Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay

Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay

Discuss evidence based strategies you would use to meet the learning styles and educational expectations of a multigenerational classroom or educational setting.

Responses/cross posts should be 200 words for each. Students must respond to a minimum of two of their peers’ postings on two different days with at least one current, scholarly reference to support each cross post. Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay I have pasted the discussion below. Reference must be within the past 5 years.


Learning styles and educational expectations of a multigenerational classroom is a focus of interest that is in essence tremendously diverse and unique. The makeup of the classroom contains a variety of different age groups, genders, and personalities, all with different views of thought process, learning styles, and perspectives. Each student brings their unique skill set to the table which contributes to an environment in which learning can flourish amongst class members. The challenge for the educator becomes how to formulate objectives and learning models that maximize and tap into each students learning style through the use of transcending technological advancements while meshing social expectations throughout the generations.  Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay The purpose of this discussion is to address this question through the use of evidence based strategies that will support development and success of generational learning styles within the classroom.

When formulating teaching strategies within a multigenerational classroom it is important to become aware of the developmental stages of the class. Young adulthood is a time in which many developmental challenges begin including the transition out of college into the working class, marriage, and starting families. In terms of teaching strategies, the most neglected aspect of this age group relates to health promotion (Bastable, 2023). Because of the stress and demands of this stage, young adults tend to place less emphasis on healthy eating habits, and physical activity. “The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) found that obesity rates more than tripled from adolescence (11 percent in 1995) to young adulthood (37 percent in 2008). More than one in four of those aged 24-32 had hypertension, 69 percent were prehypertensive, 7 percent had diabetes, and 27 percent were prediabetic”(National Research Council et al., 2014). Teaching strategies would be formulated to address these areas through the use of concepts, such as audiovisual aids, and open group discussion pertaining to parenting, prenatal guidance, dieting, and exercise classes. Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay

Middle aged adulthood is a stage in which some are enjoying the fruits of their labor seeing family succeed, grow, and come into their own, while some are struggling for financial security and taking care of ailing family members. Many

teaching strategies are similar to the young adult group stage which are relate to open discussion, while being aware of potential sources of stress, health risk factors and typical concerns of mid-life.

As an instructor, I would implement high fidelity simulation labs as well as personal response systems in order to accommodate the learning styles of this multidimensional age group. High fidelity simulation labs are comprised of mannikins which are used to mimic actual clinical scenarios, which leads to bolstering student clinical thinking and skill set (Bradshaw, 2021). By incorporating this “hands on approach” it would tailor to the visual aid of the young adult group, while enhancing the technological weaknesses of the older adult group. Moreover, this environment will foster group discussion allowing students to discuss knowledge base to those who are not understanding as easily. This will provide an environment fostering strengths and weaknesses of both generations. Personal response systems are organized systems that are utilized in the classroom amongst larger audiences. Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay Many instructors acquire “clickers” in response to questions delivered in the classroom by instructors. “The clicker methodology, in combination with the question cycle, is designed to increase active learning”(Fitzpatrick et al., 2011). I would utilize this approach, as well as follow up questions in regards to how they came to their answer in order to obtain their confidence level. This ensures the “why” of the answer they chose. By constructing thoughtful questions that are multiple choice constructed, clicker questions can be the catalyst for open discussion amongst class members. Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay

In conclusion, applying these teaching methods will allow for open group discussion that will ultimately contribute to the learning styles amongst the multigenerational classroom. By combining these techniques and promoting a classroom allowing each voice to be heard, the students will benefit from each students knowledge base while fostering an environment that is exciting to learn in. Learning Styles And Educational Expectations of a Multigenerational Educational Setting Essay