Patient With An Accurate Diagnosis And Treatment Plan Essay

Patient With An Accurate Diagnosis And Treatment Plan Essay

“Patient JB, 39 yo Caucasian female, is seen by her care provider for a complaint of productive cough, weakness, and “I just haven’t felt good for the past 2 weeks.” The care provider completes an assessment of listening to her lungs by having her take 2 deep breaths and informs her that her lungs are clear and to take OTC cough medication and hydrate well. The next day, JB feels worse and visits a different care provider who at this time, assesses her head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, auscultates her heart sounds and hears a murmur (which she did not know she had), auscultates her lungs by having her to take 4 deep breaths, performs percussion techniques, and tells her there is fluid on her lungs, examines her lower extremities and notices that there is bilateral 2+ pitting edema, and lastly, reviews her vital signs and tells her that her heart rate is 120, respirations are 22, and she has a temp of 101. Patient With An Accurate Diagnosis And Treatment Plan Essay



1.) Is the health history about the patient’s complaint thorough?

2.) Which provider’s examination would provide the patient with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan?

3.) What diagnoses (we call them differential diagnoses) would be considered, and how would you rule them out to come up with an actual diagnosis? Patient With An Accurate Diagnosis And Treatment Plan Essay