Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay

Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay

Discussion response should be at least 200 words and include 2 references written within the past 5 years. The discussion is listed below:

Computerized clinical decision systems represent a paradigm shift in healthcare today (Sutton, et al., 2020). Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay Clinical decision systems (CDS) are commonly administered through electronic medical records and other computerized clinical workflows, which has been facilitated by increasing global adoptions of electronic medical records with advanced capabilities( Sutton, et al., 2020). Clinical decision support systems are intended to improve healthcare delivery and quality care by enhancing medical decisions with targeted clinical knowledge, patient information, cost containment, and integrating /aggregating data to improve healthcare delivery. CDS are not used to replace physician clinical judgment but rather to enhance and augment their cognitive efforts. Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay


CDS are composed of algorithms used to model clinical decisions as data is made available. CDS can display relevant knowledge from expert analysis, and provide computerized guidelines. CDS can better facilitate order sets, patient data reports, documentation templates, and clinical workflow tools. These digital tools could also assist with setting criteria for clinical trials or for research. CDS will provide evidence-based practice that reinforces quality care.

The process of applying knowledge, skills, and expertise in the clinical field through clinical decision is a work of art in the nursing profession in promoting patients’ safety in the course of delivering routine nursing interventions (Guerrero, 2019). Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay To drive the art and science of care, compassionate care is related to improved well-being results, better concordance to prevention and management commendations, lesser medical errors, lesser expenses, and improved patient family health care experiences ( Guerrero, 2019). The art and science of nursing must be embedded with sound reasoning, judgment, appropriate decision-making, precise judgement preventing iatrogenic harm to the receipt of care while achieving high levels of wellness. Nurses must be enlightened that clinical reasoning, clinical decision-making, and clinical judgment are the key elements in providing safe patient care (Guerrero, 2019). Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay

As the healthcare landscape evolves, CDS can assist in reducing costs without sacrificing quality care. Unnecessary or inappropriate care accounts for a significant amount of overall healthcare spending. This system can suggest cheaper drug alternatives, and by spotting duplicated tests. CDS can save hospitals thousands of dollars by alerting them to cases of excessive medical testing. Clinicians must always know that these systems are not without risk, common pitfalls, or possible harm. Clinical decision systems can drive and help in the effort to replicate and disseminate successful CDS systems. Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay

In what ways are CDS systems moving beyond “alerts and reminders” to include tools that critique decisions, anticipate relevant information needs, and suggest therapeutic interventions? How do patient safety, quality of care, and economic interests contribute to the need to identify CDS best practices and to quantify effective CDS practice? There is a drive to make CDS more of a science than an art- what do you interpret this to mean? How can this drive help in the effort to replicate and disseminate successful CDS systems? Model Clinical Decisions as Data is Made Available Essay