Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.



  1. Read and examine the case thoroughly. Take notes, highlight relevant facts, underline key problems. Review course readings, discussions, research, professional resources and your         experience
  2. Focus your analysis
  • What is the clinical problem?
  • How does the problem impact the individual/ family/ community?
  • Identify two to five relevant theoretical concepts specific to your theory that help describe the clinical problem.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.



  1. Uncover possible solutions within the framework of your selected nursing theory
  2. Suggest a solution(s) consistent with your theory. Consider pros and cons: is this solution     realistic?
  3. Respond to the theoretical suggestions of 2 colleagues. Establish commonalities and differences .Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Example Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion:

Case Study: You are an advanced practice nurse working in a college health center.

M H. is a 30 yo SJC student in Educational Psychology.  MH is here today at the center for health clearance for study abroad this summer in Amsterdam.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Past History: Healthy no hospitalizations, medical or emotional problems.

Immunizations are up to date.

As part of routine screening you ask MH about alcohol, tobacco and other drug use.

MH does not use recreational drugs or tobacco. MH drinks alcohol only one or two times / month. At those times MH goes out with her partner. They will have cocktails before dinner, split a bottle of wine with dinner and occasionally have a couple more drinks at a jazz club afterward. Sometimes MH can’t remember what happened late at night the morning after.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Example Nurse Theorist Discussion:

Martha Rogers:  Greetings colleagues, Martha here.  As I see it MH has a disruptive energy field when she and her partner go out drinking. The “binges” though infrequent are recognized by the APN as potentially harmful long term.  The concept of resonance may be helpful here. The APN should encourage MH should to talk with her partner about their drinking and mutually identify the drinking patterns and ways in which it could change.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Calista Roy: I appreciate Martha’s comments and suggestion. From my perspective I would ask MH to consider her physiological mode and potential for liver damage over time.  Also in the interdependence mode, what are MH’s expectations of her relationship with her partner? Is their meaningful communication?  She should consider if this drinking behavior is adaptive.  Can they change stimuli for drinking- perhaps go to a concert instead of a club?Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Martha Rogers: Thanks Callista. However, it is important to consider the unitary nature of human beings, though I realize the liver can be adversely affected, this cannot be considered in isolation.

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Greetings colleagues. As I see it, Lewis Blackman had missed post-surgical care as a result of poor communication and lack of teamwork that resulted in medical errors, post-surgical complications, and eventually death. Post-surgery, although it was reported that Lewis was producing abnormally low urine amounts, the nurse proceeded to administer a five-day adult dose of IV ketorolac. IV ketorolac should be used cautiously in patients with low output of fluids. Besides, it is not approved for use among children aged 16 years and younger.  Besides, on the fourth postoperative day, after ketorolac injection, Lewis reported severe upper abdominal pain that nurses and the medical intern dismissed as postoperative constipation. Lewis’s condition continued to worsen with deteriorating vital signs that the nurses dismissed as his laziness to walk around. Although postoperative constipation and decreased urine output(oliguria) are common post-surgical complications, the latter is often the first presenting sign of AKI (acute kidney injury) or ARF (acute renal failure) that a nurse should be able to assess for and identify.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

The concept of patient safety can be helpful here. The APN should assess and prevent the patient from any emotional, physical, social, and psychological errors, harm, and adverse events. One of the best strategies is by acting as the patient’s advocate and developing a goal-oriented behavior towards patient safety. The APN should be knowledgeable of the drugs administered including the side effects, be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of distress, be self-confident and courageous to collaborate with other healthcare providers, and engage organizational leadership. The APRN should thus strive to put the patient in the best care, first by doing no harm, valuing safety, and communicating patient safety both informally and formally on Lewi’s case.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Greetings colleagues. As I see it, Lewis Blackman had missed post-surgical nursing care due to nurses’ and resident’s inability to think critically resulting in medical errors, post-surgical complications, and eventually death. The concept of critical thinking can apply here. Florence Nightingale advocated for critical thinking and emphasized that nurses obtain critical thinking by having in-depth and comprehensive knowledge about nursing and nursing processes. Florence further highlighted that nurses can attain, maintain, or assert critical thinking through intense guided practice, extensive education requirements, continuing education, and exams for certification, and licensure. The APN should assess Lewis for the side effects of IV ketorolac, signs of sepsis, and shock and intervene.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.

Nurses also violated the ethical principle of patient autonomy when they upheld truthful information from Lewis and her mother. This resulted in failure to rescue (FTR). The concept of patient safety can be helpful there. Florence Nightingale emphasized the need to assist patients in the reparative process by listening to, and addressing their concerns, since suffering is personal and subjective. In the environmental theory, Florence Nightingale explains that the hallmarks of good nursing are using observations from the patients’ immediate environment and acting on them. To promote patient safety and obtain the best outcomes, nurses must place patients in the best condition for nature to act on them. One of the best strategies to put this into practice in Lewis Blackman’s case is by acting as the patient’s advocate with a goal-oriented behavior. The APN should act as a link between the patient, other healthcare providers, engage organizational leadership, and act on the concerns verbalized by the patient.Case Study and Nurse Theorist Discussion Essay.