Question 1

Question text

When examining USA mortality data by race (white and black), we find:

Select one:

a. Modern baby delivery technology has eliminated differences in infant mortality between white and black babies

b. Since 1995, life expectancy of black people has actually surpassed the life expectancy of white people

c. The gap between mortality rates of white people and black people has completely closed

d. A gap between mortality rates of white people and black people continues to persist


Question 2

Question text

An important function of local public health departments is:

Select one:

a. Conducting ongoing disease surveillance and monitoring

b. Maintaining birth control clinics through Planned Parenthood

c. Providing outpatient medical treatment for chronic diseases

d. Offering dental care to low income citizens

Question 3

Question text

The single greatest source of death one hundred years ago was:

Select one:

a. Chronic diseases

b. Life-style related diseases

c. Infectious diseases

d. Accidents

Question 4

Question text

What role do public health agencies play in coping with terrorism?

Select one:

a. Screening airline passengers to identify possible terrorists

b. Monitoring for potential biological threats and attacks

c. Conducting intelligence efforts overseas to surface potential terrorists

d. Serving on the National Security Council

Question 5

Question text

It is important that policy makers and health care providers be able to measure the access of community members to health care services. Which of the following measures is employed to see whether access is fairly distributed among different segments of the population?

Select one:

a. Hospital bed-to-population ratio

b. Percentage insurance coverage

c. Race and ethnicity/differentials

d. Physician office use measures

Question 6

Question text

Alternative medicine approaches – including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary supplementation – are growing in the United States.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 7

Question text

When considering healthcare policy, which of the following issues is the most significant policy issue facing policy makers today:

Select one:

a. Improving the caliber of education at medical school

b. Employing information systems to improve healthcare delivery

c. Access to health care

d. Treating rare diseases that do not normally receive adequate attention from the medical and research communities

Question 8

Question text

The focus on reducing the impact of diseases once they occur in individual patients is an example of:

Select one:

a. Primary prevention

b. Secondary prevention

c. Tertiary prevention

d. Quaternary prevention

Question 9

Question text

With ambulatory care:

Select one:

a. The importance of hospital-provided services has increased

b. Many services that were traditionally provided on an inpatient basis are now supplied on an outpatient basis

c. Advanced surgical procedures – such as open heart surgery – are performed in the patient’s home

d. The need for health insurance has diminished.

Question 10

Question text

Which of the following best illustrates the statement: “Attitudes have a big impact on care-seeking behavior.”

Select one:

a. Patients who dislike hospitals are slow to pay their bills

b. People who believe that health care services are likely to help them are more likely to seek health care than those who are skeptical of medical practice

c. People who respect their health care provider are likely to share their positive feelings with friends and colleagues

d. People who have a bad experience with one health care provider may switch to another

Question 11

Question text

Thanks to early detection and improved interventions, survival rates for cancer have increased dramatically in the past three decades.


a. true

b. false

Question 12

Question text

The level of funding of Medicaid is strongly affected by increased longevity of the population.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 13

Question text

Which Federal agency is charged with conducting epidemiological investigations of disease outbreaks?

Select one:

a. FDA

b. National Center for Health Statistics

c. Center for Disease Control and Prevention

d. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Question 14

Question text

Expansion of Federal government responsibility expanded dramatically after:

Select one:

a. 1898 – the Spanish American War

b. 1917 – World War I

c. 1935 – Social Security Act

d. 1945 – World War II

Question 15

Question text

The Federal government agency that plays a lead role in testing new medicines, equipment and procedures to assure their safety and efficacy is:

Select one:

a. National Institutes of Health

b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

c. Food and Drug Administration

d. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Question 16

Question text

Divorce can have a significant impact on the provision of health services. Which of the following items exemplifies this? (Remember, we are looking for a significant impact.)

Select one:

a. Divorce can lead to reduced living standards – it becomes harder to afford medical care

b. Divorce can lead to anger between former husbands and wives, which means they won’t likely use the same health care providers that they used before splitting up

c. The cost of getting a divorce can be high, leaving less money to spend on health care needs

d. Divorce strengthens the law profession, a major source of medical malpractice lawsuits

Question 17

Question text

When looking to the future, it is projected that there will be a substantial increase in health care costs in America and other Western countries due to:

Select one:

a. The aging of the population

b. Increased cancer rates tied to increased smoking

c. Government intervention into the health care system

d. Increasing costs of medical technology

Question 18

Question text

Improvements in information technology have enabled policy makers and health care providers to identify deficiencies in health care access that can be remedied. A significant example of such technology is:

Select one:

a. 4G cell phones

b. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

c. Tablet computers, such as the iPad

d. Web 3.0

Question 19

Question text

A truly modern health care system emerged in the Post World War II era, as exemplified by technological advances, improved therapeutic interventions, increased focus on chronic diseases, and:

Select one:

a. Federal government involvement in health services directly

b. Improved diets of the population

c. Introduction of CAT scanning diagnostic procedures

d. Passage of the Social Security Act

Question 20

Question text

The most effective way individuals can affect their health and longevity is to pursue healthy lifestyles.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 21

Question text

Individual physicians make important contributions to maintaining good public health in society through:

Select one:

a. Their financial contributions to health care programs

b. Their active participation in public health societies

c. Their attempts to control health care costs

d. The clinical preventive services they offer

Question 22

Question text

At the outset of the 21st century, which of the following countries spent the largest portion of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on health expenditures?

Select one:

a. Germany

b. United States

c. Mexico

d. United Kingdom

Question 23

Question text

For solo practice physicians to survive, they often need to:

Select one:

a. Affiliate with larger practices, e.g., with hospitals or managed care organizations

b. Purchase more sophisticated technology

c. Provide services to uninsured patients

d. Locate their practices in low income neighborhoods

Question 24

Question text

It is more difficult for young physicians to set up solo practices today than in the past. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SERVICES ASSIGNMENT

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 25

Question text

It is important that policy makers and health care providers be able to measure the access of community members to health care services. Which of the following measures is employed to see whether the health system itself contributes to adequate access?

Select one:

a. Hospital bed-to-population ratio

b. Percentage insurance coverage

c. Race and ethnicity/differentials

d. Physician office use measures

Question 26

Question text

A patient undergoes a battery of diagnostic medical procedures. This is an example of:

Select one:

a. Primary care

b. Secondary care

c. Tertiary care

d. Quaternary care

Question 27

Question text

In recent years, employers have been:

Select one:

a. Increasing employee health benefits

b. Cutting back on employee health benefits

c. Keeping employee health benefits level

d. Supporting legislation to provide more health coverage of employees

Question 28

Question text

Provide the best answer: The increase of domestic population in America is tied to:

Select one:

a. Big increases in illegal immigration – without illegal immigration, population would shrink

b. Rapidly increasing birth rates

c. The excess of deaths over births

d. The excess of births over deaths and immigration

Question 29

Question text

Perhaps the dominant challenge for the future of health care services in the United States will be tied to:

Select one:

a. Dealing with increased immigration

b. Developing more sophisticated medical technologies

c. Reducing the incidence of cancer

d. Providing adequate services to an aging of the population

Question 30

Question text

In the United States, two great steps toward increasing access of poorer people to health care services was the launching of Medicare and Medicaid.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 31

Question text

Perhaps the greatest challenge facing the American health care system today is:

Select one:

a. Introducing more sophisticated medical technology into hospitals

b. Protecting doctors from medical malpractice lawsuits

c. Improving Emergency Medical Technology (EMT) services

d. Providing adequate health care treatment for the uninsured

Question 32

Question text

America’s underperformance in the health services arena is tied to its underinvestment in medicine and health services.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 33

Question text

Advances in healthcare management in recent years have enabled policy makers to promote template health care services that satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 34

Question text

Ambulatory care is a recent phenomenon.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 35

Question text

An important source of information on patients’ use of office visits to see physicians is:

Select one:

a. Surveys conducted of patients as they leave doctors’ offices

b. Telephone surveys of a random sample of the population, asking people about their use of visits to doctors’ office

c. The AARP Patient Patterns Survey

d. The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey

Question 36

Question text

The single greatest source of death today is:

Select one:

a. Chronic diseases

b. Life-style diseases

c. Infectious diseases

d. Accidents

Question 37

Question text

The Federal government agency that plays a lead role in supporting biomedical research is:

Select one:

a. National Institutes of Health

b. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

c. Food and Drug Administration

d. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Question 38

Question text

A surgical team performs heart transplant surgery. This is an example of: INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH SERVICES ASSIGNMENT

Select one:

a. Primary care

b. Secondary care

c. Tertiary care

d. Quaternary care

Question 39

Question text

When looking at data for 1986 to more recent data comparing access of women to important diagnostic services related to medical disorder peculiar to women, we find that access has remained flat.

Select one:

a. true

b. false

Question 40

Question text

An important role employers can play in public health and preventive services is:

Select one:

a. Contributing to worthy causes that promote public health and prevention

b. Maintaining a physician to provide employees with medical services

c. Exhorting their employees to pursue good public health practices

d. Ensuring the safety of their workers through occupational health efforts

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