Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay

Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay

The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the opportunity to engage with persons from a different cultural background than the student. Using the Andrews/Boyle Transcultural Assessment Guide for Individuals and Families (Appendix p. 429-437), the student will conduct an interview with a colleague, friend, or neighbor from a different cultural background than the student. The student will compare and contrast the interviewee’s responses to what is found in the professional literature about that cultural group. Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay  The student will share these findings with his classmates in a PowerPoint presentation WITHOUT identifying the interviewee’s name. This assignment meets the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards 1-5.


Presentations and peer comments are to be posted to the discussion board in the Presentation Discussion forum. Post your presentation by creating a new thread and title it by your last name, first name (example: Boyd LaQuesha Presentation).

Using the Andrews/Boyle Transcultural Assessment Guide for Individuals and Families (Appendix p. 429-437), please address the following:
1. Describe the interviewee’s Cultural Affiliation. Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay
a. What cultural group(s) does the interviewee report affiliation?
b. To what degree does the interviewee identify with the cultural group?
c. Where was the interviewee born?
d. Where has he or she lived?
e. If immigrated to the U. S., what were the reasons?
2. Present interviewee’s responses to three (3) questions you are to choose from one (1) of the following areas:
• Three (3) questions about health-related beliefs and practices (p. 431-432) OR
• Three (3) questions about nutrition (p. 432-433) OR
• Three (3) questions about values orientation (p. 433-434)
3. Compare & contrast the interviewee’s answers to what is in the professional literature. Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay
4. What are the nursing implications for patient assessment and monitoring, and cross-cultural communication?
5. A minimum of two (2) professional references OTHER than your text is required to support the content of your presentation. Professional references (sources) are articles less than 5 years old from professional journals, professional textbooks less than 5 years old, governmental websites, institutions of higher learning websites and position papers from professional healthcare organizations. All references used must meet the criteria for professional references unless you have received permission from the instructor to use a specific source. Citations must appear on the slide or in the speakers notes AND be included on a complete reference list slide or slides.
6. The presentation must be organized and logical with title, focus, & objectives clearly stated.
7. The script is easy to read.
8. There is creative use of visual aids and color to enhance presentation. Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay
9. Post one (1) peer comment to another student’s presentation demonstrating knowledge of subject matter. You must use a cited professional reference in your peer comment (in-text citation AND complete reference list) in order to receive full credit. Transcultural Nursing assessment Guide for Individuals And Families Essay