Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay

Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay


You will develop a plan for a Quality Improvement/Patient Safety project for this assignment. You will write the pieces of the plan listed in your paper guide/rubric.

Your first assignment is to write the first part of a project plan.  Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay The guide (and grading) for this paper is here in this assignment as well as in Module 1. My rubrics are different from typical rubrics because they are designed to give you lots of information about how to do your papers. The assigned readings in Module 1, and the lectures will tell you a lot about how to develop a project plan, so plan to do your readings and listen to the taped lectures so that you know how to do the assignment. Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay]


Student Name:
Plan Component Possible Points Earned Points
1. Project Name 5
2. Project Description
a. Narrative Description of what this project is. Narrative Description of what this project is. What are you going to do in this project, and why is this important to do? What is the purpose of doing this project? 15
3. Specific Outcomes of the project
a. Will the outcome be a product, a service, a process, or something else? Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay
b. For whom is the project being done? For example, a new product for customers, a new internal service to employees such as an employee mental health counseling service, or a new clinical protocol for treating depression in teenagers? 15
4. Scope of the Project
a. Impacted systems, processes, people
b. Relevant boundaries of the project
c. Project constraints (resources, time, people, administrative support, staff support, conflicting demands, existing policies & procedures, or rules, etc.)
(Note: The Scope is going to affect Item 8: Who has the authority to give written approval for the project) 15
5. Stakeholders:
Who are all the internal and external stakeholders, and for each, what position are they in relative to the project manager? For example, are they future customers of the business and have no direct contact with the project manager? Are they work colleagues who need this project to improve their work in some way? Are they managers for whom the project might make them look very good if successful and very bad if not successful? 15
6. Start and end dates 5 Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay
7. Frequency and schedule of team meetings?
a. How often will the team meet?
b. When (day/week/month and time of meetings)
c. Where will the team meet? 10
8. Specification of the individuals who must approve the project plan, resources, team members, and other aspects of the plan. This is usually the Project Administrator. 10
9. Quality of writing in this paper 5
10. Use of APA format in this paper 5 Treating Depression in Teenagers Essay