Group Discussion: HEENT Review of Systems Example Essay

Group Discussion: HEENT Review of Systems Example Essay

After completing the HEENT physical assessment video from your mandatory readings. You will have the opportunity to document a physical examination utilzing two different scenarios. The first scenario will be a video of a normal HEENT examination and the second scenario will be an abnormal throat examination. Group Discussion: HEENT Review of Systems Example Essay


Complete the assigned readings and video presentations for this module. You have been presented with two scenarios: a normal HEENT examination and an abnormal HEENT examination (specifically the throat).

2. Using the IPPA model, document a typical HEENT examination (Hint: Inspection, Palpation, Percussion (if indicated), and Auscultation.

3. Document the abnormal HEENT examination using the IPPA model after viewing the second clinical scenario. This video focuses on the throat. Document your physical examination findings for the throat examination. It is important to note that even though you are documenting on the throat examination specifically, you will still have to begin with documentation of the Head, Eyes, Ears, and Nose. In addition to documenting the abnormal examination of the throat, your other organs of the HEENT system will also have normal examinations (Hint- Do not document normal or WNL, be specific.  Group Discussion: HEENT Review of Systems Example Essay Document in a systematic manner. Start with the Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and then the throat examination).

4. Your initial discussion post should have two subheadings. Normal HEENT Examination and Abnormal HEENT Examination. Post an initial discussion post and respond to at least two of your peers.

5. For each discussion, you must create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. Group Discussion: HEENT Review of Systems Example Essay