Group Discussion: Breast Lump on a Female Patient Essays

Group Discussion: Breast Lump on a Female Patient Essays

Discussion Prompt
A 55-year-old menopause female presented to the nurse practitioner’s clinic with c/o of “breast lump” x 2 months. She denies a family history of breast cancer, however, her sister was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and currently undergoing chemotherapy. The patient states that her husband noticed the painless lump on the right side of the breast. She also describes lump as immobile. She also reports that she smokes 1PPD and has never been pregnant. She drinks two cans of beer every night to help her sleep because of her stressful day time job. Group Discussion: Breast Lump on a Female Patient Essays


What risk factors including demographics should the nurse practitioner consider while making a clinical diagnosis for this patient?
What questions should the nurse practitioner ask this patient to elicit a detailed history? (At least five questions to receive full points for this section)
What diagnostic imaging would you consider for this patient?

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