Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay

Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay

Assignment Instructions – Choose One Case Study.
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Case Study #1: Chest Pain

CHIEF COMPLAINT: “I have pain in my chest ” x 1 day Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay


History of present illness:

Mr. Fern is a 55-year-old advertising executive who comes to the emergency room complaining of pain in his chest and arm which began one hour ago. He describes the pain as pressure under the sternum that radiates into his left arm and up into his jaw. On a scale of 1 to 10 he rates it as a 7 in intensity. He feels short of breath. He has had similar symptoms during the last two weeks, but these episodes have lasted for 5 to 10 minutes at the most. He noticed that the symptoms are brought on by climbing the stairs and are relieved with rest. Right now, he reports nausea and diaphoresis. He was given sublingual nitroglycerin by the triage nurse in the emergency room, which has helped to ease the pain. Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay

Vital Signs: BP 160/100 mmHg in both arms; heart rate 85 bpm and regular; respiratory rate 28 breaths/minute; temperature 98.7°F

1. What additional questions would you ask Mr. Fern and why?

2. Which parts of the physical exam would you like to perform? Explain your rationale for selecting those parts

general survey

breasts and axilla

vital signs

male genitalia Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay


head and neck

anus, rectum, and prostate

thorax and lungs

peripheral vascular/extremities




nervous system



3. Based on this information, list three differential diagnosis? Explain your rationale for each diagnosis. Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay

4. What tests or labs would you order for this patient and why?


Requirements Textbook and Resources:
Bickley, L. S., Szilagyi, P. G., Hoffman, R. M., & Soriano, R. P. (2021). Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and history taking (13th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Dains, J. E., Scheibel, P., & Baumann, L. C. (2023). Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care (7th ed.). ELSEVIER – HEALTH SCIENCE. Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain Essay