The Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay

The Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay

Directions: Write a 3 – 4 page paper (not including the Title page and Reference Page) on a select topic. You must provide at least three peer-reviewed references no older than five years old.

The topic for the First Scholarly Paper is “Nurses’ Barriers to Self-care.” The Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay

Self-care is a part of the Code of Ethics for Nurses. The problem is that many nurses do not engage in self-care practice.


Evaluation criteria
1. Explanation of the issue:

The background is comprehensive, relevant, and considered critically. The main idea (thesis) is clear and based upon current literature. The Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay

2. Evidence:

Cites scholarly sources. Interprets, analyzes, and questions the viewpoints of the evidence. Evidence supports the main idea.

3. Creativity:

The argument is imaginative and considers the complexities of the issue. Makes connections between own ideas and the ideas of others. Integrates evidence into persuasive arguments. Limitations are acknowledged.

4. Conclusion:

Insightful analysis based upon the evidence and main idea. The conclusion is logical and reflects the understanding of the evidence. Proposes direction of future inquiry or plans relevant to the issue.

5. Scholarliness:

Follows APA style. Considers the audience. Well organized. Uses academic writing style and decorum. Adheres to standard English. The Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay