How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.
You are a DNP graduate who is functioning in an education position in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods. How would you perform a systematic review of the evidence on this subject? How would you design a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete?How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.
How would you perform a systematic review of the evidence on this subject?How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.
The systematic review would be conducted to collect all existing evidence on the subject with the intention of answering a stated research question. An eight step criterion has been identified as appropriate for deciding on the evidence that would be included or excluded in the systematic review. The stepwise approach is intended to improve the reliability of the systematic review results and reduce the risk of bias. The first step will involve formulating a research question that identifies the bounds of the literature of interest. How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.The second step will entail developing a research protocol that identifies the objectives of the review, sources of evidence, eligibility criteria and analysis to be performed. The third step will entail conducting the literature search based on the research protocol identified in the second step. This step would also keep a detailed record of databases and libraries searched, dates in which the search was conducted, search terms, and results obtained. Also, a citation list would be prepared for the evidence(University of Minnesota, 2020). The fourth step will entail screening the studies and evidence collected while keeping a log of included and excluded studies as well as reasons for each decision. The fifth step will appraise each included study with a focus on the research methodology applied to include assignment of subjects into groups. The sixth step will extract the data from the included studies using an extraction form. The seventh step will analyze the results based on strength of treatment effects and meta-analysis. The final step will interpret the results by considering limitations such as bias, strength of evidence, applicability, implications for nursing and healthcare, and economic effects (University of Minnesota, 2020).How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.
How would you design a new clinical practice guideline for the facility once the systematic review is complete?
Designing a new clinical practice guideline is a stepwise process. It begins by translating the results of the systematic review into recommendations. The second step is to appraise the current clinical practice guidelines in the facility and updating them based on the recommendations from the literature review. The third step involves assessing the barriers to implementing the updated clinical practice guidelines and formulating strategies for effectively disseminating the guidelines (Tetreault et al., 2019).How Would you Perform a Systematic Review of the Evidence.