Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Assignment Overview
Involves engagement in activities to build an understanding of skills in EBP concept appraisal and analysis related to advanced practice. Students will interact with the concepts analysis process and appreciate the value of appropriate theory evaluation for utilization in practice. Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Follow direction to engage in EBP concept evaluation and analysis process. Three selections of published concept analysis references are provided for you for this process.



EBP Concept Analysis Guideline/Direction:

Select one of the three articles provided to complete an EBP/Advanced practice concept analysis. Prepare your review using concept analysis table/guideline provided Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Schaefer, J. D., & Welton, J. M. (2018). Evidence based practice readiness: A concept analysis. Journal of nursing management, 26(6), 621–629. to an external site. ( to an external site.)
Chiwaula CH, Chinkhata M, Kamera H, Haruzivishe C (2018) Evidence-Based Practice: A Concept Analysis. Health Syst Policy Res Vol. 5 No.3: 75. to an external site.)
Laibhen-Parkes N. (2014). Evidence-based practice competence: a concept analysis. International journal of nursing knowledge, 25(3), 173–182. to an external site. ( to an external site.)

NGR5110: Concept Analysis Report Table & Criteria Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

After reading your selected article, use the table below to report your review information. Evaluator will score from zero to full value, the extent to which the response addressed each stated criterion: Exceptionally addressed; Mostly addressed; Partially addressed; Mostly not addressed; or Not addressed.

Requirements For Review

Response Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay


Citation of reviewed article in APA format:

Citation of the concept analysis process/method used in the article (Cite in APA format):

Identify concept/s analyzed in the article

Author’s rationale for choosing this concept for analysis.
Include the stated purpose.

What specific steps were implemented in the analysis process?

Data source: Describe process used in the literature search.
(2) Include description of search terms, database/s, article or research included in the analysis. Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Data synthesis: Describe the data synthesis process used in the report.

Report the result of the concept analysis.

Describe clearly the operational definition derived or proposed for the concept.
Is the definition a meaningful and appropriate derivation from the analysis? Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay

Explain how the information derived from the concept analysis will benefit nursing practice?

Describe your big take-away about evidence-based practice from reviewing the concept analysis report you selected.
Which specific step of the process do you find most interesting and why?

Propose a concept of your interest relevant to the advanced practice role for future analysis. Provide rationale. Advanced Practice Role For Future Analysis Essay