Metaparadigm and Watson Essay

Metaparadigm and Watson Essay

Week 6: Discussion Question 2 – Metaparadigm & Watson Points: 30 | Due Date: Week 6, Day 5 & 7 | CLO: 2 | Grade Category: Discussions Discussion Prompt Take one component in the Metaparadigm of Nursing and identify the concept or concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring that support that Watson wrote a theory of nursing. Expectations Initial Post: Due: Saturday, 11:59 pm PT Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

Metaparadigm theory is a collection of principles and propositions that describes the phenomenon a discipline is dealing with which is the most basic assertion of a discipline and serves as a context through which the more limited systems of models evolve (Fawsett, 1984). Watson’s theory of human caring suggests that caring regenerates existence strengths and triggers our capabilities is therefore immeasurable and also enhances professional and personal self-actualization. Metaparadigm and Watson Essay.

According to Watson, a human being has elements of mind, soul and body and is in fact an articulated entity on the way to being. Nevertheless,    in the Human Caring theory, a person’s moral aspect has a greater meaning (Watson, 2007). An individual is a value-added being whose rationality deserves consideration, support and care. Soul is the greater sense of identity from this perspective, and is related to the cognitive notion of self-actualization. Here, the  humanitarian ontological perspective of Watson moves to a spiritual one, emphasizing that a human being may extend his or her internal healing ability and attain an perceived supernatural and even miraculous encounters through caring situations.

Nursing aspect of the metaparadigm includes providing optimum quality results for the patient in a shared partnership in a very healthy and caring setting, which is why this framework incorporates concepts of experience, expertise, clinical judgment and coordination in order to perform duties and produce the best potential patient health outcome scenario (Watson, 2007). Some of Watson’s ideas involve the use of individuality, patient-identified demands, the act of care and also the moral nature of being alive, but this can help the healthcare providers and their patients create meaning and peace during a time of increasing uncertainty.


Fawcett, J. (1984). The metaparadigm of nursing: Present status and future refinements. Image: the journal of nursing scholarship16(3), 84-87.

Watson, J. (2007). Watson s theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: carative factors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem16(1), 129-135. Metaparadigm and Watson Essay.