by Bright (2018) was to critically examine literature on phone calls and text messages use through mobile phones in supporting people with severe mental illness (SMI) with regards to increasing compliance to medications post-hospital discharge. Therefore, Bright (2018) used the social support theoretical framework to determine the impact of social support on the overall health of individuals with severe mental illness (SMI). The researcher provided emotional, mental, informational, and appraisal support to study participants through mobile phone contacts. Instrumental support entailed giving participants tangible services and aid such as mobile phones and sending reminders through phone calls and text messages.

Informational support entailed the use of phones to educate participants how to read and send messages and receive phone calls. However, the text messages were specific to the symptoms and prescribed medications of SMI, participant perception/attitude of medications, socialization skills, clinic attendance, and coping strategies. With regards to emotional support, Bright (2018) listened to the perceptions, issues, understanding, and knowledge of participants towards their prescribed medications or diagnosed mental illnesses.Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay

Appraisal support involved measuring the extent to which participants adhered to prescribed drugs, illicit drug use, assessing participants, appointment attendance, ability to socialize, coping strategies, the severity of symptoms, understanding, perceptions, awareness, and attitudes towards SMI. These evaluations were conducted either by participants using validated measures or a support person (Bright, 2018). The findings of the integrated review demonstrated that the use of mobile phones benefits people with mental illnesses more, promotes their compliance to medications with good treatment outcomes.

Identification of A Primary and Secondary Source

The study by Brain et al (2014) is a primary source that compared measures of medication compliance in a cohort of patients with schizophrenia within 12 months. The researchers used a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) to monitor the adherence of 117 schizophrenic outpatients to antipsychotic medication based on the ratings of psychiatrists, staff, or a close informant, pill count, and plasma levels. The researchers found that there was a strong correlation between adherence and the pill count but the correlation was low for other measures such as plasma levels.


The study by Car et al (2012) is a secondary resource that assessed the effects of messaging reminders through mobile phones on health appointments, health outcomes, and healthcare costs. Using a systematic review research design, the researchers conducted a comprehensive search for literature in Cochrane, Medline, Embase, and other scientific databases. They selected RCTs that assessed the use of reminders to make healthcare appointments. The findings revealed that reminders through text messages improved rates of attendance to provider appointments (RR- 1.14, CI-95% 1.03-1.26).Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay


Bright, C. E. (2018). An integrative review of mobile phone contacts and medication adherence in severe mental illness. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association24(3), 209-222.

Brain, B. C., Sameby, B., Allerby, K., Lindström, E., Eberhard, J., Burns, T., & Waern, M. (2014). Twelve months of electronic monitoring (MEMS®) in the Swedish COAST-study: A comparison of methods for the measurement of adherence in schizophrenia. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, 215-222.

Car, J., Gurol-Urganci, I., de Jongh, T., Vodopivec-Jamsek, V., & Atun, R. (2012). Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7), CD007458. doi:10.1002/14651858. CD007458.pub3.

Theoretical Frameworks Article Essay